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The Christianity path to and the Legitimization under Constantine from persecuted minority to official Imperial Religion .

The triumph of Christianity comes up as a very remarkable historical phenomenon ... 

Christianity starts as a small group from the backwaters of the Roman Empire and after two , three centuries go by , that same group and its descendants took over the Roman Empire and became the official Religion , in fact the only tolerated religion , of the Roman Empire by the end of the 4th century .

That was a truly remarkable development , and a monumental historical problem , trying to understand today how this happened . Of course, pious Christians / devouted Christians have no doubt about how or why it happened : 

"This is the hand of God working in history ." as they put it always . And the Christians of antiquity already made this very point ; the fact that Christianity triumphed is proof of its truth . May be , same way , Political Parties triumph over and a history line is made up .

For historians , that answer , while may be correct on one level , on another level it is not entirely satisfactory . Historians would like to find other explanations for the triumph of Christianity and indeed , ever since Gibbon wrote his famous history , historians have been trying to understand what it was exactly that pushed Christianity to the top . One single historian cannot answer that question , but we can clearly identify various stages from the subtle writings on the path of Christianity to its ultimate victory. ...

In its first stage, Christianity in its beginings was not as a Religion , No really No . It begins rather as the movement of people around a single charismatic Teacher or Preacher , it's hard to know what noun to use exactly here . But we call him a Holy man who attracted a crowd of disciples who followed him and his various wanderings as he did his healings , as he did his teachings . But this holy man winds up in Jerusalem and ends up executed by the Authorities , probably as a trouble maker , so , somebody who's best off dead , rather than alive because alive , who knows what may happen ? He's a threat to the Social order . He's best off executed then .

This is how Christianity begins . It very rapidly turns into something different . What began as a kind of ratter-tag assembly of followers of a holy man turns into what we might call a Jewish sect , a group of Jews which now has interpreted the life , teachings and death of its Holy man somehow as having Cosmic significance , as having meaning for all time , not just for the specific moment , but somehow affecting God's relationship with the Jews and ultimately with the whole world .... This then is a Jewish sect or a Jewish school , which you might say is the next stage in the development . Nothing else to go beyond that .

After that , the next stage may be represented by Paul , who then takes this Jewish school , this Jewish philosophy , this Jewish sect , and now says that the teachings of this sect are such that the entire map of the world needs to be redrawn , so that we now no longer have the simple dichotomy of Jews and Gentiles and we no longer simply have a Jewish school arguing with other Jews about interpretations of law and theology . We now have , Paul says , a new Map of the World . Our teachings have within them the secret to understanding the new cosmic Order . So that the old distinctions between Jews and Gentiles are now obliterated . They have been supplanted by a new and truer and more Wonderful and more Beautiful Map in which we have a new Israel that will embrace both Jews and Gentiles , all those who now accept the new covenant and the new faith . This is Paul , who in his teachings has the beginnings of what we might call the breaking out of Christianity from Jewish social setting. ...

This of course takes place gradually over the next several decades well into the 2nd century.... It doesn't happen everywhere all at once , in the same way . It's a complex , protracted process . And we must allow for variety ; the place of Christianity , let's say in the year 100 CE ( Chritian Era ) , may not be the same in Egypt / Africa as it is in Judah . It may not be the same in Rome as it is in Asia Minor . Then we get ask ourselves constantly - How did the Christians see themselves ? How did the Jews see the Christians ? How did the Gentiles see the Christians ? How did each of these groups understand the other and how they fit into the larger society ? And the answers may not be the same anyway .

There's no guarantee that the Christians and the Jews necessarily looked at each other in the same way at any given moment . Here we have to allow for a wide variety of opinions . But the tendency , nonetheless , we think is very clear : Christianity started becoming less "Jewish" and was becoming into something new and different. ...

For some Christians , they believe , this never happens . They can't bring themselves to say that God has thoroughly redrawn the Map of the cosmos and has taken them out of the Jewish world and pushed them out into the stage of history . ... Other Christians , of course , disagree with Paul on exactly how to read this new Map and exactly what it means , and most importantly , where do the Jews fit in now , those Jews who are "being left behind."... But , in any case , the Christian church itself was now emerging as a new , independent group by the middle of the 2nd century. …


The second century of our era was /is the age of definition before Christianity . Now that it realized it no longer was Judaism , or no longer was a form of Judaism , it had to figure out , well then , what is it exactly ? What is Christianity ? What makes it not Judaism , what makes it not Jewish ? How is it able to somehow at one and the same time hold on to the Jewish Scriptures , what we call the Old Testament , and still not be Judaism , and still not be Jewish ? This was one of the major questions confronting Christian thinkers , scribers/writers , church leaders in the second century . This was the great age of Christian diversity , sects , schools , heresies of all kinds , confronting Christian thinkers , and it was only in the second century that we begin to see the emergence of what we might call an Orthodoxy , or something that might simply be called "Christianity" in a kind of uniform body of doctrines and text , that is to say, the New Testament. The New Testament as a collection of texts is a product of the second century , as the church figured out which books are sacred, which books are authoritative and which ones are not. ...

By the third century of our era, we have something called Christianity with its own sacred books, its own rituals, its own ideas, but this is the great age of confrontation with the Roman Empire. The third century, of course, the great age of persecutions , where the Roman Empire now wakes up and realizes that there is something new , and from their perspective , sinister , afoot in new groups that are threatening the social order and ultimately the political order of the Empire . And the Roman Empire was correct . The Romans correctly intuited that the victory of Christianity would mean the end of the Roman Empire , the end of the classical world. ... We often think of persecution , of course , in a Christian perspective . We see it as heroic martyrs confronting the might of Rome , which is true . And the martyrs are indeed a wonderful spectacle and do present a wonderful demonstration of Christian faith . That is certainly true. By the same token, we must realize that the Roman Empire was doing what all bureaucracies do. Perfectly True : It was trying to protect itself , trying to perpetuate itself.... what else could it do ?

The Romans tried to beat down Christianity but failed . By the fourth century Christianity becomes the State Religion and by the end of the fourth century it is illegal to do any form of public worship other than Christianity in the entire Roman Empire. There is a great Hystery in how this happened -- how such an extraordinary reversal , that begins with Jesus who is executed by the Romans as a Public Criminal , as a threat to the social order, and somehow winding up three centuries later with Jesus being hailed as a God, as part of the one , true God who is the God of the new Christian Roman Empire . There is a remarkable progress , a remarkable development in the course of three centuries . ... It's hard to understand exactly how it happened or why it happened , but it is important to realize that we have a progression and a set of developments , and that Christianity by the fourth century is not the same as the Christianity that we see in the first or even the second .



One of the most surprising Christian heroes in the entire tradition , can be accounted on  ,I think , is Constantine . He is , first of all , a successful Military General . He is also the son of a successful Military General and as the Head of the Army at the West . And he's fighting another successful General , struggling for who is going to be at the top of the Heap of the very Higher Echelons of Roman Government . What happens is that Constantine has a vision . Luckily for the Church , there's a bishop nearby to interpret what the vision means . Constantine ends not converting , technically , to Christianity , but becoming a Patron of one particular branch of the Church . It happens to be the branch of the Church that has the Old Testament as well as the New Testament as part of its Canon. Which means that since this branch of Christianity includes the story about Historical Israel as part of its own redemptive history , it has an entire language for articulating the relationship of Government and piety . It has the model of King David . It has the model of the kings of Israel . And it's with this Governmental model that the Bishop explains the vision to Constantine .

In a sense Constantine becomes the embodiment of the righteous King . And once he consolidates his power by conquering , eventually , not only the West , but also the Greek East where there were many more Christians [who are] concentrated in the cities , which are the Social power packets of this culture , [He] is in this amazing position of having a theology of Government that he can use to consolidate his own secular power . And it works both ways . The Bishops now have basically federal funding to have sponsored committee meetings so they can try to iron out creeds and get everybody to sign up.


One of the first things Constantine does, as emperor, is start persecuting other Christians. The Gnostic Christians are targeted...and other dualist Christians . Christians who don't have the Old Testament as part of their Canon are targeted . The list of enemies goes on and on. There's a kind of internal purge of the church as one emperor ruling one empire tries to have this single Church as part of the Religious Musculature of his vision of a renewed Rome . And it's with this theological vision in mind that Constantine not only helps the Bishops to iron out a unitary policy of what a true Christian believes , but he also , interestingly , turns his attention to Jerusalem , and rebuilds Jerusalem just as a righteous King should do. But what Constantine does is take the city , which was something of a backwater , and he begins to build beautiful Basilicas and Architecturally ambitious Projects in the city itself . The Sacred space of the Temple Mount he abandons . It's not reclaimable . And what he does is to Religiously relocate the center of gravity of the city around the places where Christ had suffered, where he had been Buried , or where he had been Raised . So that in the great Basilicas that he built, Constantine has a new Jerusalem , that's Splendid and Beautiful and... his reputation as an Imperial Architect resonates with Great Figures in Biblical History like David and Solomon . In a sense , Constantine is a non-apocalyptic Messiah for the church. … especially for the Catholic Church .

The Bishops are terribly grateful for this kind of Imperial attention . It's not the western Middle Ages . The lines of power are unambiguous . Constantine is absolutely the source of Authority . And there's no question about that . But the Bishops are able to take advantage of Constantine's mood and his curious intellectual interest in things like Christology and the Trinity and Church Organization. They're able to have Bibles copied at Public expense. They are finally able to have Public Christian Architecture and Big Basilicas. So there's a comfortable symbiotic relationship between the empire and the church , one that , in a sense , is what defines the cultural powerhouse of Europe and the West .


There's this sentence in the Gospel about rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's . Jesus said that in the context of a Pagan Caesar . Once Caesar is Christian , the things line up differently . While Bishops are Religious figures and you don't have a figure like a Bishop King, the way you have in Plato , say a philosopher King or something like that , there's a kind of theologizing of Secular Power and a Secularization of Episcopal Power . Somebody like Augustine functions as a Roman Magistrate,  as much as he is a Premier theologian and Religious figure . ...

There's a beautiful mosaic in Ravenna, a city in northern Italy , the MOSAIC is of a beautiful , very handsome , well muscled , beardless man . He's dressed in a Roman officer's uniform . And he's stepping on the head of a lion , and he's holding a standard writing . And the Standard says in Latin, "I am the way . The truth . And the life." and when you ask many people around as they can not read  Latin perhaps ," Who's this in picture ?" And they only can guess , the answer they give is "The Roman Emperor ." But it's not . It's a picture of Jesus .


Who is Eusebius?

Eusebius was the Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine in the 4th century , and he played a very active role in Church Politics at the time. He was at the Council of Nicea, which was the first major ecumenical council. And he had contact with the Emperor Constantine . So he was a very prominent figure . He's most important , as the first Church Historian . He wrote several things during his long and active lifetime including a history of the martyrs of Palestine , a collection of Prophetic texts . But the most important work is his Ecclesiastical history , which describes the development of the Church down through his own period , and then the persecutions which took place in the first decade of the fourth century and finally the vindication of the church with the accession of Constantine and his rise to Supreme Power. ...

Eusebius is , first of all , valuable as an Historian because he preserves a large number of sources that are not available in other forms . He clearly has an axe to grind and that axe has to do with the the status of Christians and their relationship with the Imperial Authorities.

Constantine, whom Eusebius describes later in "A Life of Constantine" and also in an Oration on an important occasion later in his career , is a magnificent Ruler endowed by God with wisdom , insight and a Divine Mission to vindicate the Church and to bring the Church and the State into Unity. And so Constantine is viewed by Eusebius as a figure of God's Will in human history .

And how does Eusebius portray Constantine?

Constantine would have been conceived by Eusebius and portrayed by Eusebius in magnificent terms . And you have to understand that Constantine , when Eusebius portrays him , is someone who had just achieved total domination over the whole of the Roman Empire. And he was a figure of Commanding Stature, of Commanding Power and Authority , a figure who by the year 324 had no rivals within the Roman world . And so clothed in imperial garments and radiating the splendor of the sun , he appears in the portraits of Eusebius in some ways as a quasi-divine figure. … The Amon – Ra of Egypt / Africa .


What exactly was / is the Council of Nicea?

The Council of Nicea, which took place in 325 , was a response to a crisis that developed in the church over the teachings of a presbyter/or priest , of the Church in Alexandria in Egypt . And his teachings suggested that Jesus was not fully divine , that Jesus was certainly a supernatural figure of some sort , but was not God in the fullest sense . His opponents included a fellow who came to be Bishop of Alexandria , Anthanasius , and the folk on that side of the divide insisted that Jesus was fully divine . The Council of Nicea was called to try to mediate that dispute , and the Council did come down on the side of the full divinity of Jesus . It all boils down to one iota of difference . And the debates in the 4th century about the status of Jesus have to do with the Greek word that exemplifies the problem . One party said that Jesus was homo usias with the Father , that is of the same being or substance as the Father . The other party, the Arian party , argued that Jesus was homoi usias with the father , inserting a single letter "i" into that word. So the difference between being the same and being similar to was the heart of the debate over Arianism. And the Council of Nicea resolved that the proper teaching was that Jesus was of the same being as the Father .

Nota bene : The name Jesus or Isa is so much twisted but originally is out of the origines of ISIS : a Goddess in Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs, whose worship spread all over ......

Who called the Council of Nicea?

The Emperor Constantine was the moving force in the Council and he, in effect, called it in order to solve this dispute. He did so because at that time he had just completed his consolidation of Authority over the whole of the Roman Empire. Up until 324, he had ruled only half of the Roman Empire. And he wanted to have uniformity of belief , or at least not major disputes within the church under his Rule . And so he was dismayed to hear of this controversy that had been raging in Alexandria for several years before his assumption of total Imperial control . And in order to dampen that controversy he called the Council of Nicea ----




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THE JEWS SAY : " If you repudiate us , you repudiate the Savior whom we gave you !"

1. Why did God create such a difference between Jew and Gentile, so that the Jew is at once recognized, no matter what race he lives among ?

Answer :   God did not create any essential difference between Jew and Gentile . The difference between Jew and Gentile is a man-made thing entirely . It has arisen from the fact that over the generations the Priests, Pcribes , and Rabbis of the Jews have compiled a great mass of racial and religious instruction which the Jewish baby imbibes with its mother's milk . This racial and religious instruction impresses upon each new Jewish child, from the moment it first begins to understand the Hebrew tongue that it has been born into a race that is "different" from the other races of mankind , that it has been born into a "better" race, and that by comparison with the people of the Jewish race , the people of all the other races are likened to mere cattle and animals. However , unfortunately while the people of the Jewish race are "better," at the same time they are fewer in number . So ,being the smarter and yet in the minority, the members of the Jewish race suffer "persecution" which comes from naught else than the jealousy of the more populous races , who are resentful that the "better" and "smarter" Jews best them at every turn . Such is the psychology in which the Jewish child is reared , and after a time he builds a defense mechanism against the results of it . He looks at the members of all other races as his "enemies" and is in a state of subconscious antagonism with them . God has had nothing to do with it . It is a case of race psychology that has gained such a terrific momentum up through the ages that no one Jew can arrest or change it .

2. How did the Jews come to have such strange traditions setting them apart , racially and religiously, from the Gentiles ?

Answer :   When Moses led the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt , he is traditionally credited with having introduced a strange custom for the perpetuation of his One-God religious ideas and the priesthood that was intended to keep them alive in the hearts of the Israelites . He laid it down as a law that the first-born son of every Hebrew family should be dedicated to the priestly calling , also that one-tenth of the resources of every family should be donated for the upkeep of such priesthood . Now for one boy out of every family to be qualified as a priest , or "cohen" — from which so many modern Jews get the surname Cohen — meant that over a long period of time the numbers of priests must become prodigious . There were so many of them , in fact , that they came to be recognized as a caste , called Levites . Incidentally from Levites we get the many variations or names suc  as Levi , or Levy , that designate today's Jews . These formidable numbers of priests came eventually to make the Hebrews the worst priest-ridden people on the face of the earth . They had to be supported , and anything that in any way threatened their priestly jobs , met with swift and fierce opposition . The only way that they could preserve these jobs , was by enforcing a rigid solidarity and racial consciousness among the masses , and binding them tight to the priestly counsel . The only way such solidarity and racial consciousness could be created and maintained in turn , was to so interpret religion — or what passed for religion — that the populace could not perform the simplest acts of daily life without having the priestly interpretation of it , and making the people feel that such priests were indispensable . This was accomplished by training the people to think that they were "different ," and thus creating the barrier between them and members of other races in consequence . As the priests were likewise the only learned men , and in charge of the Israelite traditions , they could interject into those traditions what they pleased  if it only impressed upon their people a sense of the priestly importance , that they the Israelites  were the truly great people and those beloved of the Creator , and that the priests were unchallenged leaders over them . Today we would term such monopoly a racket, because basically it was built on priestly gain and power. In other words, whatever enhanced the racial and spiritual solidarity of this people , enhanced the influence and indispensability of the priestly caste . So in teaching the Israelites to think that they were "different" and "better" the priests were feathering their own nests and making their jobs sure-fire and profitable . So Israelite  and later Jewish traditions became what they are today . It is ingrained into the Jew to think himself "different," and "better," and the Priest-Rabbi now has such a hold over him that he cannot be a Jew without acknowledging the Priest-Rabbi influence in the most trivial of his daily acts. The Christian Priests have learnt and adopt the same behaviour .


Meanwhile Christianity is rooted in Second Temple Judaism , but the two religions diverged in the first centuries of the Christian Era. Since the Ecumenical Councils , with the first held in 325 , Christendom places emphasis on correct belief (or orthodoxy), focusing on the New Covenant that  the Christian Triune God / Trinity , the Godhead in Christianity / triple deities made through Jesus Christ , as recorded in the New Testament . Judaism places emphasis on the right conduct (or orthopraxy), focusing on the Mosaic Covenant that the God of Israel made with the Israelites , as recorded in the Torah and Talmud .

Christians obtain individual salvation from sin through repentance of sin and receiving Jesus Christ as their God and Savior through faith and grace . Jews individually and collectively participate in an eternal dialogue with God through tradition , rituals , prayers and ethical actions . Christianity worships a Triune God, one person of whom is also human . Judaism emphasizes the Oneness of God and rejects the Christian concept of God in human form . 

3. Should we say that Jews are members of a race or followers of a Religion?

Answer :   The Jews, according to blood-tests made in English laboratories , belong to one of the divisions of the oriental or yellow-branch of the human family . Biologically , or anthropologically , they are not a race unto themselves — as the Finns , the Britons , the Latins , or the Negroes . 

Strange to relate , and contrary to popular notion , the Jew has no physical characteristics but his basic Mongoloid stock to mark him out as to which division of the species he belongs . The great hooked nose or "schnozzle" of the Ashkenazic Jew , is a feature that he acquired by cross-breeding over untold generations with the Assyrians . So the Jews of today are orientals who have been kept politically intact throughout the earth by a clan consciousness derived from the peculiarities of their common Mosaic faith . Jews have crossbred with other races to such an extent that there is almost no such thing today as a pure-blooded Jew . Anthropologically the Jew is a Racial Hybrid , wherever we find him . That is why he no longer welds together politically or sets up a strictly Jewish nation . It is the more nearly correct thing to say that the Jew is the follower of a Religion — and a particularly formalized and debased religion at that — and any claim to membership in a "race" is spurious .

4. If the Jew is the follower of a Religion, why does it cause him so much inconvenience or harassment as against the followers of other Religions ?

Answer :   Strictly speaking, it does not. There are hundreds of religions being practiced in the world today , and the devotees of each are quite as fanatical and defensive of their tenets of faith as the Jew — speaking now of the orthodox Jew. What seems to be inconvenience and harassment resulting to the Jew from his religion, visited upon him of course by other races and devotees of other faiths , is the debased character of his concepts in regard to God and humanity that are not religious so much as theological. Here again a plethora of priests is responsible . Having , as we might put it , nothing else to occupy their time , and being insistent on making themselves indispensable to this particular people , these priests have "laid down the law" to a minute detail that in the estimate of other religionists is little short of ridiculous . For instance , it is a religious "sin" for a Jewish family to have butter on the table if they also have lard . So many white hairs must be counted on a cow's pelt in order to truthfully call the beast a "white" cow — such absurdities became priestly designations . There is no act of the strictly orthodox Jew's life , from the instant he awakens in the morning till he closes his eyes at night , that his priests have not prescribed for him as to what is right and what is wrong , what is "sin" and what is "keeping the law ." As a result , his religion has lost all its spontaneous spirituality. And a theology without inherent spirituality soon begins to present a blunted or distorted moral code . This in time becomes no code at all . Finally when the psychopathy of this plethora of priests begins to tell the Israelites that it is altogether "moral" for him to lie and cheat and steal — if it be done to a human being who is not an Israelite — the devotees of such an unmoral or non-spiritual cult are bound to land in plenty of social trouble with their neighbors . And such atrocious tenets are precisely what the Talmuds , or Jewis rabbinical writings , do teach — although it is not here the intent to swell my writing with the authenticating Talmudic quotations. The latter can be procured in a special booklet giving these atrocious quotations and naught else.

5. What is the Talmud?

 Answer :   The Talmud is the name given to the fundamental code of the Jewish civil and canonical law as compiled by various Rabbis, or schools of Theological writers , after and since the destruction of the first Temple at Jerusalem . It comprises the Mishna and the Gemara. The Mishna is the canonical text , the Gemara is the commentary or complement to the text .

6. Is the Talmud a single book ?

Answer :   No, there are two Talmuds . There is the one called the "Talmud of the Occidentals" —sometimes referred to as the Jerusalem or Palestine Talmud , which was closed at Tiberius . Then there is the Babylonian Talmud . But the Babylonian Talmud has nothing to do with the Captivity of the Jews in Babylon. It gets its name from the fact that it was compiled by Rabbi Ashe , President of the Academy of Sora in Babylon , about 400 years after Christ .

The Jerusalem Talmud is the older book , originating in Tiberius , in the school of Johanan , who died a.d. 179.

7. Are the two Talmuds alike ?

Answer :   No! The Babylonian Talmud, compiled some time in the fifth century after Christ , is nearly four times as voluminous as the Jerusalem Talmud . The latter extends over 30 treatises of the Mishna only . The Babylonian Talmud covers 36 treatises but the Gemara or commentaries fill 2,947 folio leaves — nearly 3,000 pages .

8. How did the Babylonian Talmud come to be written , if the Jerusalem Talmud was already in existence?

Answer:   Both the Mishna and Palestine Gemaras had, despite the comparatively brie time that had elapsed since their compilation in a.d. 179, suffered greatly ,  partly by corruption , that had crept into their texts through faulty traditions, partly through the new decisions arrived at independently in the different younger schools of rabbis — of which there flourished many in different parts of the dispersion after the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus the Roman, in 70 a.d. At times these decisions were contradictory. To put an end to disputes and the general theological confusion resulting from them , which threatened a complete religious chaos , Rabbi Ashe , aided by his disciple and friend Rab Abina , commenced the cyclopean task of collecting a new the enormous mass of material which by that time had accumulated . It took him , with the assistance of ten secretaries , no less than 30 years , and many years were spent by him in the revision of the work .

9. Are the two Talmuds the Holy books of the Jews ?

Answer :   No! Strictly speaking , the Biblical Old Testament is the Holy book of the Jews , the same as it is one-half of the Holy Book of the Christians , the New Testament being the other half for the Christians. To get the more correct idea of the relationship of the Talmuds to the Old Testament , we might put it that the Talmuds bear the same relation to the Old Testament that the Constitution of the United States does to the Christian religion as practiced or professed by American Christians. The Old Testament gives the background and supposedly sacred history and social code of all Israelites ; the Talmuds are the compilations of the commentaries of the Rabbis and learned Scribes of this people , interpreting this background , history , and code for the daily conduct of Judaists and the application of their Faith to the worldly circumstance .

10. What does the term Rabbi mean?

Answer :   In Jewish history and literature, Rabbi is the noun "Rab" with a pronominal suffix , and in Biblical Hebrew it means "great man , distinguished for age , rank , office , or skill ." Since Biblical times , and in popular parlance , it has been used as a title indicating sundry degrees by its several terminations , but generally speaking it means Master Teacher , or Doctor of the Law.

11.  Is a Rabbi and a Jewish Priest one and the same?

Answer :   Absolutely not ! Up to the time of the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus , in 70 a.d., and the scattering of the Jews throughout the earth , the Priests were the officials , dignitaries , and sacred attaches of the Temple and its ceremonials. After the Temple was destroyed , the Hebraic law was kept alive in the hearts of orthodox Jews by district teachers , who merely expounded the canonical law . In other words , the difference between a Jewish priest and a Rabbi might be likened to the difference between an ordained Clergyman or priest of the Christian Religion and a Professor of Theology in a theological seminary.

12. Why did the Destruction of the Temple destroy the Israelite Priestly caste ?

Answer :   Because Israelite Priests, strictly speaking, were personal attendants on a literal Jehovah , who , when in contact with the earthly world and His Chosen People , was assumed to be somehow attached mystically to the Ark of the Covenant . This Ark of the Covenant was carried by four men before the Israelitish hosts into battle on long pole-handles , and because Jehovah was popularly represented as being connected therewith , He ( Jehovah ) literally "went before His people into battle." Sometimes the Lord God was thus captured by His puny mortal enemies - or enemies of the Israelites , and that wasn't so good . It always gave the Israelites a horrible funk to have their Lord God captured by their enemies . When the Israelites had finally conquered Canaan and had no more battles to fight , they required some place to put the Lord God . So they erected the Temple — which all good Christian Masons make such a pother about today — and stored the Ark of the Covenant , with the Lord God , in the Holy of Holies . Only the very Top-Boss Priests went in and held powwow with the Lord God in the Holy of Holies . So, when the Temple was destroyed — or rather the Second Temple erected by the Jews on the return from the Babylonian Captivity — there was no place for the Ark of the Covenant or the Lord God , therefore no Holy of Holies , therefore no possibility of personal attendants , therefore no Priests excepting as they were designated as such by courtesy title. The Lord God escaped His coffer in the Holy of Holies and presumably went back to heaven . The Ark , after many vicissitudes — and being hidden hither and yon among the cities of Asia Minor — is now credited with reposing in a sealed room in the basement of the British Museum . For political-racial reasons it is not permitted to be exhibited or examined .

13. What was the Ark of the Covenant ?

Answer :   The word Ark literally means: a chest or coffer for the safekeeping of any valuable thing ; a depository . The Ark of the Covenant , in the synagogue or Temple of the Jews , was the chest or vessel in which the Tables of the Law were preserved . This was a small chest or coffer , three feet nine inches in length , two feet three inches in breadth , and the same in height , in which were contained the various sacred articles . It was made of ****tum wood , overlaid inside and out with gold , and was covered by the Mercy Seat , called also the Propitiatory — that is , the lid or cover of propitiation . Thus , in the language of Hebrew Scripture , those sins which are forgiven are said to be covered . The orthodox Jew will scoff at the non-Jewish implication that the Lord God Himself dwelt in or near such a box, but that was the general acceptance by the populace .

14. Is there any difference between the Jehovah of the Jews and the Divine Father of Jesus as worshiped by the Christians ?

Answer :   There is a difference so vast as to render them practically two different personages . The word Jehovah is the modern English rendering of the Hebrew term for the Midian tribal deity , Yahvah . Moses , after he had murdered two Egyptians for their treatment of an Israelite , fled to Midian , a district across the Red Sea , south of the Land of Goshen. There he married a Midia wife and became a Sheepherder . Jehovah or Yahvah was the neighborhood god of the Midianites whom Moses seized upon , and utilized , in his later politico-racial exploits back among the Egyptians . 

Moses claimed that this little tribal god , with all his provincial hates and lusts , was the One Lord God of all the universe . This last could only be interviewed by Moses in person , or by Aaron or his Levites when Moses wasn't around . Christ came , and got Himself hated unto crucifixion , by standing this narrow and fallacious notion of the deity on its head. Christ said that the Lord God was Universal Spirit , and that man needed no paid Priest or elaborate temple ceremonials to commune with Him . This threatened the whole basic foundation of Judaism , since it counseled the masses that Priests were dispensable . Furthermore , Christ taught that the Lord God was the Father of all mankind ,  Jew and Gentile alike . 

This was insufferable to the Israelites, who had a personal monopoly on the Creator , He being their original tribal deity and they being His particular devotees . In the Ebionitic attempts to reconcile the two identities , however, Early Church fathers mixed the two deities hopelessly , and filled the Bible full of contradictions and paradoxes . 

15. What is the difference between a Jewish Temple and a Synagogue — and isn't the synagogue the Jewish Church ?

Answer :   The Lord God , having mystical connections with the Ark of the Covenant , could only be at the great Temple at Jerusalem , or wherever the Ark of the Covenant was , and the High Priest was handy to attend Him . There was but one Jewish Temple and that was at Jerusalem only . But scattered throughout ancient Palestine , particularly after the Dispersion , were meeting-houses where the cantors did the sacred chantings on the Sabbath , and the Rabbis expounded the canonical law. These were labeled Synagogues — or Community Houses . A synagogue , strictly speaking , was not a church as  Christians think today of their dedicated edifices ; it was a public gathering place . Hence going into the Synagogue to teach , no more made Christ a Jew than it would make you or me a Catholic — presuming that you're a Protestant as I am in Lado .

16. Are the modern Jews and the ancient Israelites one and the same people ?

Answer :   For all practical working purposes , yes ! But in the same sense that we might answer the parallel question : Are the modern Americans and the ancient Pilgrim Fathers — who landed on Plymouth Rock and started the settlement of New England — one and the same people ? 

According to the Old Testament as we see , which is purely a transcript of tradition and legend and not much besides , the Israelites in Egypt were divided into Twelve Tribes . Each tribe comprised the descendants of a son of Jacob , or acknowledged tribal allegiance to one of his sons , who thereby became the tribal patriarch . Among these Twelve Tribes was one known as the Tribe of Judah .

After the conquering of Canaan — exactly as this same people tried to "conquer" Germany in the past generation but was stopped by Hitler , or is now "conquering" the United States under Roosevelt — the Tribe of Judah was allotted the area of land that included the City of David , or what we know today as Jerusalem . This possession of the capital city within their particular territory , gave the Tribe of Judah a particular prominence over the other tribes . Because the Temple and the Priestly caste likewise exercised functions within their allotted territory , the Tribe of Judah became the more race-and-theology conscious . And the members of this Tribe "carried on" the more fanatically and zealously in preserving the legends , traditions , and literature of all the tribes , after the city's and temple's destruction . It is the progeny of this one tribe of Israelites , the Tribe of Judah , that we identify as today's Jews . The members of the other tribes of Israelites have largely disappeared from the world's face .

17. Were there no Jews in the world before the coming of Jacob's sons to Egypt ?

Answer :   There have always been the same elements among all populations of the earth that we identify today as Judaists. The very ancient Egyptian and Sumerian chronicles refer to them as the People of Set, or "Spirit of Disorder in Governments." No matter what conditions they found politically or socially in the lands wherein they were received , they always wanted them changed , to conform to their own eccentric notions . The Egyptians seem to have referred to them as the "Set-un" Set being the god of Darkness and Destruction , and ''un'' being the suffix meaning "people."  This is where We derive our modern word ''Satan''from this source . When Joseph escaped from his brethren , and went down into Egypt to work himself into the good graces of Pharaoh , and his brothers later followed him and "multiplied ," this racial element was designated strictly among Pharaoh's subjects as the Tribe of the Habiru . From the term "Habiru" the term "Hebrew" comes down to us . But Jews as we know them today were not so called till after the "conquering" or "overrunning" of Canaan and its capital city of Jerusalem , and the allotting of the land whereon it stood to the Tribe of Judah . The word Jew is a sort of slang contraction of Judaist or member of the specific Tribe of Judah , only we spell it J-e-w instead of the terser J-u.

18. Was there really an Abraham , Isaac , or Jacob ?

Answer :   There is not much found out really but can say only We do not know till todate . There is only tradition and legend to account for them . 

Old Testament says such persons existed , but the contents of the Old Testament were passed down by word of mouth through a hundred generations before they became written on scrolls of sheepskin as a permanent literary record . At the time of the destruction of the first Temple and the captivity , most of the records were destroyed . When the Jews came back from the Captivity and had completed the Second Temple , rebuilding it in tawdry form upon the ruins of the first Temple , Ezra the High Priest came running wildly to his compatriots one morning and proclaimed that he had "found" the ancient records miraculously intact down behind the altar in the Holy of Holies . 

Unbiased common sense tends to the conclusion that there was nothing mysterious or miraculous about it . Ezra rewrote the legends and traditions of his people from memory , naturally altering them to make the members of the Tribe of Judah the "big shots" of such chronicles . It is still this narrative reported by Ezra as thus "restored ," that  Old Testament version of the Egyptian episode comes from .

 19. Did not Christ's words confirm that there was an Abraham , Isaac , and Jacob ?

 Answer :   None  '' NO BODY ''of us know accurately what Christ's real words were . He never left a scrap of paper or parchment penned by Himself personally . All accounts of His words were purported as taken down by His disciples or followers , but even their original manuscripts were lost , and all that we have to go by , are copies of copies . How these were altered , edited , augmented , deleted , and transformed , is a chance to look at as described here in the answer to Question  and further on yet : What is the Vulgate ?

20. Why does the Old Testament refer to the early Hebrews as Israelites ?

Answer :   Because , before the coming of the legendary Moses , they were followers of the same worship as their neighbors , the Egyptians . That is , they were worshipers of Isis, goddess of life and fecundity , co-deity with the Sun . The word Israel should be broken down into three syllables : Is-Ra-El . Then we see the following : 

"Is" stands for Isis ; 

"Ra" means the name of the god of the sun , represented like Horus — with the head of a hawk and bearing the disk of the sun atop it .

"El" means "High Lord" or that which is over all , as expressed by the modern word Elevated . 

"Ites" means those who follow or belong to . So Israelites , you get the whole meaning now - translating literally , were "those who followed or belonged to the High Deities Ra and Isis ." Moses is popularly supposed to have changed all that , when he introduced his Midian tribal deity Yahvah to the people of the Habiru . Today the word Israelites clings to the Jews merely as a symbol for their identification as one-time worshipers of the sun .

21. Have we any other accounts than those of the Old Testament on the advent and adventures of the Hebrews in Egypt ?

Answer :   Yes ! Lord Breasted and others have recovered scores of papyrus scrolls and other records in very ancient Egyptian tombs along the Nile. These have been translated from time to time , but modern Jews do their best to discourage such translations and suppress printed copies of them , because they brutally contradict the pro-Jewish accounts in the Old Testament .

22. Were the Children of Israel persecuted by the Egyptians?

Answer :   Undoubtedly ! but in the same manner that the Nazis of today were persecuting the Jews of the Fatherland , and from similar causations . The Children of Israel were not "persecuted" until they had overrun the land of Egypt , corrupted the Pharaohan court and Egyptian institutions , introduced or tried to introduce — an ancient version of the NRA into Egyptian politics and economics, and subverted and debased pure-blooded Egyptian subjects .

Finally Moses undertook to get them out , precisely as many an international Jewish or Zionist leader was trying to get the Jews out of Germany but meeting with poor success because such an exodus means taking so much wealth — or as the Israelites expressed it , "spoils" — out of the country. When Pharaoh finally gave his consent to the departure of the Hebrews , he discovered to his consternation that they had taken with them vast amounts of portable valuables , and he chased after them with a force of chariots to recover this loot .

23. Was Pharaoh drowned in the Red Sea while the favored Hebrews passed over to Midian unscathed ?

Answer :   He could not have been , unless his royal body was recovered , because his fairly well-authenticated mummy is preserved today in the British Museum .

24. Is the Exodus story a myth ?

Answer :   No , but it appears to have been a complete subversion of what actually took place . The debasing influence of the Habiru or People of Set became so great , that from time to time severe pogroms occurred . The Egyptians would gladly have let the Habiru depart , had the latter been willing to go empty-handed . But taking their property , much of it gotten as dishonestly as the New-Deal Jews of today have gotten their fortunes by exploitation or open graft , represented a severe economic problem . In the Scriptures as written by Jews , however, and thence handed to us for acceptance , all this hocus-pocus is glorified and blessed by the benedictions of Yahvah . 

As for the Chosen-People notion's being fallacious , there is ,we have , the statement of a Jew , Dr. Oscar Levy of London , who declared quite frankly : "We the Jews invented the myth of being God's Chosen People !" Later , Dr. Levy died a very sudden and mysterious death. You can draw your own conclusions .

25. Did Moses write the first five books of the Old Testament ?

Answer :   No , He could not have done so. At the time of Moses , 1,440 years before Christ , the Hebrews possessed no language of their own in which to write it . At the most , he would have had to write in Egyptian hieroglyphics or picture-graphs . Not till the Hebrews came into contact with the Phoenician peoples after settlement in the Land of Canaan , did they appropriate the strange block-letter alphabetical system that we recognize as the Hebrew of today . Even so , it contained no vowels for many generations. Try writing a page of a booklet in English , but leave out all the vowels , and see how accurately you get the exact sense of what is meant. P-T might stand for pat , pet , pit , pot , or put . How would you know which of these five words might mean , where the vowels are not used ? So how can we tell what Moses , or any other ancient teacher or "law-giver" said literally ?

26. Why do we call the Jews "Semites" ?

Answer :   Because the forebears of the Habiru in Egypt were credited with having come from Arabia and the Arabian peninsula . This district , said by legend, was allotted to Shem , a son of Noah , upon descent from the mythical Ark . The habitat of the Habiru was likewise described by some authorities as comprising Abyssinia , Palestine , Phoenicia , and Syria . From the name Shem , we get the term "Semites" or probably, "Shemites." But the Arabs , and some Persians, are likewise designated as Semites — without having a drop of Jewish blood in them . It is strictly a territorial designation , as today we term all people Americans who dwell within the territorial confines of the United States as United States People of America .

27. Have the Jews the right to designate Palestine as their Homeland?

Answer :   No more and no less than either the Arabs or Syrians .When the Habiru were chased out of Egypt by Pharaoh's charioteers , they "wandered" for forty years in the Wilderness — a district no bigger than State of Connecticut — and then under Joshua "cased" the Land of Canaan , as bandits "case" a bank they intend to rob today . In other words, they got the lay of the land , and then proceeded to attack the Canaanites and take their property and real estate away from them with the avowed encouragement of the petty Midian Yahvah . Ultimately they succeeded in this pillage and sabotage , and parceled out the conquered territory among the Tribes . David became eventually their greatest political-warrior King , and his illegitimate son Solomon , their most voluptuous Ruler .  After Solomon's death , the tribal territories were divided under the rule of his two sons . One son succeeded to rulership over the lands of the Tribes of Judah and Beniamin , and this coalition came to he known as the Southern Kingdom ; the other son succeeded to the rulership of the remaining tribes north of Jerusalem , known as the Northern Kingdom .

28. Why were the Jews carried captive to Babylon ?

Answer :   Because Nebuchadnezzar , the Babylonian monarch , became utterly outraged over the manner in which the Hebrews to the southwest of his country and capital were preying upon his caravans and trade routes to Egypt . In 585 B.C. He sent an army down into Palestine , defeated the Judaists , and carried them off to Babylon , razing Solomon's Temple and leaving Jerusalem a waste . The distance that the Judaists were transported was only a couple of hundred miles , however , remember , that the size of all Palestine is only 75 miles wide by 193 miles long — about the same territorial coverage as the State of Massachusetts . The duration of this Captivity is usually reckoned as 70 years , although , strictly speaking , it lasted only 56 years . A great part of the remaining Northern Tribes had previously been taken captive to Assyria for similar maraudings .

29. Why do today's Jews make such an ungodly pother about returning to Palestine as a race ?

Answer :   Most of it is lachrymose propaganda . The Jews do not want to return to Palestine . In the first place , a country only 75 miles wide and 193 miles long couldn't contain them . In the second place , they wouldn't be happy living with one another , having to endure one another , and being without Gentiles to exploit . History has proven this ; it is no particular libel . The true reasons why the Jews are making such a clamor over having Palestine "returned" to them , is the presence of the stupendous mineral and chemical wealth in the Dead Sea , which would go to them along with the presentation , and the fact that in Palestine they would be in a strategic position to introduce Jewish-Communist Russia down to the Suez C**** and thereby sever a  major artery between the British Isles and India . This would inflict a mortal wound to the British Commonwealth of Nations . Material gain is usually the real basis of any project over which the Jew waxes sentimental indeed .

30. How many Jews are there in the whole world today?

Answer :   Jewish populations are usually deceptive when given in the census figures , because Jews are forever trying to hide their Jewish nationality or race . Furthermore , when Jewish authorities compile a strictly Jewish census , they count males who have attained to their majorities only . As the average human family of any race customarily consists of five persons , we are safe in multiplying whatever figures the Jews give us of their numbers by five , or adding four times the original figure. Gentiles do not possess an accurate count of all the Jews in all the countries of the earth , but 80 millions — men , women , and children — would not be a wild estimate . Doubtless it is nearer a hundred millions , considering that the earth holds 2 - 3 billion inhabitants . That there are something like 25 million Jews , males and of age , within the civilized countries of the earth is a sound possibility .

31. Do Jews actually believe that the day is coming when they are going to be supreme Masters over all the other races and peoples of earth ?

Answer :   Orthodox Jews most certainly do believe ! Apostate Jews are cynical about the whole business , but are by no means averse to looting all Gentiles and obtaining their wealth as they may discern opportunity . This unhallowed business in action is the world-wide movement known as Communism . Gentiles and the world's laboring classes are the instruments utilized to get this accomplished . But most Jews seem to have altered their notions about such dominance by modern Israel's coming about through the appearance of one man , a messiah, or anointed leader. They now interpret the ancient prophecies , that "the Jews as a race shall be the world messiah" and make the world over into one United Kingdom with a single great Jew as supreme Dictator . See the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion . The Talmud is literally loaded with such interpretations , too . The orthodox Jews consider the matter idealistically . The apostate, or atheistic Jews , are riding along perfectly content to profit from the gains of Jewry as a whole , and despoiling the modern Egyptians with zest, whenever and wherever they are permitted the chance .

 32. Are the Jews a united people for the achievement of a world Messiahship ?

Answer :   They most certainly are not ! They are guilty of quite as much racial discontent, brawling , and general psychopathy among themselves as against the Gentiles . And this state of things has always been true . From the return from the Captivity , down to the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus and the scattering of the Jews throughout the nations of the earth , the average length of reign of the Jewish Kings — and one Jewish queen , Alexandria — was no longer than two years . Jews can't agree on Rulers, even among themselves .Yet they think themselves capable of ruling all the other nations , comprising millions upon millions of Gentiles . The perpetual cry of their leaders , from Rabbi Ashe to Rabbi Wise , has forever been : "Stop your fighting and get together !" But the Jew can't "get together," not even with his own breed . The phobia of "being different" has bitten into him too and deeply so . The only thing that really drives the Jews into any sort of unity is persecution or violence directed against all classes of them as a people . Then they coalesce like sheep in a fold , all packed together and wailing to High heaven — only sheep don't wail . Only Jews wail . And how they wail , you know the Story already by now !

33. How do Sephardic Jews differ from Ashkenazic Jews ?

Answer :   The Sephardim are the Jews of the Mediterranean Basin : Spanish , Italian , Portuguese , and later Dutch and English Jews — who have diluted their Jewish blood with these Latin and Nordic races by cross-marrying to such an extent that Gentile characteristics predominate . They can usually be identified only by Jewish names — if they have not changed them — or by the Jewish temperament as it exercises in times of crisis or vicissitude . Sephardic men have clean-chiseled Grecian profiles and lips . Sephardic women are dark-eyed and strikingly beautiful . The Ashkenazim, on the other hand , are the Russian , Polish , or German Jews — in other words , Mongoloid Jews — who were swept into Asia and Europe when the Assyrian King "scattered" the Northern Tribes and replaced them with Gallic peoples brought down by him from the Danube Valley. The Ashkenazic Jews are possessed of the "schnozzle" nose , derived from Assyrian interbreedings , the small round head on the thick neck , and the gross and vulgar mannerisms making them so offensive to Gentiles of reserve and Christians of refinement . When the Ashkenazim crossed their Mediterranean Hebrew or Sumerian with the Russian , Polish , or German tongues , they got a hybrid vernacular that is called Yiddish . Generally speaking , it can be said that the great mass of the Sephardim are orthodox Jews , and the great mass of the Ashkenazim are apostate Jews . The Sephardim uniformly hold that Judaists constitute the devotees of a Religion ; the Ashkenazim uniformly hold that the Judaists are a Race or a Political Unit . The Sephardim believe in gaining ascendancy over the non-Jewish races by strategy and peaceful penetration ; the more or less apostate Ashkenazim believe in going straight to their ascendancy by crack-down and violence . Thereby do we witness Communism being mainly supported and advanced by Ashkenazic Jews, while the Sephardim behold it in an increasing alarm , sensing that the world's Gentiles may eventually penalize or exterminate all Jews for the lusts , hatreds , and atrocities of the Communistic Ashkenazim , and they find themselves included .

34. To which branch of Jews did Jesus Christ belong?

Answer :   Jesus Christ belonged to neither branch ! Shocking as it becomes to modern Christians , an examination of the evidence now coming to light reveals that Jesus Christ was not a Jew or any other kind of an Israelite ! This , of course , strikes at the very core and heart of present Christian doctrine . Nevertheless , sooner or later , Aryan Christians have got to face the facts .

It takes a whole volume in itself to present these facts , but such a volume is available . In the first place , the only true Jews are descendants of the Tribe of Judah , and even if Biblical bases be taken for argument , the New Testament says in a score of places that He emphatically did not come from that tribe . Christ was a Galilean and a Nazarene . Galilee got its name from the Gauls , brought down by the Assyrian King when he denuded the northern Kingdom of Hebrews. The proper spelling of the word should be Gaulilee . Over and over , too , the New Testament writings speak of "Galilee of the Gentiles" ... The genealogies of Christ in the two New Testament Gospels do not determine the matter , since they do not agree , and since they do not agree, neither one of them can be established as authentic . Moreover , Jews reckoned genealogies through the father , always . 

Christians are confronted by the dilemma that if they make a tenet of their faith that Mary conceived Christ by the Holy Ghost , then she did not conceive Christ by Joseph her husband ; and if she did not do the latter, then the Hebrew genealogies , tracing Jesus' ancestry back to David and Abraham , are fabrications . Jesus did not speak the prevalent Jewish tongue of the period ; He conversed in what was a Gentile language . At no place did He Himself confirm that He was a Jew , and the words before Pilate, "Thou sayest!" were merely a colloquialism , not of acquiescence to Pilate's remark but of the thought : "You're doing the talking , I'm keeping quiet !" This great question about the Jewishness or non-Jewishness of Jesus, manifestly cannot be handled in a hand pmphlet writing here . If you are interested to read the complete attestments of his Gentile blood and background , ask for lengthier volume please .

35. Why did the Jews deny Christ ?

Answer :   Because He would not subscribe to the tenet that their little Midianite tribal deity , Yahvah , could possibly be the Great Creator of the Universe and the author of all living things , or that such a Great Creator had a Chosen People , or that the Hebrew religion as the Sanhedrin propounded it , was a true Religion , or that the Jews as such were due to inherit the earth and rulership over all its institutions . No man who thus struck at the roots of Judaism , could possibly be their long looked-for Messiah . Furthermore , Christ was the outstanding "Jew-Baiter" of His day . He called the Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites and whited sepulchers , and indicted the Sanhedrin to the teeth of its big shots as being "of the Synagogue of Satan ." In other words , by not being willing to "play the Jew game" to other nations and races , Christ was identified as an "enemy" of the Jews ; and the Jews know of but one way in which to treat their enemies: Kill them !

36. Why does the Bible, as the "Inspired Word of God," persistently represent Christ as being a Jew ?

Answer :   Because the Biblical manuscripts , comprising the Old and New Testaments as we know them today , were written under Jewish auspices , by writers striving to reconcile the prophecies of the Hebraic Old Testament with the astounding and not-controllable spread of the new Christianity. Obviously , if Christianity continued to grow and strengthen , in time it would supersede and exterminate Judaism altogether . So the Judaists got busy and worked out a clever ruse that , in practice , came to be called Ebionitism . They "tied into" the aggressive and expanding new religion by preaching that Christianity was the outgrowth of Judaism . Because Christianity was built upon a blanket castigation of everything Judaistic , to be an utter Christian one had to go through the same process and first be a Judaist . After one had first acknowledged everything Judaistic , including the priority of authority of the law of Moses , the authenticity of the Hebrew prophets and prophecies , and the whole patriarchal background of Judaism , then one was ready to take the next step into Christianity . Thus , one of the most important tenets of this atrocious subversion was to make the text impress upon the would-be convert's mind that even Jesus Himself was born a Jew . Therefore if there hadn't been any Jews , there wouldn't have been any Jesus , and if there hadn't been any Jesus , there wouldn't have been any Christian religion . This subversion and rewriting of the sacred text was carried to so bold a point that in one place it is crassly and satanically stated that . . . "salvation is of the Jews !" Salvation is nothing of the sort . Salvation is of the Christ , and the Holy Spirit ! To explain the point in the modern scene , it is like saying that after a few hundred years the German Jews will get together and subvert the whole Nazi program in history by giving it out that Hitler was a Jew — because he lived , operated , and instructed in German-Jewish Germany — and that one couldn't become a good Nazi without first subscribing to the tenets of predatory Jewry , because otherwise what would Nazism have had , to be different from or agitate against ?

37. What was Ebionitism?

Answer :   The subversive instructors , sent out by the Jerusalem authorities to imbed such notions in the minds of early Christian converts , were called Ebionites. It was their job and commission to make the very Judaism against which Christ inveighed , the foundation and background of the new Christian theology . Christ must be made to say that He came "to fulfil the law of Moses." Thereby the law of Moses became quite as essential to the new Religion as did Christ . And so on , throughout a hundred scriptural passages .

Again , we can compare it to the Jews of a hundred years hence making Hitler to say "I came to fulfil the law of Karl Marx !" These Ebionites had their headquarters in the Greek city of Pella , so that they would not be openly recognized as subversive missionaries for the Jerusalem Sanhedrinists . And it was in , or near , Pella that the New Testament manuscripts were compiled . 

The Apostle Paul once cut up an awful shindy about the mischief of Ebionitism , and said that the Doctrine of the Trinity had nothing whatsoever to do with Judaism . It was a clean-cut departure from it . Yet when the Gospels came to be translated into other languages for our modern world , the New Testament Gospels were dyed dripping wet with the subvertings and deceptions of Ebionitism . 

Christian people today who say , "Yes , I know the Jews crucified Christ , and I know He said some atrocious things against them ; also I know that Jews are practically wrecking world with their crazy incompetence — all the same we have to remember that they are God's Chosen People, " — these are but modern Ebionites , acquiescing to the very doctrine that the Sanhedrin went to much trouble and expense to promulgate and get incorporated into the Christian's "Holy" books.

38. Isn't the Bible the Inspired Word of God ?

 Answer :   No ! Not literally considered ! It cannot be such , because it holds too many contradictions and paradoxes in its present form , and a Perfect Creator could not indite a contradictory or paradoxical book . This view is confirmed by no less an authority than St. Jerome . About the year 370 a. d. He translated the whole Bible into Latin . Damascus , who was Pope at that time , had asked him to attempt such translation . Jerome , in a letter to Damascus , reported on his work in connection with the new version . He wrote that "it would be a dangerous presumption" to attempt to issue a Bible which would reproduce the correct text , since the existing copies of the original documents were scattered all over the world and no two of them were alike !

Jerome was now called to judge between them . If he did so , and produced a Bible , it would be so unlike anything currently passing for the Bible , that he would be dubbed a forger and fabricator . He would be charged with having altered words and sentences , having omitted something here or inserted something there , or trying to "improve" on originals elsewhere . And then he added a remark that strikes a body blow at all who hold today's Bible to be the unadulterated Word of God : "Even those who condemn me as an impious forger must admit that we can no longer speak of such a thing as Truth , where there are variations in that which is said to be true ." In his letter , Jerome went on to state how the many discrepancies between the copies of the original text can be explained . Some copyists , he said , were deliberate criminal forgers . Others were conceited enough to attempt to improve on the text , but in their inexperience only succeeded in impairing it . 

Still others dozed while they copied , and so left out , misread or misplaced words and passages . To say that God nevertheless caused Absolute Truth to result from all this , is to rationalize an absurdity really .

39. What is the Vulgate ?

Answer —

The Vulgate is the Bible that St. Jerome produced , none-the-less , when he went ahead as Damascus directed and "cleaned up" prevalent "Holy" writen after his own notions and erudition . But he did precisely what he lamented that others had done before him . He followed his own personal opinion , altered words and passages , made omissions , and wrote into it such stuff as suited his caprice . Maybe God was using St. Jerome as editor . But if He did , then assuredly God showed Himself as naught but a Papist of the period . Then , by decree of the Council of Trent , it was declared that the Vulgate contained the inspired Word of God . Jerome , of course , was a top-notch Ebionite . Everything in the New Testament rested four-square upon the Old . The Jews were still God's Chosen People . Jesus was a Jew . One could not subscribe to being a good Christian without first subscribing to being a good Judaist and accepting all the patriarchal fol-de-rol — much of it unmoral and obscene — which Christianity appeared to exterminate and supplant . So the Jews today profit . And the modern Rabbi cries to the anti-Semite battling for survival of his precious Christianity: "If you repudiate us , you repudiate the Savior whom we gave you !" The insolence of it .



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