I looked up "terra nullius" and found that it was a term used in Roman law and meant "land belonging to no one". It describes territory which has never been subject to the sovereignty of any state.
African examples of terra nullious were Bir Tawil, Burkina Faso and Niger. No mention of your territory.
Following a war which started as a Spartacus - like rebellion from 1090 b.c to 700 b. c LADO people entered into the War to free themselves and to become Independent from Egypt .
From 700 B.C : Lado people struggled for their Independence from Egyptian Pharaonic Reign over them in the period of the last fall of Pharao ' s intensified by the Power struggle between the Egyptian High Priests and the Pharao couple Tut - Ank - Amon and Queen Neferite .
Around 749 b.c : The Sudanics left Egypt - as their predecessors the Jews had done under Moses around 11 - 1200 BC , Led by their war hero , General Laro , the Sudanics moved Southwards and finaly decided to settle around the foot of the Mountain which they named " LADO "
687 b.c : The Lado people spreaded and covered the geographical areas lying in the Sudan Central Africa within the Basin of the water Shade regions of Nile – Congo Rivers with the southern tip end territory extending up to Lake Ombizako , a name in Lugbari language of Lado , today called by the British / Uganda as ( Lake Albert ) in Central Africa .
640 a.d - 1270 : Ethiopia was under Rule of Lado for 7 centuries . One of such Great Ruler of Ethiopia was Ancestor ( Negus ) of Ethiopia , Sambala Naiga , who later moved away after the Political upheavels in Ethiopia . At Lake Tana was his home place at that of his Reign . He moved to settle at the foot hill of Mt. Luku in Lado where he died as a Lado Hero .
847 a.d : A modern Nation State - Kingdom of Lado was established in and to replace the then Ancient Lado which was founded already in 700 b.c .
13th and 14th Centuaries : was the period of Re - organisation of the Region ( Central Africa ) based on the Tribal Philosophy in order to ensure a proper Protection care and a better Social Services to the People under the Great Agofe / King Likiji . The 29 Tribes of Lado was Re - organised and existing till todate with their Affiliation / Association / Federation to the State Kingdom of Lado .
1452 : In the period of Papacy , Pope Pius II , aimed to create a Vicariate in the Sudan Central Africa .
1711 : The direct contact between Lado and with the Western European World started when Catholic Mission was founded in Ladoland ( Sudan Central Africa – LADO ) by the Franciscan Fathers , from Austria , during the Papacy of Pope Clement XI ( cf : by Pope Pius II , 1452 ) 9th May 1772 : The Lado Constitution was passed on 9 May 1772 , after the 60-year War (and specifically with Arabs of the Slave Traders ) and gave Executive Powers to the Agofe / King , which is the Institution of the Government . Lado was Assisted by the Jesuits who travelled from their Valleta house in Malta .
1821 : The begining of the Turco / Egyptian occupation , as it was later called , was to plunder of the black lands South Sahara deserts ( Sudan ) and Lado later was occupied in 1871 .
13th February 1841- 1st April 1864 : Turco - Egyptian Firman of 13 February 1841 , and the Turco - Egyptian Firman of 1st April 1869 for the occupation of Lado took place on 26th May 1871 to Convert Lado in a Western so called Modern State in Central Africa . The Sudanic population of Lado was located in this region year 700 b.c from that date up to the Half of the 19th centuary ( 1850 ) , especially from 1870 onwards , the Sudanic population had to face foreign interferences and invasions from the Arab and European Colonialists , thus leading Sudanic Ladoans to fight unending wars against these foreign invaders . And the wars against Colonialists are still being fought till todate , this text about Lado is being writen .
The Half of 19th centuary ( 1850 ) : is mainly about the The History of Lado which took place among its ethnic groups for the Political re - organisation levels on the philosophical Tribal basis for the Protection of the LAND , the PEOPLE and the INTEREST of the 29 Tribes of the founded Nation – Kingdom State of Lado in Africa .
26 January 1846 : His Holiness , Pope Gregory XVI signed a Document making the Upper Nile Valley , Lado , ' The Vicariate of Central Africa '.
1867 : The Jesuits remained in Lado until 1867 by which time they were replaced by the still present Verona Fathers from Italy .
26 May 1871 : Ottoman - Empire ( todays reduced to Turkey ) extended control of Lado under the Nominated a British National who was serving in the Ottoman Military Service by name Sir Samuel White Baker . He became the First Governor General to Lado to serve the Ottoman Interests - ( Lado Occupied ) .
3rd August 1875 : Can be remembered as the beginning date , as the European States divided the African Continent amongst them , ( the Paris Resolution ) and again on 26 February 1885 (the Berlin Treaty) where they took African Freedom and Liberty and imposed their Religion and their Values on the African Peoples .
1876 -1878 : United States of America - USA undertook to occupy Lado : Colonel Henry .G . Prost and Colonel Alexandra . A Manson 1876 - 1878 actively participated in the administration of Lado and all failed to control Equatoria - Lado Nation occupied for USA .
1879 : Belgium and Lado entered into War . From 1879 to 1889 , Lado was held out in a ten years of war against Belgium to defend its Sovereignty . The war ended with peace treaty of Wadelai ( Lado ) of 28th September 1892 between Lado and Belgium . Lado never recognised the Belgium Crown over her ( Lado ) Sovereignty .
1881 : Arabised Blacks who wanted to seperate from the Ottoman Dominium and to remain Black ( Sudan ) Africans decided creating a Fighting Force a long side with the forces of Lado to fight the Turco – Anglo / Egptian forces and in the end defeated the Anglo Egyptian forces thus creating the Mahdi States from 1881 – 1899 . As advantage to Lado , this revolt and the defeat of the Ottoman / Egyptian forces made loose to Egypt the control of Lado . The Sudan became renamed and reformed as the State of Mahdi and the Old State of Lado as the two seperate States in the Upper Nile Valley .
25th February 1885 : The events and implications of Berlin Conferene for the Partition of Africa let Lado fall a Victim of Colonial pretext ( c.f : Article 6 in the Berlin Treaty ) .
7th March 1887 : The Royal - Agofe / King of Lado – AYINGANI , was assassinated during the War with the Belgium troops .
1887, 29 April : Paris treaty betwwen France and Belgium was concluded about the frontiers between the Congo – Leopoldville , Lado and the French Equatoria Africa , Congo – Brazzaville , Central African Republic and Chad .
1889 : The War ended up between Belgium and Lado which lasted for the 10 ( Ten ) years .
1890 : On 24 May a Treaty ( sometimes refered to as Macknnon treaty ) was signed betwwen Britain and Belgium recognising the frontier betwwen Lado and British Spheres of influence to the east of the River Nile .
17th September 1891 , Kavalli Agreement : A British Imperial Army ( King's African Rifles ) was established in 1891 under the Kavalli Agreement of 17 September 1891. The Agreement was signed by the English Captain Frederick D. Lugard who later became the Governor - General of Nigeria and , a Citizen of Lado Major Selim Matera signed for Lado , It was him Governor - General , Lugard who developed the British Colonial Doctrine called The Dual Mandate ( Indirect Rule ) , which is still in force through the Commonwealth Pyramid Divide - and - Rule System with the Queen / King on top , and under the Sovereign Head are the British .
28th September 1892 : Peace Agreement was reached between Lado and Belgium . Leuftnant Milz took over from his Commadant Van Kerckhoven who died before arrival to Wadelai , Signed it for Belgium . On the part of Lado , this Agreement was Signed by Commandant Fadh El Mula Aga ( A Lugbari tribe of Lado ) . This Convention Treaty came to be known Belgium and Lugbari Agreement for Cooperation Between Lado and Belgium . Belgium Recognised the Crown Sovereignty of Lado .
29th September 1892 : Finally Lado allowed Belgium Flag to be hoisted at Wadelai , which was the Capital of Lado by then .
12 of May and 14 of August of 1894 : An Agreement was signed between Britain and Belgium recognizing the temporary possession to King Lepeoldo Lado territory called formally Side Enclave , which was separated from the Province of Bahr el Ghazal of Sudan State .
1894 May : The Brussels treaty of 12 May 1894 was signed and for the first time , the term Lado Enclave figured out . Lado enclave was to be for linking all the possessions of the British Crown from Cape Town in South Africa to Cairo in Egypt .
1894 June : The Brussels treaty of 12 May 1894 was denounced by the Belgium – British declaration of 22 June in favour of Germany .
1894 August : The Brussels treaty of 12 May was again denounced by the treaty of Paris of 14 , 1894 between France and Belgium .
1899 : France disengaged herself from the problems of Lado thruogh the Cairo treaty of 21 March 1899 , between Britain and France which was concurrently signed in Cairo ( Egypt ) and in London ( Britain ) by the French Ambassador Paul Gabon and the British Lord Salsbury . This treaty sanctioned the French to withdraw from the Nile Valley Conflict .
1904 : The treaty of the 8th April 1904 between France and Britain whereby France undertook a commitment before Britain to adopt a neutral attitude over the question of Lado , meaning that when Britain is in war with Lado , France was not to help her against Britain in return for the British withdrawl from Moroco in favour of France .
1906 : Britain concluded another treaty , Treaty of London with Belgium on 9th May 1906 to obtain Belgium cooperation as a fellow Europeans to colonise Lado . In December 1906 a similar agrement was reached with Italy and succesfully with Portugal , Spain and Germany all in all forcing these countries not to come into military help , assistance and not to trade with Lado .
1907 : In the same manner , in 1907 , Britain reached another agreement with Russia to obtain the Russian abstaintion from assisting Lado when at war with Britain in exchange for Iran which was important to Russia ( cf : Arua Treaty between Lugbari and Russia for mutual cooperation ) .
1920 : From 1914–1919 , War broke up between Britain and Lado which in history is know as Lugbari – British war . It was fought for 5 years and ended in 1920 with the peace treaty signed at Odupi in Lado . There has been no treaty signed by Lado for recognition of the British Crown till todate .
1936 : From then 1926 there has been always tension between British occupant and Lado and again war broke out into the Kakua – kajo – keji war of between 1931 – 1936 . The war did not end until the United States ( U . S . A ) intervention by President Franklin D . Rooesvert in 1936 .
1940 : King / Agofe Lemiro was Assassinated .
1947 : The question of the colonisation of Lado was raised in the United Nations Organisation ( UNO ) – Trusteeship Council which the British wished to discuss with Uganda by the USSR . The citizens of Lado asked for freedom .
1948 : On the April of 1948 , the Keego / Prime Minister of Lado was assassinated by the British Colonial Authorities when he was to travel to UN for talks on Lado . From that time up to now , Britain does every thing to keep Lado as her Possession ( Occupied Territory ) . Punishes any body who dares to use the name Lado .
1951 : The assassination death of the Prime Minister of Lado re – opened the war again with Britain , the 3 years war , ( 1948 –1951 ) . The British conservative Government under the wise old man Prime Minister Winston .S .Churchhill in 1951 stopped the war and favoured a thoughtful approach to Independence for Lado . The Governor for Lado affairs by then was Major General Sir John Hall .
1952 : Lado Envoy Extraordinary Atamva John Bart Agami who today is the present AGOFE / KING of Lado was sent with assistance of President Colonel Abdel Nasser of Egypt to USSR to meet the Secretary General Marshal Joseph Stalin as Lado situation was precipitating following the British attitude towards Lado . This time the USSR took a side for Lado .
1953 : Another yet , Keego / Prime Minister of Lado was assassinated by the British to change the political cause of Lado . In this particular moment , Lado had rejected the British intention of creating an East African Federation as Lado a part of it .
1953 : Once again , this time , the Lado Envoy Extraordinary Atamva John Bart Agami was sent with the assistance of Ethiopia – Emperor Haile Selassie Tafari Makonnen to meet Prime Minister , Wiston . S . Church hill , in Malta .
1954 : Nile Bridge talks – between Lado Envoy Extraordinary Atamva John Bart Agami and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II took place in Uganda . It was agreed that Lado would be independent in 1960 / 1961 .
1956 : A conference was held in Arua which included , Congo's first Prime Minister , Mr Patrick Lumumba on the question of Lado and its Peoples Rights to Self – determination and on the question of the Nile waters . ( cf : Nile Waters Agreement of 1929 and Nile Waters Utilization Agreement of 8th November 1959 ) .
1957 : The Representative of Lado Atamva ( Mr ) , Ringe afterwards was assassinated . Atamva Ringe is an Alur of Luo tribe in Lado .
1958 : General Elections of March 1958 were held to determine the independence of Lado and the future Prime Minister after Decolonisation . Atamva ( MR.) Gaspero Oda ( a Lugbari tribe ) won the elections amongst all the candidates of the 29 tribes of Lado .
1960 : The Agofe of Lado in the untimely natural death KARANGA " HIGHEST MILITARY TITLE : GENERAL or MARSHAL" , ANACIA BOROA , O M died of whose death the British properly took advantage for the independence of Lado as promised by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II .
1962 : In 1962 , Uganda received her independence from Britain but on the Political grounds , the Lado leader the CULU John Bart Agami was arrested and sentenced to imprisonment by the British Authority in Uganda . He was and is the living physical person today of the Agofe of Lado who fortunately was released by his military personel of which he was the commandant of the army in Uganda under the Supreme Command of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II .
1962 : Uganda got its independence but remains till todate under the Supreme Authority of the Crown of Britain ( cf : Implications of the British commomwealth ) , Uganda offers a suitable base for attacks on Lado .
1967 : A new political constitution after being draughted in 1966 was passed in Uganda Parliament , without allowing a debate on it in 1967. ( intention was to hide the knowledge that Lado is a seperate State from Uganda since 1892 . ) .
1971 : Uganda ' s plot for the extermination came into picture in 1971 of the 1967 master plan to finalise but failed in carrying it out in January 1971 : The result came out of the over throw of the President of Uganda Mr Apollo Milton Obote ( a Luo tribe of Uganda State ) . And by the Military hierachy Major General Idi Amin ( a Sudanic – Kakua / Kuku by tribe from Lado ) took over the State Affairs of Uganda on 25th January 1971 ) . In the re – orgainsation of the State of Uganda General Idi Amin thought it wise to take back the Sovereignty of Uganda to view the Uganda – Lado relations . This became a big blow defeat for the British . The Sudanic people in Uganda and Lado finally had to be wiped off completly in a war to be declared over Lado and her people . 1975 : London Agreement of 1975 was reached . It was worked out in Lusaka in Zambia between Uganda and Britain , inclulding other commonwealth countries to fight the Sudanic tribes of the State of Lado .
1979 : In March 1979 , the Uganda Ethnic groups ( Bantu , Nilotics / Luo and Nilo hamatics and of Tanzania and other Africans held " Moshi Confrence " in Tanzania , finally to impliment the London Agreement of 1975 . 1978/9 : War was declared on Lado and its people ( predominately Sudanic race ) from 6th October 1978 to April 1979 , whereby 250,000 soldiers were assembled from all over the world especially from the British Commonwealth Countries and from the Political allies of Britain . In the diplomatic channel it was Denmark , a strong British ally who undertook running the diplomatic machinary to impliment the war and was the one who raised the issue in the United Nations under the cover that the war in Uganda was necessary to over throw the World ' s worst dictator ever known , General Idi Amin . General Idi Amin is a Kakua / Kuku Sudanic tribe in Lado . After the over throw of Idi Amin , the coming true President of Uganda Mr, Yusuf Lule said " the Nile is betwwen us " , confirming the existence of the two States : i.e , Lado ( since 1892 ) and Uganda ( since 1894 ) by International Treaty Conventions .
1980/1: From 1979 to 1981 massive massacres of the Sudanics in the Southern Lado , in Uganda and in other East African Countries inclulding total destruction of Properties in this part of Lado ( both Private and Public properties ) was carried out in order to occupy Lado land ( cf ; Uganda plans of 1967 and Uganda decree of 12 May 1980 , Art. 5 and Art. 10 ) , This was done with full cooperation of Tanzania .
1 January 2002 : Lado through the Act by the present Agofe sent a Petition to the UN Security Council and requested the UN Secretary General to act under Article 99 , and whereby the UN Secretary General " needs to do is to express his concern " for the Lado People and say that there is a Situation which is bad and Dangerous in Sudan Centra Africa - Lado and what is better , is to go about to implement the UN General Assembly Resolutions 43 / 47 of 22 November 1988 , UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 and Article 1 and Article 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945. In any case of legal complications and Difficulties on the question ( Decolonisation ) of LADO, the UN General Assembly can refer the matter of LADO to the International Court of Justice for the Advisory Opinions . This will eventually result in the Formal Recognition of the State of LADO as an Independent, Sovereign Nation State (LADO) in Central Africa which will restore LADO to its former Historical Status as a Sovereign Nation State ( LADO ) .
Year 2005 : A different picture appeared on world political affairs ; ' Nairobi Agreement held in Kenya ' of 9 January 2005 which was to bring Peace between the Rebel Forces SPLM ( Sudan People's Liberation Movement ) and the Sudan Government in Khartoum was reached . There is / was no doubt that , behind the move was the long - term Objective to Destroy Lado , the Lado State in Central Africa situated in the Great Lakes Region and in the Nile-Congo Watershed Region , which is falsely shown on the map as Southern Sudan and DR Congo . But it is the Northern Territory of Lado ( " Equatoria and Ituri Province of Lado " since 1871 ) .
Lado Wiped off the World Map by Britain
Lado was wiped off the World Maps in 1947 after 34 years of unsuccessful Occupation by the British from 1913 . Before 1913 Lado was an Independent and Sovereign Country , the size of the British Isles , with its Constitution drawn from 1772 , and is situated at the Upper Nile Valley in the Nile-Congo Watershed Region , and since 1871 called Equatoria as a part of the Ottoman Empire's Divide and Rule Policy . Lado was Administered through Egypt by Britain The British Influence started when they signed the Constantinople Agreement in May 22, 1887 , when they administered Lado through Egypt , which incidentally was then a possession of the Ottoman Empire .
The first two Governor's of Lado, Col. Sir Samuel White Baker (1871-1873) and Col. Charles George Gordon (1874-1876) were appointed through the British , but their salaries were paid by the Ottoman Empire .
British Pretended not to be a Part .
Note : Colonel Charles George Gordon the Appointed Governor of Lado after Sir Samuel White Baker abandoned Lado , he never set foot to live in Lado but gave the resposibility of Lado to an Italian Soldier , Captain Romolo Gessi to maintain Relations with Lado for him .
From 1876 - 1878 two American Colonels were Governors of Lado , namely : Colonel , Henry G. Prout and Colonel , Alexander A. Mason and neither the British nor the American Governors lasted very long as formal Occupiers of Lado . Officially , the British pretended that they did not have a part in it with United states ( USA ) Colonels being American Governors in Lado . This is perhaps and because of the Sovereignty of Lado was still under the Ottoman / Turkish Control .
The other reason was that France was fighting Britain over Egypt which would later and secretly become under Military Occupation by Britain in 1882 .
1879 - 1889 Another , German Prussian Edward Karl Schnitzer tried with a bit of more luck from 1879 to 1889 . Gov. Schnitzer in more or less pretended and became a Moslem and took the name " Emin Pasha " to gain more support from Ladoans through Religion uses.
British Knack / Capacity for Secrecy
The British have always had a knack for Secrecy and have made their Fame from the ' hiding behind the bush ' Game and Method , and that is especially obvious in the case of Lado in Central Africa. The British logo has been and is always that of the Three Monkeys , who don't Hear , don't See and don't Talk , and even in the extraordinary case that they should see, they certainly don't talk. Another term for that kind of Policy, is very much practised in the EU ( European Union ), in the WTO ( World Trade Organisation ) and in other such Clubs , is the Closed Doors Policy .
The Question of Lado was raised for the first time in the United Nations at a UN Conference lasting from 28 April to 15 May 1947 by the then Soviet Permanent Representative to the U.N., Andrei A. Gromyko , who later became the Foreign Minister of the USSR. On this Conference , which incidentally was called by Britain , three Key Issues were discussed , i.e. the Palestine Question , the creation of the new State of Israel , and the Independence of Lado . Lado was Cheated The decision at the U.N. was to grant all three parties Independence , but as everyone knows , only one of these decisions was implemented with the realisation of the State of Israel in 1948 . A lot of bloodshed , anger , pain and millions of displaced and stateless persons have up to now been the result of the lack of implementation of the Palestine and Lado Questions. By the way , now , there remains to be granted Independence to eighteen countries in the World , of which the five are the Palestine , East Timor , Western Sahara , Lado and St. Helena.
Lado not in the Public Eye
The first three countries , the Palestine , East Timor and Western Sahara , are on the verge of Independence because they have for a long time been burning issues and in the Focus of the Public Eye making their Suffering and Quest for Freedom a Matter of Conscience for the People of the World . However , the Plight of Lado and St. Helena , both African Nations and both under foreign occupation ( Lado under Britain / Belgium , St. Helena under Britain ) , has been that of oblivion , covert oppression and shadow boxing on behalf of the two countries .
Lado and St. Helena in the Same Boat.
Lado is in exactly the same boat as St. Helena as their issues have never been allowed to be discussed in the open and as all topics concerning them have been swept under the carpet . Yet , it is known , the question of National Identity is one of crucial importance to any Man , and the Right of all People on the Planet Earth. Although it is even one of the foremost Principles of the United Nations Charter , the Lado Peole and the St. Helena People have been denied the Right to even exist , let alone their Independence . The very name Lado especially is the Forbidden Word in the World of Politics and Diplomacy , and not least on the African Continent where there is severe Penalty , even Death , for expressing a single syllable about Lado and its existence as a Nation State or a People . Lado is never called by its True Name but heard of always through the , referred to , as either the unruly North-Western Region or West Nile of Uganda , the North-Eastern Region of Congo , or even Equatoria Region of Sudan or now as Southern or South Sudan Independent Region , but never by its true and genuine name Lado . In fact the mere mention of the name Lado triggers a jittery shock in Diplomatic circles , as it is becoming an increasingly embarassing issue for the former Colonial Powers spearheaded by Britain, its Commonwealth Countries and Institutions enforced by their musclemen their American cousins - United States of America , USA ( meaning through the powers of the old Virginia Company ). The Hidden Agenda But then it is no wonder that , the Lado Question has become such a Hot Potato to the Ruling Powers of the World when you consider that the Hidden Agenda of the Anglo/American Conglomeration is to create a new state on Lado Land ( Territory ) by the name of Southern or South Sudan . The idea is to hand over Lado Land to Black Americans , as it was done in Liberia , which will help " White America " to get rid of some of its Black Citizens that constantly remind them of their infamous and shameful Slave Past . So , Annihilation of Lado People is best for them to do on the African soil still . Annihilation of Lado People Invariably this scheme will involve the Annihilation of the Rightful Owners of Lado Land , the Indigenous People of the Luu , Lui , Luo and Lue origins . These are the National Identities of Lado , and this explains why the name Lado is not even whispered in the Corridors of Power . Note : Lado has been is still occupied , but never colonised , since 26 May 1871 by an International Force led by the US military based in Egypt .
The Covert / Secreet Operations
The Force, which operated under the pretext of fighting the Slave Trade, was the " NATO " of that day (1871), and as history goes yet , another American President, General Ulysses Simpson Grant had been manipulated (or forced) by the British Crown to do the dirty work under the auspices of an under-cover Agreement of the Ottoman Empire Sovereignty of which Egypt was a Possession at the time. Now the implementation of the Creation of this new " Slave State ", and part of the Secret Anglo - American Colonisation Program of Africa , was preceded by a recent Fact - Finding Mission to Lado carried out by the Congressmen : Donald M. Payne (a Black American) and Tom Tancredo , and Senator Sam Brownback . US Congress Passed Resolution to Invade only . Coinciding with the Mission of these three Gentlemen , a Resolution was passed in the US Congress in June 1999 that the US is to supply Arms and Finances to the South Sudan Liberation Army and the South Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement under the pretext of fighting the Arabs in North Sudan . Part of the Scheme , and the Reason for the Passing of the Resolution in Congress , was to conjure a deliberate Misinformation on the whole situation in the Region which was / is to hide the Real Reason , namely to destroy Lado as a Country and its People , exactly the same way that North Atlantic Treaty Organisation ( NATO ) was trying to destroy Serbia and its People .
NATO Operation in Africa
One only sees it as the pre-parations for a new NATO Operation which will use Uganda and Kenya as their Bases and Buffer Zones . The Lado People will be the Targets at the receiving end , and Lado Land will be used as the new Testing Ground for their impressive and High-Tech Bombing / Weapons sprees. Who says World Peace ? The Bluff they are calling is to make the World believe that the South Sudan People are in Dire Circumstances and desperately in need of Help to liberate themselves.
However , the fact is that , the so called South Sudan is encapsulating part of the North Lado Territory occupied ( divided into two Regions of East and West Equatoria which have been first placed forming the Southern Region Areas of the Unified Republic of Sudan State : North and South Sudan United in 1899 and even after independence in 1956 ) . The Regions of East and West Equatoria are inhabited by Luu , Lui , and Lue People . The Rebel War of the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement ( SPLM ) was fought , not in South Sudan as such , but in Lado ( called Equatoria from 20 May 1871 ) , as the real South Sudan People and the border line with Lado is situated five degrees north of the Lado Border .
These South Sudan People , living inside the Republic of Sudan are : Dinka , Nuer , Anuak and Shilluk , Jo Luo Native Black People Africans and including Arab Native descendents who have no connection and Politically so , whatsoever to Lado and Lado People . Consequently , the Phony War in Sudan was being fought and will be ever fought in the Wrong Place and by the Wrong People and for the Wrong Reasons under the pretext of the Christian Victims versus the Cruel Arab Muslims in North Sudan . But the whole issue is different .
The Black South Sudan people of Sudan are only the claimed Christian inventions as an issue to use by the Anglo / Americans fighting to preserve the South Sudanese people in Sudan in their Covert Campaign of the War against Lado and the hated Lado people yet in the series of Wars which are going on over the Occupation of Lado as cited already in the writings here .
US Mission Misinformed
The US Fact-Finding Mission was based in the town Yei , which is in the Heart of Lado , and very far away from South Sudan , and yet the Honourable Senators and the Congressmen failed to see that they were physically been enjoying the Hospitality and received the Protection of the People of Lado , and not the People of South Sudan . Instead they manufactured a totally false Report which fatally resulted in the disastrous Resolution passed by the US Congress in June 1999 , a Resolution which invariably resulted in the Commitment of the US Government and the Deployment of US Troops , Arms and Finance to fight inside Lado with the British Crown which remained and still remains in Charge now carrying out the Overall and Tactical Activities ( the Brain and the Muscle ) : The game is played through all the institutions of the British Crown , and some of the most useful on-the-spot players are Uganda , Kenya and South Africa to which country all destructive weapons were / being and will always be shipped and distributed . For this reasons Peace or War rests with Britain over Lado .
The whole Issue of Peace or War , since the Queen's Promise in 1954 , rests still with the former Labour Government , that same Party which was in power under Prime Minister , Clement Richard Attlee in 1947 when the Issue of Lado's Independence was discussed in the United Nations . The only difference now is that the new coming parties , Party such as the "New Labour Party “ and others onto come, can be seen whether the new on coming of their Prime Ministers , will have the courage to honour Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's Word of 1954 , tenths , of years ago till todate . Lado Independence But we all know Lado will still go ahead and declare the Independence of Lado as a Sovereign Nation State in the Heart of Mother Africa and therefore to relieve its restless mind . So what it is really all about is touching the Soul of the Individual Ladoan is , by Releasing , Educating and Training his Mind like Cultivating a Rare Fruit , making People aware of the Fact that he or she no longer lives in the Middle Ages or in the Age of Bondage and Slavery in Africa (1440-1840) by the same people , Euro / Arabs , and that is , it is OK for him /her to be Free and to Think freely for himself /herself . This is a Brand New Millenium (21 centuary a.d.) , and a time in the Human History when people are Liberating themselves from the Common Consciousness and to be Individuals who are Responsible for their own Actions , and even more importantly , Responsible for their Failure to Act .
Truely , The Blame cannot be Pushed.
That is why like all Africans or the blacks as a whole can , no longer push the Blame for Injustice and Atrocities on to different people alone , whether they be National or Worldwide on a Globalised Planet . People in all have a Task to do for Justice and Peace , and people are no longer Blind - Minded . Whether the Individual be African , Asian or European , American , the Issue is the same : There is no 'cop-out ', no Escape from taking a Stand and Act or Speak up against Injustice or Oppression in the face of all , once one knows the Truth and the Facts in this Age of Information and Communications . Perhaps as is often quoted in the Christianity saying of Jesus , who said : When two People Act in the name of God , then God Listens and Blesses . So an Individual should not be afraid to do something which he or she knows in his or her Heart is Right , Justice he / she does and will Benefit the Others too . No Escape , as in Africa the Colonial Way of thinking is still prevailing , and so far it has been a Heavy Task to Liberate the African Minds . So many People in Africa have grown accustomed to Identify themselves with the Culture and Language of the European Colonisers that they find it extremely hard and difficult to break out of their Mental Prisons . Surely , and after four hundred years of Slavery and two hundred years of Foreign Occupation and Colonisation , this African State of Mind is Understandable - but it is no longer any Excuse which can be used as a Sleeping Pill or a Drug to quell the over-whelming Fear . Decolonisation Mind Process is Vital Unless the Decolonisation Process is carried out - i.e. the Mind is Liberated to assume full Responsibility for its own Situation - the Situation in Africa will never change , and in the End really we might even lose or are loosing our own Land Continent to Foreigners now and once for all : the Native Black Race in his / her Mother Continent is wiped off . It is as well worthy to note and to remember that : all it takes is Two People , Two Minds and know what Sovereignty means to the Africans and what to do holding that Spirit up , of the Organisation of African Unit from its very Start on the conference day of 1945 at Manchester and start reviewing where the wrong steps were taken or are taking place while implementing the still OAU Charter till todate . And the Africans must also know and be aware of the High Price to Pay as the Price for Freedom and Independence as always any where on the world , is incredibly high , there is no way back for the Africans still and in Particular for the Lado people not to think of taking the National Responsibilities , to take the Matters of Independences and full Sovereignty issues within the Continent of Africa and be into their own Hands as Africans .
The Defination term of AGOFE derives from Lugbari or Lugbara Language of Lado and is the Highest and a Noble Legal Title equivalent of a King or Chief of State which was and is still vested in the Person Ruler of Lado Kingdom since from 847 a.d through 1772 when Lado had its Constitution drawn on 9th May 1772 till todate 3000 a.d . The Agofe as a King defended the Nation States of Lado Kingdom through the Arabs and European Colonisation Periods and till todate , and this Title has been mantained of a Legal Official use in the Lugbari or Lugbara Nation - Tribe Society and in all other 29 Nation - Tribes Societies of Lado Kingdom in Africa . The Title is in use for more than 14 Generations now , that is including the present ruling AGOFE of today , His Majesty CULU John Bart Agami Onzima II in the Political History of Lugbari and Lado Political Affairs to the present time . The Agofe himself is a Lugbari or of Lugbara Tribe . The AGOFE in short , brief to say , is not a Cultural Leader only for the Lugbari tribe as stated or known in Uganda or recognised by the Uganda Government as such - cf : [6]
Before we see how the Term Agofe came to be introduced , lets take a look briefly as to who are the Lugbari or Lugbara People in the Kingdom State of Lado in Sudan Central Africa . The Lugbari people and as a Nation Identity came around by the lime lights of its heroes : Jaki Lolo , Dribidu Tere and Sambala Naiga who have been the Three Hero-Founders of the Lugbari Nation at the Foot Mountain of Mt. Rejaf in todays South Sudan . The Lugbari people are generally considered or are the descendants of the Moru and Madi tribes .
Other important Mountain areas of Lugbara are : Mt. Luku , where Hero Sambala died and was buried ,
Mt. Iti , where Dribidu Tere , Aneclata Atabua , Lemiro and Ayingani died and were buried , in todays Uganda
Mt. Liru , where Jaki Lolo died and was buried , in todays Uganda too .
One thing is uncertain and that is about the Lugbari history where they are told lies every second and in their book writings by the European Colonialists and especially by Britain and the people of Uganda about the Tribe Nation Identity of the Lugbari Identity Issues . The Noble Lie Elitists are very adamant about this idea of their noble lie ; the use of their lie to attain a " positive goal " . In their view , average citizens in Lado lack the capacity to understand the Bigger Political and Social picture , so must be lied to in order to make then ( Ladoans ) do what is best for themselves. Of course , their vision of what is best for the Ladoans Culture always seems to include first and foremost what is best for them . This Noble lie is a logical fallacy of epic proportions , and One often wonders if global elitists secretly doubt its legitimacy . If you need to lie to people in order to get them to accept your ideas , then there must be something terrible wrong with your ideas . Ideas with vitality and honesty do not need to be sold to the public through chicanery ; the truth takes on a life of its own . Only destructive philosophies need a foundation of lies in order to take root . The Defination of Agofe is not as is presented so by the Government of Uganda . And right now , the Ladoans are working discretely with all their might to wrest this mysterious force being used to destroy the immage of the AGOFE of the Kingdom State of Lado . By the way , Even Insects do have history - What of the Lugbari or Lugbara and their Contribution to their State Kingdom of in Sudan Central Africa ? Not to Forget ! The Kingdom-State of Lado came about from the 13th and 14th Centuaries in the period of Re-organisation of the Region ( Central Africa ) based on the Tribal Philosophy in order to ensure a proper care and a better Social Services to the People consisting of the The 29 Tribes of Lado Re-organised and are existing till todate with their Affiliation to the State Kingdom of Lado .
The History and the Lado Constitution of 1772 under the Office of His Majesty AGOFE of the Kingdom State of Lado as a National Entity Kingdom in Central Africa dates back to 9 May 847 a.d , though the name and the People contained in the Present 29 Nation-Tribes of Lado can be traced back to around 700 b.c . The Lado Constitution was passed on 9 May 1772 , after the 60-year War with the Arab Slave traders and gave Executive Powers to the Agofe to defend the Kingdom of Lado . The Constitution also gave institutional powers to women in particular , where women of Lado held and hold onto running too , till todate , of the Official duties of the State Kingdom of Lado .
The Office of the Agofe in the Kingdom State or KAARI of Lado is THE GREEN BUREAU The Exercise of Power Under the AGOFE of LADO KINGDOM is divided under ORIJORU - TI or Dicastries , and in order to prevent any Abuse of Power or Excesses in the whole Structure of the State of Lado , three Controlling Bodies of Government , were established by the Constitution of Lado , namely :
1. The Legislative Council / or Joroti in Lugbara - Lado Language ,
2. The Executive Council / or Okurujoti in Lugbara – Lado Language ,
3. The Judicial Council / or Liimati in Lugbara - Lado Language .
Each Dicastry or Orijoru-ti in Lugbara Language is headed by the Coordinator of State who is assisted by the Secretary of State . Each Dicastry has five Directorates each headed by the Director General who is assisted by the Under Secretary of State . Each Directorate is then divided into Departments which are headed by Directors who are assisted by Assistant Secretaries of State. All other Affairs of the State are handled by the Lado Civil Service Staff who are selected in accordance with their Skills , Professional Qualities and Merits . Responsible for the Employment , Promotions and Pensions is the Lado Civil Service Commission , which is placed directly under the Prime Minister ( Keego ) . The Commission is also responsible for the Employment and the Recruitment of the Military and Diplomatic Service Staff of Lado . In the event that any of the People in the Top Hierarchy of State should be engaged in the Abuse of Power against the State and against the Citizens of Lado , be guilty of Misdemeanours or Treason , they will be Impeached . That applies to those who hold the Offices of the State , such as the Prime Minister , the Governor , the Coordinator of State , the State Secretary , the Judges , the Ambassadors and other State Holders of Lado Kingdom . N.B : As one of the Fundamental Rights of the Citizens of Lado , according to Lado Constitution , the Lado Political System allows for the Freedom of Expression , the Freedom of Assembly and the Freedom of Association , both in Political and Non-Political Organisations , such as Political Parties , Interest Groups , Pressure Groups , etc... etc..... . The future of the Kingdom State of Lado for any changes to do lies within the wishes of the Citizens of Lado in the Constitution Reviews to do so by the Referendum they will do for it .
26 May 1871 : Major General Sir Samuel White Baker became the first Governor General to Rule Lado for the Khedive of Ottoman Empire.
1873 : General Charles . G . Gordon took over from Sir Samuel White Baker but stayed at Khartum in Sudan without stepping in Lado .
1914 : A Senior Police Officer Arthur Evelyn Weatherhead became representing the British Interests in West Nile / Lado through Uganda . He ( Weatherhead ) waged continual wars against the Lugbari of Lado for fighting the British in Lado area c.f : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A.E._Weatherhead or read about the Quotes notes about him :
" A.E. Weatherhead was a British colonial administrator who served in South Africa, Uganda and the Seychelles. Arthur Evelyn Weatherhead became the first District Commissioner of West Nile District. In 1914, the Southern portion of the Lado Enclave was assigned from Belgium to Uganda under the British Protectorate. Weatherhead took over the administration of the 'New Area' and built a station in Arua, the present headquarters. He drew the first plan of Arua Town. Locally, Weatherhead was nicknamed Njerekede/ Ejerikedi (a brave honest man they could trust and who trusted them). A road in Arua is named after him, that is the Weatherhead Park Lane. It starts from the Main Roundabout adjacent to the Golf Course and extends east towards the Presidential Suite in Anyafio Village. He waged continual war against Lugbara groups in an attempt to impose British Colonial Rule. He referred to the Lugbara as “wild and unattractable”, and as “shy and unorganized”, requiring “severe measures before submitting to administration”. Following the British policy of indirect rule, he used the chiefs appointed by the Belgians for administration and control . "
ITALIAN NATIONAL DEPUTY GOVERNOR GENERAL 1873 : Captain Romolo Gessi ( became the Right hand side of as a Vice-Roy to General Charles Gordon in Lado as Gordon apparently refused to Stay and and step in Lado ).
A GERMAN - PRUSSIAN NATIONAL GOVERNOR GENERAL 1878 : Dr Eduard Schnitzer nick named or took out to be known as or called Emin Pasha as he turned out to be a Moslem became the Governor General of Lado and was the luckiest to have ruled for 10 years for the Khedive of the Ottoman .
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - ( USA ) NATIONAL GOVERNOR GENERALS 1876 -1878 : The two Governor Generals were : Colonel Henry . G . Prost and Colonel Alexandra . A . Manson .
Belgium Top Commandants and Governor Generals stationed at Uele and at Capital town in Lado :
17 Feb 1897 - Nov 1897 : Louis Napoléon Chaltin (1st time ) ,
Nov 1897 - 15 Dec 1898 : Léon Charles Edouard Hanolet ( 1st time ) ,
15 Dec 1898 - 1 May 1900 : Jean Baptiste Josué Henry de la Lindi ,
1899 - 1900 : Gustave Ferdinand Joseph Renier ,
1 May 1900 - Mar 1902 : Louis Napoléon Chaltin (2nd time) ,
Mar 1902 - Jan 1903 : Léon Charles Edouard Hanolet ( 2nd time ) ,
1900 - Jan 1903 : Gustave Ferdinand Joseph Renier ,
Jan 1903 - 24 Mar 1904 : Georges François Wtterwulghe ,
Jan 1903 - Aug 1903 : Albéric Constantin Édouard Bruneel ,
Aug 1903 - Mar 1905 : Henri Laurent Serexhe ,
24 Mar 1904 - 1904 : Florian Alexandre François Wacquez ( acting for Wtterwulghe to 8 May 1904 ) ,
1904 - May 1907 : Ferdinand, baron de Rennette de Villers-Perwin ( acting to Aug 1906 ) ,
Mar 1905 - Jan 1908 : Guillaume Léopold Olaerts ,
Jan 1908 - Apr 1909 : Léon Néstor Preud'homme ,
Apr 1909 - 1910 : Alexis Bertrand ,
1910 - Jun 1910 : Charles Eugène Édouard de Meulenaer .
And Compare this Situation of the Governor Generals of Uganda only from , of one Source - from Britain only as an example commonly of the Foreign Governor Generals in Africa to which the Countries , the Europeans easily gave them Independences . LADO IS REALLY UNIQUE IN AFRICA FOR HER INDEPENDENCE THEN !
The Commissioners of Uganda ,1893–1910
1 Apr 1893 – 30 May 1893 : Sir Gerald Herbert Portal ,
30 May 1893 – 4 Nov 1893 (acting) : James Ronald Leslie MacDonald ,
4 Nov 1893 – 10 May 1894 : Sir Henry Edward Colville ,
10 May 1894 – 24 Aug 1894 (acting) : Frederick Jackson ,
24 Aug 1894 – Dec 1899 : Ernest James Berkeley ,
Dec 1899 – Nov 1901 : Sir Harry Hamilton Johnston ,
Nov 1901 – 20 Nov 1907 : Sir James Hayes Sadler ,
20 Nov 1907 – 31 Jan 1910 : Sir Henry Hesketh Joudou Bell ,
1 Feb 1910 – 18 Oct 1910 : Sir Harry Edward Spiller Cordeaux .
The Governors of Uganda, 1910–1962
1910 - 1911 : Sir Harry Cordeaux ;
1910 – 1911 (also Commissioner in early 1910 ) ,
1911 - 1918 : Sir Frederick Jackson ,
1918 - 1922 : Sir Robert Coryndon ,
1922 – 1925 : Sir Geoffrey Archer ,
1925 – 1932 : Sir William Gowers ,
1932 - 1935 : Sir Bernard Henry Bourdillon ,
1935 - 1940 : Sir Philip Mitchell ,
1940 - 1945 : Sir Charles Dundas ,
1945 - 1952 : Sir John Hathorn Hall ,
1952 - 1957 : Sir Andrew Cohen ,
1957 - 1961 : Sir Frederick Crawford ,
1961 - 1963 : Sir Walter Coutts:
1961 – 1962 (also Governor-General until 1963).
Source of References : Lado News : [7]
Lado Enclave : [8]
South - West of Lado ceded to Uganda thus illegally becoming as West Nile : [9]
Book Reading reference informations on Lado : Equatoria : The Lado Enclave ( General Studies Series ) by C. H. Stigand ( AUTHOR )
Writer :
Ronald Okuonzi Lulua - N.C
Senior Government Officer
Provisional Government in Exile State Kingdom of Lado
Decolonisation News Service for The Kingdom of Lado :
Flags of Lado
Present Flag of The Freedom Fighters of Lado
I looked up "terra nullius" and found that it was a term used in Roman law and meant "land belonging to no one". It describes territory which has never been subject to the sovereignty of any state.
African examples of terra nullious were Bir Tawil, Burkina Faso and Niger. No mention of your territory.
Reply :
The African terra nullius doctrine was simply extended to cover the situation where the people living there on their own lands in Africa , in the opinion of the Europeans , were uncivilised . The British adapted the international law concept of terra nullius to govern the situation in “settled or as Occupied Areas ” colonies .
In other parts of the British Empire for example , where the inhabitants were not regarded as uncivilised , the Crown claimed Sovereignty but not ownership of the land . For the Crown to get ownership of inhabited land peacefully it had to enter into a Treaty with the Natives to acquire the land it wanted . Of course , in many cases those Treaties were broken . If you follow carefully the writen Story of Lado here and elsewhere on Wikipedia you are able to find that Lado was called by the British as the Land Enclave in Sudan Central Africa and forcifully occupying it and later illegally entered into partitioning it . The British exercised the doctrine of Terra Nullius over Lado ignoring the Natives of Lado , that Ladoland belongs to the Ladoans . Ladoans own their Land under all Legal Aspects . Because of this British Doctrine ( Europeans Doctrine in general ) , Africa as a continent Land never belonged to the Africans . Africans had to be Colonised . Period . Practically the Lado issue is a covert occupation issue till todate hidden under this term Terra Nullius .
N . B : The Past Colonial Maps and Flags of Lado in Contrast to the Present Lado Flags in the Process of Decolonisation now .
Decolonisation News Service for The Kingdom of Lado :
Flags of Lado
Present Flag of The Freedom Fighters of Lado
Thanks for supplying all this eye-opening information.
Throughout the 19th century in Africa there was much proselytisation of the native peoples by Muslims and Christians, two organised religions in competition with one another. What seemed right to them seems a shame to us for they interfered with and destroyed unique systems and societies. But this is with that wonderful thing 20:20 hindsight, so we shouldn't be too harshly critical of our ancestors' behaviour, for it was simply how 19th century Europeans saw the world and their role in it.
Anthropologists today value the native colonies in the Amazon jungle which come to light from time to time, and I hope I am right in saying that these tribes are not encountering pushers of religion. That is how it should have been in 19th century Africa (although a Victorian Englishman wouldn't have agreed with me, and I know many proselytising present day Muslims won't either).
Was the colonial period in your country all bad? Can't you pick out one or two things that were good, and say "Thanks Britain"? We unified the Indian nation with our railway system, which they rely on to this day, and yet it seems to stick in their craw to say anything nice about the period of British rule.
Decolonisation News Service for The Kingdom of Lado :
Flags of Lado
Present Flag of The Freedom Fighters of Lado
Map of Lado Land Showing the People of Lado
On 10 June 1910 , following King of Belgium - Leopold’s death , Lado became a province of the Anglo Egyptian Sudanand in 1912 whereby the southern half of Lado was ceded to Uganda, then a British protectorate . This is the Region known as West Nile and Madi in Uganda .
The Conflicts with / in Uganda with West Nile / Madi is over this : The Popolation People of this Regions are Citizens of Lado till todate fighting for their Decolonisation of their State Lado by the INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION RECOGNITION of 28th September 1892 , signed between Belgium and Lado . Note – Uganda became a State much later than Lado on 1st April 1894 by the INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION RECOGNITION , signed by Britain and Uganda . These are the standing Legal Orders till todate and living Lado as an Occupied State in Africa . Lado is still defending its Territorial Integrity or Nduvunduvu – meaning Sovereignty in this part of Africa yet . Thus the Decolonisation Issue of Lado now .
The first presence of former British Prime Minister , Winster Churchill to have passed in Lado and having killed a Big White ( rather known as the wide Mouth Rhinoceros ) in the Country ( Lado Enclave ) made the American Former President Theodore ( Teddy ) Roosevelt to rush immediately to Lado and he arrived to Dufile in Lado in 1909 where he stayed to enjoy his hunting of the White Rhinoceroses . In his own words before he embarked on his African Journey from U.S.A , he said : I should consider my entire African Trip a success if I could get to that Country Lado ( Lado Enclave ) . The White Rhinoceros is the Animal I care to get ---- even more than the Elephant . He killed Nine of them before he left while Winston Churchill had killed only one in his Stay at Wadelai – Bora land in Lado .
These two former Leaders took to recognise Lado Enclave State then and did so on to establish Relations with Lado People .
1909 : Treaty of Dufile ( dufule ) between Lado and U S A ( For Cooperation ) . During the period of President Theodore Roosevelt ( New York )
1920 : From 1914 - 1919 , War broke up between Britain and Lado which in history is known as Lugbari - British war . It was fought for 5 years and ended in 1920 with the Truce ( Peace treaty ) signed at Odupi in Lado . There was no Treaty signed by Lado for recognition of the British Crown till todate .
1936 : From then 1926 there has been always tension between British occupant and Lado and again war broke out into the Kakua - kajo - keji war of between 1931 - 1936 . The war did not end until the United States ( U . S . A ) intervention by President Franklin D . Rooesvert in 1936 .
1951 : The assassination death of the Prime Minister of Lado re - opened the war again with Britain , the 3 years war , ( 1948 - 1951 ) . The British conservative Government under the wise old man Prime Minister Winston .S .Churchhill in 1951 stopped the war and favoured a thoughtful approach to Independence for Lado . The Governor for Lado affairs by then was Major General Sir John Hall .
1953 : When Keego / Prime Minister of Lado was assassinated by the British to change the political cause of Lado , in this particular moment , Lado had rejected the British intention of creating an East African Federation as Lado a part of it and the same year the Lado Envoy Extraordinary Atamva John Bart Agami who is today's Agofe / King of Lado was sent with the assistance of Ethiopia - Emperor Haile Selassie Tafari Makonnen to meet Prime Minister , Wiston . S . Church hill , in Malta .
1954 : Nile Bridge talks - between Lado Envoy Extraordinary and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II took place in Uganda . It was agreed that Lado would be independent in 1960 / 1961 but every body knows Lado is not yet independent . Lado is still moving on , removing the Residual Colonial Mentality of both the Authorities of Belgium and Britain who are still mantaining Lado as an Occupied Country State in Africa for themselves since when from 1947 ; the question of the Decolonisation of Lado was raised in the United Nations Organisation ( UNO ) - Trusteeship Council which the British wished to discuss with Uganda by the USSR . The citizens of Lado asked for freedom .
Following a war which started as a Spartacus - like rebellion from 1090 b.c to 700 b. c LADO people entered into the War to free themselves and to become Independent from Egypt .
From 700 B.C : Lado people struggled for their Independence from Egyptian Pharaonic Reign over them in the period of the last fall of Pharao ' s intensified by the Power struggle between the Egyptian High Priests and the Pharao couple Tut - Ank - Amon and Queen Neferite .
Around 749 b.c : The Sudanics left Egypt - as their predecessors the Jews had done under Moses around 11 - 1200 BC , Led by their war hero , General Laro , the Sudanics moved Southwards and finaly decided to settle around the foot of the Mountain which they named " LADO "
687 b.c : The Lado people spreaded and covered the geographical areas lying in the Sudan Central Africa within the Basin of the water Shade regions of Nile – Congo Rivers with the southern tip end territory extending up to Lake Ombizako , a name in Lugbari language of Lado , today called by the British / Uganda as ( Lake Albert ) in Central Africa .
640 a.d - 1270 : Ethiopia was under Rule of Lado for 7 centuries . One of such Great Ruler of Ethiopia was Ancestor ( Negus ) of Ethiopia , Sambala Naiga , who later moved away after the Political upheavels in Ethiopia . At Lake Tana was his home place at that of his Reign . He moved to settle at the foot hill of Mt. Luku in Lado where he died as a Lado Hero .
847 a.d : A modern Nation State - Kingdom of Lado was established in and to replace the then Ancient Lado which was founded already in 700 b.c .
13th and 14th Centuaries : was the period of Re - organisation of the Region ( Central Africa ) based on the Tribal Philosophy in order to ensure a proper Protection care and a better Social Services to the People under the Great Agofe / King Likiji . The 29 Tribes of Lado was Re - organised and existing till todate with their Affiliation / Association / Federation to the State Kingdom of Lado .
1452 : In the period of Papacy , Pope Pius II , aimed to create a Vicariate in the Sudan Central Africa .
1711 : The direct contact between Lado and with the Western European World started when Catholic Mission was founded in Ladoland ( Sudan Central Africa – LADO ) by the Franciscan Fathers , from Austria , during the Papacy of Pope Clement XI ( cf : by Pope Pius II , 1452 ) 9th May 1772 : The Lado Constitution was passed on 9 May 1772 , after the 60-year War (and specifically with Arabs of the Slave Traders ) and gave Executive Powers to the Agofe / King , which is the Institution of the Government . Lado was Assisted by the Jesuits who travelled from their Valleta house in Malta .
1821 : The begining of the Turco / Egyptian occupation , as it was later called , was to plunder of the black lands South Sahara deserts ( Sudan ) and Lado later was occupied in 1871 .
13th February 1841- 1st April 1864 : Turco - Egyptian Firman of 13 February 1841 , and the Turco - Egyptian Firman of 1st April 1869 for the occupation of Lado took place on 26th May 1871 to Convert Lado in a Western so called Modern State in Central Africa . The Sudanic population of Lado was located in this region year 700 b.c from that date up to the Half of the 19th centuary ( 1850 ) , especially from 1870 onwards , the Sudanic population had to face foreign interferences and invasions from the Arab and European Colonialists , thus leading Sudanic Ladoans to fight unending wars against these foreign invaders . And the wars against Colonialists are still being fought till todate , this text about Lado is being writen .
The Half of 19th centuary ( 1850 ) : is mainly about the The History of Lado which took place among its ethnic groups for the Political re - organisation levels on the philosophical Tribal basis for the Protection of the LAND , the PEOPLE and the INTEREST of the 29 Tribes of the founded Nation – Kingdom State of Lado in Africa .
26 January 1846 : His Holiness , Pope Gregory XVI signed a Document making the Upper Nile Valley , Lado , ' The Vicariate of Central Africa '.
1867 : The Jesuits remained in Lado until 1867 by which time they were replaced by the still present Verona Fathers from Italy .
26 May 1871 : Ottoman - Empire ( todays reduced to Turkey ) extended control of Lado under the Nominated a British National who was serving in the Ottoman Military Service by name Sir Samuel White Baker . He became the First Governor General to Lado to serve the Ottoman Interests - ( Lado Occupied ) .
3rd August 1875 : Can be remembered as the beginning date , as the European States divided the African Continent amongst them , ( the Paris Resolution ) and again on 26 February 1885 (the Berlin Treaty) where they took African Freedom and Liberty and imposed their Religion and their Values on the African Peoples .
1876 -1878 : United States of America - USA undertook to occupy Lado : Colonel Henry .G . Prost and Colonel Alexandra . A Manson 1876 - 1878 actively participated in the administration of Lado and all failed to control Equatoria - Lado Nation occupied for USA .
1879 : Belgium and Lado entered into War . From 1879 to 1889 , Lado was held out in a ten years of war against Belgium to defend its Sovereignty . The war ended with peace treaty of Wadelai ( Lado ) of 28th September 1892 between Lado and Belgium . Lado never recognised the Belgium Crown over her ( Lado ) Sovereignty .
1881 : Arabised Blacks who wanted to seperate from the Ottoman Dominium and to remain Black ( Sudan ) Africans decided creating a Fighting Force a long side with the forces of Lado to fight the Turco – Anglo / Egptian forces and in the end defeated the Anglo Egyptian forces thus creating the Mahdi States from 1881 – 1899 . As advantage to Lado , this revolt and the defeat of the Ottoman / Egyptian forces made loose to Egypt the control of Lado . The Sudan became renamed and reformed as the State of Mahdi and the Old State of Lado as the two seperate States in the Upper Nile Valley .
25th February 1885 : The events and implications of Berlin Conferene for the Partition of Africa let Lado fall a Victim of Colonial pretext ( c.f : Article 6 in the Berlin Treaty ) .
7th March 1887 : The Royal - Agofe / King of Lado – AYINGANI , was assassinated during the War with the Belgium troops .
1887, 29 April : Paris treaty betwwen France and Belgium was concluded about the frontiers between the Congo – Leopoldville , Lado and the French Equatoria Africa , Congo – Brazzaville , Central African Republic and Chad .
1889 : The War ended up between Belgium and Lado which lasted for the 10 ( Ten ) years .
1890 : On 24 May a Treaty ( sometimes refered to as Macknnon treaty ) was signed betwwen Britain and Belgium recognising the frontier betwwen Lado and British Spheres of influence to the east of the River Nile .
17th September 1891 , Kavalli Agreement : A British Imperial Army ( King's African Rifles ) was established in 1891 under the Kavalli Agreement of 17 September 1891. The Agreement was signed by the English Captain Frederick D. Lugard who later became the Governor - General of Nigeria and , a Citizen of Lado Major Selim Matera signed for Lado , It was him Governor - General , Lugard who developed the British Colonial Doctrine called The Dual Mandate ( Indirect Rule ) , which is still in force through the Commonwealth Pyramid Divide - and - Rule System with the Queen / King on top , and under the Sovereign Head are the British .
28th September 1892 : Peace Agreement was reached between Lado and Belgium . Leuftnant Milz took over from his Commadant Van Kerckhoven who died before arrival to Wadelai , Signed it for Belgium . On the part of Lado , this Agreement was Signed by Commandant Fadh El Mula Aga ( A Lugbari tribe of Lado ) . This Convention Treaty came to be known Belgium and Lugbari Agreement for Cooperation Between Lado and Belgium . Belgium Recognised the Crown Sovereignty of Lado .
29th September 1892 : Finally Lado allowed Belgium Flag to be hoisted at Wadelai , which was the Capital of Lado by then .
12 of May and 14 of August of 1894 : An Agreement was signed between Britain and Belgium recognizing the temporary possession to King Lepeoldo Lado territory called formally Side Enclave , which was separated from the Province of Bahr el Ghazal of Sudan State .
1894 May : The Brussels treaty of 12 May 1894 was signed and for the first time , the term Lado Enclave figured out . Lado enclave was to be for linking all the possessions of the British Crown from Cape Town in South Africa to Cairo in Egypt .
1894 June : The Brussels treaty of 12 May 1894 was denounced by the Belgium – British declaration of 22 June in favour of Germany .
1894 August : The Brussels treaty of 12 May was again denounced by the treaty of Paris of 14 , 1894 between France and Belgium .
1899 : France disengaged herself from the problems of Lado thruogh the Cairo treaty of 21 March 1899 , between Britain and France which was concurrently signed in Cairo ( Egypt ) and in London ( Britain ) by the French Ambassador Paul Gabon and the British Lord Salsbury . This treaty sanctioned the French to withdraw from the Nile Valley Conflict .
1904 : The treaty of the 8th April 1904 between France and Britain whereby France undertook a commitment before Britain to adopt a neutral attitude over the question of Lado , meaning that when Britain is in war with Lado , France was not to help her against Britain in return for the British withdrawl from Moroco in favour of France .
1906 : Britain concluded another treaty , Treaty of London with Belgium on 9th May 1906 to obtain Belgium cooperation as a fellow Europeans to colonise Lado . In December 1906 a similar agrement was reached with Italy and succesfully with Portugal , Spain and Germany all in all forcing these countries not to come into military help , assistance and not to trade with Lado .
1907 : In the same manner , in 1907 , Britain reached another agreement with Russia to obtain the Russian abstaintion from assisting Lado when at war with Britain in exchange for Iran which was important to Russia ( cf : Arua Treaty between Lugbari and Russia for mutual cooperation ) .
1920 : From 1914–1919 , War broke up between Britain and Lado which in history is know as Lugbari – British war . It was fought for 5 years and ended in 1920 with the peace treaty signed at Odupi in Lado . There has been no treaty signed by Lado for recognition of the British Crown till todate .
1936 : From then 1926 there has been always tension between British occupant and Lado and again war broke out into the Kakua – kajo – keji war of between 1931 – 1936 . The war did not end until the United States ( U . S . A ) intervention by President Franklin D . Rooesvert in 1936 .
1940 : King / Agofe Lemiro was Assassinated .
1947 : The question of the colonisation of Lado was raised in the United Nations Organisation ( UNO ) – Trusteeship Council which the British wished to discuss with Uganda by the USSR . The citizens of Lado asked for freedom .
1948 : On the April of 1948 , the Keego / Prime Minister of Lado was assassinated by the British Colonial Authorities when he was to travel to UN for talks on Lado . From that time up to now , Britain does every thing to keep Lado as her Possession ( Occupied Territory ) . Punishes any body who dares to use the name Lado .
1951 : The assassination death of the Prime Minister of Lado re – opened the war again with Britain , the 3 years war , ( 1948 –1951 ) . The British conservative Government under the wise old man Prime Minister Winston .S .Churchhill in 1951 stopped the war and favoured a thoughtful approach to Independence for Lado . The Governor for Lado affairs by then was Major General Sir John Hall .
1952 : Lado Envoy Extraordinary Atamva John Bart Agami who today is the present AGOFE / KING of Lado was sent with assistance of President Colonel Abdel Nasser of Egypt to USSR to meet the Secretary General Marshal Joseph Stalin as Lado situation was precipitating following the British attitude towards Lado . This time the USSR took a side for Lado .
1953 : Another yet , Keego / Prime Minister of Lado was assassinated by the British to change the political cause of Lado . In this particular moment , Lado had rejected the British intention of creating an East African Federation as Lado a part of it .
1953 : Once again , this time , the Lado Envoy Extraordinary Atamva John Bart Agami was sent with the assistance of Ethiopia – Emperor Haile Selassie Tafari Makonnen to meet Prime Minister , Wiston . S . Church hill , in Malta .
1954 : Nile Bridge talks – between Lado Envoy Extraordinary Atamva John Bart Agami and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II took place in Uganda . It was agreed that Lado would be independent in 1960 / 1961 .
1956 : A conference was held in Arua which included , Congo's first Prime Minister , Mr Patrick Lumumba on the question of Lado and its Peoples Rights to Self – determination and on the question of the Nile waters . ( cf : Nile Waters Agreement of 1929 and Nile Waters Utilization Agreement of 8th November 1959 ) .
1957 : The Representative of Lado Atamva ( Mr ) , Ringe afterwards was assassinated . Atamva Ringe is an Alur of Luo tribe in Lado .
1958 : General Elections of March 1958 were held to determine the independence of Lado and the future Prime Minister after Decolonisation . Atamva ( MR.) Gaspero Oda ( a Lugbari tribe ) won the elections amongst all the candidates of the 29 tribes of Lado .
1960 : The Agofe of Lado in the untimely natural death KARANGA " HIGHEST MILITARY TITLE : GENERAL or MARSHAL" , ANACIA BOROA , O M died of whose death the British properly took advantage for the independence of Lado as promised by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II .
1962 : In 1962 , Uganda received her independence from Britain but on the Political grounds , the Lado leader the CULU John Bart Agami was arrested and sentenced to imprisonment by the British Authority in Uganda . He was and is the living physical person today of the Agofe of Lado who fortunately was released by his military personel of which he was the commandant of the army in Uganda under the Supreme Command of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II .
1962 : Uganda got its independence but remains till todate under the Supreme Authority of the Crown of Britain ( cf : Implications of the British commomwealth ) , Uganda offers a suitable base for attacks on Lado .
1967 : A new political constitution after being draughted in 1966 was passed in Uganda Parliament , without allowing a debate on it in 1967. ( intention was to hide the knowledge that Lado is a seperate State from Uganda since 1892 . ) .
1971 : Uganda ' s plot for the extermination came into picture in 1971 of the 1967 master plan to finalise but failed in carrying it out in January 1971 : The result came out of the over throw of the President of Uganda Mr Apollo Milton Obote ( a Luo tribe of Uganda State ) . And by the Military hierachy Major General Idi Amin ( a Sudanic – Kakua / Kuku by tribe from Lado ) took over the State Affairs of Uganda on 25th January 1971 ) . In the re – orgainsation of the State of Uganda General Idi Amin thought it wise to take back the Sovereignty of Uganda to view the Uganda – Lado relations . This became a big blow defeat for the British . The Sudanic people in Uganda and Lado finally had to be wiped off completly in a war to be declared over Lado and her people . 1975 : London Agreement of 1975 was reached . It was worked out in Lusaka in Zambia between Uganda and Britain , inclulding other commonwealth countries to fight the Sudanic tribes of the State of Lado .
1979 : In March 1979 , the Uganda Ethnic groups ( Bantu , Nilotics / Luo and Nilo hamatics and of Tanzania and other Africans held " Moshi Confrence " in Tanzania , finally to impliment the London Agreement of 1975 . 1978/9 : War was declared on Lado and its people ( predominately Sudanic race ) from 6th October 1978 to April 1979 , whereby 250,000 soldiers were assembled from all over the world especially from the British Commonwealth Countries and from the Political allies of Britain . In the diplomatic channel it was Denmark , a strong British ally who undertook running the diplomatic machinary to impliment the war and was the one who raised the issue in the United Nations under the cover that the war in Uganda was necessary to over throw the World ' s worst dictator ever known , General Idi Amin . General Idi Amin is a Kakua / Kuku Sudanic tribe in Lado . After the over throw of Idi Amin , the coming true President of Uganda Mr, Yusuf Lule said " the Nile is betwwen us " , confirming the existence of the two States : i.e , Lado ( since 1892 ) and Uganda ( since 1894 ) by International Treaty Conventions .
1980/1: From 1979 to 1981 massive massacres of the Sudanics in the Southern Lado , in Uganda and in other East African Countries inclulding total destruction of Properties in this part of Lado ( both Private and Public properties ) was carried out in order to occupy Lado land ( cf ; Uganda plans of 1967 and Uganda decree of 12 May 1980 , Art. 5 and Art. 10 ) , This was done with full cooperation of Tanzania .
1 January 2002 : Lado through the Act by the present Agofe sent a Petition to the UN Security Council and requested the UN Secretary General to act under Article 99 , and whereby the UN Secretary General " needs to do is to express his concern " for the Lado People and say that there is a Situation which is bad and Dangerous in Sudan Centra Africa - Lado and what is better , is to go about to implement the UN General Assembly Resolutions 43 / 47 of 22 November 1988 , UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 and Article 1 and Article 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945. In any case of legal complications and Difficulties on the question ( Decolonisation ) of LADO, the UN General Assembly can refer the matter of LADO to the International Court of Justice for the Advisory Opinions . This will eventually result in the Formal Recognition of the State of LADO as an Independent, Sovereign Nation State (LADO) in Central Africa which will restore LADO to its former Historical Status as a Sovereign Nation State ( LADO ) .
Year 2005 : A different picture appeared on world political affairs ; ' Nairobi Agreement held in Kenya ' of 9 January 2005 which was to bring Peace between the Rebel Forces SPLM ( Sudan People's Liberation Movement ) and the Sudan Government in Khartoum was reached . There is / was no doubt that , behind the move was the long - term Objective to Destroy Lado , the Lado State in Central Africa situated in the Great Lakes Region and in the Nile-Congo Watershed Region , which is falsely shown on the map as Southern Sudan and DR Congo . But it is the Northern Territory of Lado ( " Equatoria and Ituri Province of Lado " since 1871 ) .
Lado Wiped off the World Map by Britain
Lado was wiped off the World Maps in 1947 after 34 years of unsuccessful Occupation by the British from 1913 . Before 1913 Lado was an Independent and Sovereign Country , the size of the British Isles , with its Constitution drawn from 1772 , and is situated at the Upper Nile Valley in the Nile-Congo Watershed Region , and since 1871 called Equatoria as a part of the Ottoman Empire's Divide and Rule Policy . Lado was Administered through Egypt by Britain The British Influence started when they signed the Constantinople Agreement in May 22, 1887 , when they administered Lado through Egypt , which incidentally was then a possession of the Ottoman Empire .
The first two Governor's of Lado, Col. Sir Samuel White Baker (1871-1873) and Col. Charles George Gordon (1874-1876) were appointed through the British , but their salaries were paid by the Ottoman Empire .
British Pretended not to be a Part .
Note : Colonel Charles George Gordon the Appointed Governor of Lado after Sir Samuel White Baker abandoned Lado , he never set foot to live in Lado but gave the resposibility of Lado to an Italian Soldier , Captain Romolo Gessi to maintain Relations with Lado for him .
From 1876 - 1878 two American Colonels were Governors of Lado , namely : Colonel , Henry G. Prout and Colonel , Alexander A. Mason and neither the British nor the American Governors lasted very long as formal Occupiers of Lado . Officially , the British pretended that they did not have a part in it with United states ( USA ) Colonels being American Governors in Lado . This is perhaps and because of the Sovereignty of Lado was still under the Ottoman / Turkish Control .
The other reason was that France was fighting Britain over Egypt which would later and secretly become under Military Occupation by Britain in 1882 .
1879 - 1889 Another , German Prussian Edward Karl Schnitzer tried with a bit of more luck from 1879 to 1889 . Gov. Schnitzer in more or less pretended and became a Moslem and took the name " Emin Pasha " to gain more support from Ladoans through Religion uses.
British Knack / Capacity for Secrecy
The British have always had a knack for Secrecy and have made their Fame from the ' hiding behind the bush ' Game and Method , and that is especially obvious in the case of Lado in Central Africa. The British logo has been and is always that of the Three Monkeys , who don't Hear , don't See and don't Talk , and even in the extraordinary case that they should see, they certainly don't talk. Another term for that kind of Policy, is very much practised in the EU ( European Union ), in the WTO ( World Trade Organisation ) and in other such Clubs , is the Closed Doors Policy .
The Question of Lado was raised for the first time in the United Nations at a UN Conference lasting from 28 April to 15 May 1947 by the then Soviet Permanent Representative to the U.N., Andrei A. Gromyko , who later became the Foreign Minister of the USSR. On this Conference , which incidentally was called by Britain , three Key Issues were discussed , i.e. the Palestine Question , the creation of the new State of Israel , and the Independence of Lado . Lado was Cheated The decision at the U.N. was to grant all three parties Independence , but as everyone knows , only one of these decisions was implemented with the realisation of the State of Israel in 1948 . A lot of bloodshed , anger , pain and millions of displaced and stateless persons have up to now been the result of the lack of implementation of the Palestine and Lado Questions. By the way , now , there remains to be granted Independence to eighteen countries in the World , of which the five are the Palestine , East Timor , Western Sahara , Lado and St. Helena.
Lado not in the Public Eye
The first three countries , the Palestine , East Timor and Western Sahara , are on the verge of Independence because they have for a long time been burning issues and in the Focus of the Public Eye making their Suffering and Quest for Freedom a Matter of Conscience for the People of the World . However , the Plight of Lado and St. Helena , both African Nations and both under foreign occupation ( Lado under Britain / Belgium , St. Helena under Britain ) , has been that of oblivion , covert oppression and shadow boxing on behalf of the two countries .
Lado and St. Helena in the Same Boat.
Lado is in exactly the same boat as St. Helena as their issues have never been allowed to be discussed in the open and as all topics concerning them have been swept under the carpet . Yet , it is known , the question of National Identity is one of crucial importance to any Man , and the Right of all People on the Planet Earth. Although it is even one of the foremost Principles of the United Nations Charter , the Lado Peole and the St. Helena People have been denied the Right to even exist , let alone their Independence . The very name Lado especially is the Forbidden Word in the World of Politics and Diplomacy , and not least on the African Continent where there is severe Penalty , even Death , for expressing a single syllable about Lado and its existence as a Nation State or a People . Lado is never called by its True Name but heard of always through the , referred to , as either the unruly North-Western Region or West Nile of Uganda , the North-Eastern Region of Congo , or even Equatoria Region of Sudan or now as Southern or South Sudan Independent Region , but never by its true and genuine name Lado . In fact the mere mention of the name Lado triggers a jittery shock in Diplomatic circles , as it is becoming an increasingly embarassing issue for the former Colonial Powers spearheaded by Britain, its Commonwealth Countries and Institutions enforced by their musclemen their American cousins - United States of America , USA ( meaning through the powers of the old Virginia Company ). The Hidden Agenda But then it is no wonder that , the Lado Question has become such a Hot Potato to the Ruling Powers of the World when you consider that the Hidden Agenda of the Anglo/American Conglomeration is to create a new state on Lado Land ( Territory ) by the name of Southern or South Sudan . The idea is to hand over Lado Land to Black Americans , as it was done in Liberia , which will help " White America " to get rid of some of its Black Citizens that constantly remind them of their infamous and shameful Slave Past . So , Annihilation of Lado People is best for them to do on the African soil still . Annihilation of Lado People Invariably this scheme will involve the Annihilation of the Rightful Owners of Lado Land , the Indigenous People of the Luu , Lui , Luo and Lue origins . These are the National Identities of Lado , and this explains why the name Lado is not even whispered in the Corridors of Power . Note : Lado has been is still occupied , but never colonised , since 26 May 1871 by an International Force led by the US military based in Egypt .
The Covert / Secreet Operations
The Force, which operated under the pretext of fighting the Slave Trade, was the " NATO " of that day (1871), and as history goes yet , another American President, General Ulysses Simpson Grant had been manipulated (or forced) by the British Crown to do the dirty work under the auspices of an under-cover Agreement of the Ottoman Empire Sovereignty of which Egypt was a Possession at the time. Now the implementation of the Creation of this new " Slave State ", and part of the Secret Anglo - American Colonisation Program of Africa , was preceded by a recent Fact - Finding Mission to Lado carried out by the Congressmen : Donald M. Payne (a Black American) and Tom Tancredo , and Senator Sam Brownback . US Congress Passed Resolution to Invade only . Coinciding with the Mission of these three Gentlemen , a Resolution was passed in the US Congress in June 1999 that the US is to supply Arms and Finances to the South Sudan Liberation Army and the South Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement under the pretext of fighting the Arabs in North Sudan . Part of the Scheme , and the Reason for the Passing of the Resolution in Congress , was to conjure a deliberate Misinformation on the whole situation in the Region which was / is to hide the Real Reason , namely to destroy Lado as a Country and its People , exactly the same way that North Atlantic Treaty Organisation ( NATO ) was trying to destroy Serbia and its People .
NATO Operation in Africa
One only sees it as the pre-parations for a new NATO Operation which will use Uganda and Kenya as their Bases and Buffer Zones . The Lado People will be the Targets at the receiving end , and Lado Land will be used as the new Testing Ground for their impressive and High-Tech Bombing / Weapons sprees. Who says World Peace ? The Bluff they are calling is to make the World believe that the South Sudan People are in Dire Circumstances and desperately in need of Help to liberate themselves.
However , the fact is that , the so called South Sudan is encapsulating part of the North Lado Territory occupied ( divided into two Regions of East and West Equatoria which have been first placed forming the Southern Region Areas of the Unified Republic of Sudan State : North and South Sudan United in 1899 and even after independence in 1956 ) . The Regions of East and West Equatoria are inhabited by Luu , Lui , and Lue People . The Rebel War of the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement ( SPLM ) was fought , not in South Sudan as such , but in Lado ( called Equatoria from 20 May 1871 ) , as the real South Sudan People and the border line with Lado is situated five degrees north of the Lado Border .
These South Sudan People , living inside the Republic of Sudan are : Dinka , Nuer , Anuak and Shilluk , Jo Luo Native Black People Africans and including Arab Native descendents who have no connection and Politically so , whatsoever to Lado and Lado People . Consequently , the Phony War in Sudan was being fought and will be ever fought in the Wrong Place and by the Wrong People and for the Wrong Reasons under the pretext of the Christian Victims versus the Cruel Arab Muslims in North Sudan . But the whole issue is different .
The Black South Sudan people of Sudan are only the claimed Christian inventions as an issue to use by the Anglo / Americans fighting to preserve the South Sudanese people in Sudan in their Covert Campaign of the War against Lado and the hated Lado people yet in the series of Wars which are going on over the Occupation of Lado as cited already in the writings here .
US Mission Misinformed
The US Fact-Finding Mission was based in the town Yei , which is in the Heart of Lado , and very far away from South Sudan , and yet the Honourable Senators and the Congressmen failed to see that they were physically been enjoying the Hospitality and received the Protection of the People of Lado , and not the People of South Sudan . Instead they manufactured a totally false Report which fatally resulted in the disastrous Resolution passed by the US Congress in June 1999 , a Resolution which invariably resulted in the Commitment of the US Government and the Deployment of US Troops , Arms and Finance to fight inside Lado with the British Crown which remained and still remains in Charge now carrying out the Overall and Tactical Activities ( the Brain and the Muscle ) : The game is played through all the institutions of the British Crown , and some of the most useful on-the-spot players are Uganda , Kenya and South Africa to which country all destructive weapons were / being and will always be shipped and distributed . For this reasons Peace or War rests with Britain over Lado .
The whole Issue of Peace or War , since the Queen's Promise in 1954 , rests still with the former Labour Government , that same Party which was in power under Prime Minister , Clement Richard Attlee in 1947 when the Issue of Lado's Independence was discussed in the United Nations . The only difference now is that the new coming parties , Party such as the "New Labour Party “ and others onto come, can be seen whether the new on coming of their Prime Ministers , will have the courage to honour Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's Word of 1954 , tenths , of years ago till todate . Lado Independence But we all know Lado will still go ahead and declare the Independence of Lado as a Sovereign Nation State in the Heart of Mother Africa and therefore to relieve its restless mind . So what it is really all about is touching the Soul of the Individual Ladoan is , by Releasing , Educating and Training his Mind like Cultivating a Rare Fruit , making People aware of the Fact that he or she no longer lives in the Middle Ages or in the Age of Bondage and Slavery in Africa (1440-1840) by the same people , Euro / Arabs , and that is , it is OK for him /her to be Free and to Think freely for himself /herself . This is a Brand New Millenium (21 centuary a.d.) , and a time in the Human History when people are Liberating themselves from the Common Consciousness and to be Individuals who are Responsible for their own Actions , and even more importantly , Responsible for their Failure to Act .
Truely , The Blame cannot be Pushed.
That is why like all Africans or the blacks as a whole can , no longer push the Blame for Injustice and Atrocities on to different people alone , whether they be National or Worldwide on a Globalised Planet . People in all have a Task to do for Justice and Peace , and people are no longer Blind - Minded . Whether the Individual be African , Asian or European , American , the Issue is the same : There is no 'cop-out ', no Escape from taking a Stand and Act or Speak up against Injustice or Oppression in the face of all , once one knows the Truth and the Facts in this Age of Information and Communications . Perhaps as is often quoted in the Christianity saying of Jesus , who said : When two People Act in the name of God , then God Listens and Blesses . So an Individual should not be afraid to do something which he or she knows in his or her Heart is Right , Justice he / she does and will Benefit the Others too . No Escape , as in Africa the Colonial Way of thinking is still prevailing , and so far it has been a Heavy Task to Liberate the African Minds . So many People in Africa have grown accustomed to Identify themselves with the Culture and Language of the European Colonisers that they find it extremely hard and difficult to break out of their Mental Prisons . Surely , and after four hundred years of Slavery and two hundred years of Foreign Occupation and Colonisation , this African State of Mind is Understandable - but it is no longer any Excuse which can be used as a Sleeping Pill or a Drug to quell the over-whelming Fear . Decolonisation Mind Process is Vital Unless the Decolonisation Process is carried out - i.e. the Mind is Liberated to assume full Responsibility for its own Situation - the Situation in Africa will never change , and in the End really we might even lose or are loosing our own Land Continent to Foreigners now and once for all : the Native Black Race in his / her Mother Continent is wiped off . It is as well worthy to note and to remember that : all it takes is Two People , Two Minds and know what Sovereignty means to the Africans and what to do holding that Spirit up , of the Organisation of African Unit from its very Start on the conference day of 1945 at Manchester and start reviewing where the wrong steps were taken or are taking place while implementing the still OAU Charter till todate . And the Africans must also know and be aware of the High Price to Pay as the Price for Freedom and Independence as always any where on the world , is incredibly high , there is no way back for the Africans still and in Particular for the Lado people not to think of taking the National Responsibilities , to take the Matters of Independences and full Sovereignty issues within the Continent of Africa and be into their own Hands as Africans .
The Defination term of AGOFE derives from Lugbari or Lugbara Language of Lado and is the Highest and a Noble Legal Title equivalent of a King or Chief of State which was and is still vested in the Person Ruler of Lado Kingdom since from 847 a.d through 1772 when Lado had its Constitution drawn on 9th May 1772 till todate 3000 a.d . The Agofe as a King defended the Nation States of Lado Kingdom through the Arabs and European Colonisation Periods and till todate , and this Title has been mantained of a Legal Official use in the Lugbari or Lugbara Nation - Tribe Society and in all other 29 Nation - Tribes Societies of Lado Kingdom in Africa . The Title is in use for more than 14 Generations now , that is including the present ruling AGOFE of today , His Majesty CULU John Bart Agami Onzima II in the Political History of Lugbari and Lado Political Affairs to the present time . The Agofe himself is a Lugbari or of Lugbara Tribe . The AGOFE in short , brief to say , is not a Cultural Leader only for the Lugbari tribe as stated or known in Uganda or recognised by the Uganda Government as such - cf : [6]
Before we see how the Term Agofe came to be introduced , lets take a look briefly as to who are the Lugbari or Lugbara People in the Kingdom State of Lado in Sudan Central Africa . The Lugbari people and as a Nation Identity came around by the lime lights of its heroes : Jaki Lolo , Dribidu Tere and Sambala Naiga who have been the Three Hero-Founders of the Lugbari Nation at the Foot Mountain of Mt. Rejaf in todays South Sudan . The Lugbari people are generally considered or are the descendants of the Moru and Madi tribes .
Other important Mountain areas of Lugbara are : Mt. Luku , where Hero Sambala died and was buried ,
Mt. Iti , where Dribidu Tere , Aneclata Atabua , Lemiro and Ayingani died and were buried , in todays Uganda
Mt. Liru , where Jaki Lolo died and was buried , in todays Uganda too .
One thing is uncertain and that is about the Lugbari history where they are told lies every second and in their book writings by the European Colonialists and especially by Britain and the people of Uganda about the Tribe Nation Identity of the Lugbari Identity Issues . The Noble Lie Elitists are very adamant about this idea of their noble lie ; the use of their lie to attain a " positive goal " . In their view , average citizens in Lado lack the capacity to understand the Bigger Political and Social picture , so must be lied to in order to make then ( Ladoans ) do what is best for themselves. Of course , their vision of what is best for the Ladoans Culture always seems to include first and foremost what is best for them . This Noble lie is a logical fallacy of epic proportions , and One often wonders if global elitists secretly doubt its legitimacy . If you need to lie to people in order to get them to accept your ideas , then there must be something terrible wrong with your ideas . Ideas with vitality and honesty do not need to be sold to the public through chicanery ; the truth takes on a life of its own . Only destructive philosophies need a foundation of lies in order to take root . The Defination of Agofe is not as is presented so by the Government of Uganda . And right now , the Ladoans are working discretely with all their might to wrest this mysterious force being used to destroy the immage of the AGOFE of the Kingdom State of Lado . By the way , Even Insects do have history - What of the Lugbari or Lugbara and their Contribution to their State Kingdom of in Sudan Central Africa ? Not to Forget ! The Kingdom-State of Lado came about from the 13th and 14th Centuaries in the period of Re-organisation of the Region ( Central Africa ) based on the Tribal Philosophy in order to ensure a proper care and a better Social Services to the People consisting of the The 29 Tribes of Lado Re-organised and are existing till todate with their Affiliation to the State Kingdom of Lado .
The History and the Lado Constitution of 1772 under the Office of His Majesty AGOFE of the Kingdom State of Lado as a National Entity Kingdom in Central Africa dates back to 9 May 847 a.d , though the name and the People contained in the Present 29 Nation-Tribes of Lado can be traced back to around 700 b.c . The Lado Constitution was passed on 9 May 1772 , after the 60-year War with the Arab Slave traders and gave Executive Powers to the Agofe to defend the Kingdom of Lado . The Constitution also gave institutional powers to women in particular , where women of Lado held and hold onto running too , till todate , of the Official duties of the State Kingdom of Lado .
The Office of the Agofe in the Kingdom State or KAARI of Lado is THE GREEN BUREAU The Exercise of Power Under the AGOFE of LADO KINGDOM is divided under ORIJORU - TI or Dicastries , and in order to prevent any Abuse of Power or Excesses in the whole Structure of the State of Lado , three Controlling Bodies of Government , were established by the Constitution of Lado , namely :
1. The Legislative Council / or Joroti in Lugbara - Lado Language ,
2. The Executive Council / or Okurujoti in Lugbara – Lado Language ,
3. The Judicial Council / or Liimati in Lugbara - Lado Language .
Each Dicastry or Orijoru-ti in Lugbara Language is headed by the Coordinator of State who is assisted by the Secretary of State . Each Dicastry has five Directorates each headed by the Director General who is assisted by the Under Secretary of State . Each Directorate is then divided into Departments which are headed by Directors who are assisted by Assistant Secretaries of State. All other Affairs of the State are handled by the Lado Civil Service Staff who are selected in accordance with their Skills , Professional Qualities and Merits . Responsible for the Employment , Promotions and Pensions is the Lado Civil Service Commission , which is placed directly under the Prime Minister ( Keego ) . The Commission is also responsible for the Employment and the Recruitment of the Military and Diplomatic Service Staff of Lado . In the event that any of the People in the Top Hierarchy of State should be engaged in the Abuse of Power against the State and against the Citizens of Lado , be guilty of Misdemeanours or Treason , they will be Impeached . That applies to those who hold the Offices of the State , such as the Prime Minister , the Governor , the Coordinator of State , the State Secretary , the Judges , the Ambassadors and other State Holders of Lado Kingdom . N.B : As one of the Fundamental Rights of the Citizens of Lado , according to Lado Constitution , the Lado Political System allows for the Freedom of Expression , the Freedom of Assembly and the Freedom of Association , both in Political and Non-Political Organisations , such as Political Parties , Interest Groups , Pressure Groups , etc... etc..... . The future of the Kingdom State of Lado for any changes to do lies within the wishes of the Citizens of Lado in the Constitution Reviews to do so by the Referendum they will do for it .
26 May 1871 : Major General Sir Samuel White Baker became the first Governor General to Rule Lado for the Khedive of Ottoman Empire.
1873 : General Charles . G . Gordon took over from Sir Samuel White Baker but stayed at Khartum in Sudan without stepping in Lado .
1914 : A Senior Police Officer Arthur Evelyn Weatherhead became representing the British Interests in West Nile / Lado through Uganda . He ( Weatherhead ) waged continual wars against the Lugbari of Lado for fighting the British in Lado area c.f : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A.E._Weatherhead or read about the Quotes notes about him :
" A.E. Weatherhead was a British colonial administrator who served in South Africa, Uganda and the Seychelles. Arthur Evelyn Weatherhead became the first District Commissioner of West Nile District. In 1914, the Southern portion of the Lado Enclave was assigned from Belgium to Uganda under the British Protectorate. Weatherhead took over the administration of the 'New Area' and built a station in Arua, the present headquarters. He drew the first plan of Arua Town. Locally, Weatherhead was nicknamed Njerekede/ Ejerikedi (a brave honest man they could trust and who trusted them). A road in Arua is named after him, that is the Weatherhead Park Lane. It starts from the Main Roundabout adjacent to the Golf Course and extends east towards the Presidential Suite in Anyafio Village. He waged continual war against Lugbara groups in an attempt to impose British Colonial Rule. He referred to the Lugbara as “wild and unattractable”, and as “shy and unorganized”, requiring “severe measures before submitting to administration”. Following the British policy of indirect rule, he used the chiefs appointed by the Belgians for administration and control . "
1936 – 42 : Martin Willoughby Parr became Governor of Equatoria / Lado
ITALIAN NATIONAL DEPUTY GOVERNOR GENERAL 1873 : Captain Romolo Gessi ( became the Right hand side of as a Vice-Roy to General Charles Gordon in Lado as Gordon apparently refused to Stay and and step in Lado ).
A GERMAN - PRUSSIAN NATIONAL GOVERNOR GENERAL 1878 : Dr Eduard Schnitzer nick named or took out to be known as or called Emin Pasha as he turned out to be a Moslem became the Governor General of Lado and was the luckiest to have ruled for 10 years for the Khedive of the Ottoman .
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - ( USA ) NATIONAL GOVERNOR GENERALS 1876 -1878 : The two Governor Generals were : Colonel Henry . G . Prost and Colonel Alexandra . A . Manson .
Belgium Top Commandants and Governor Generals stationed at Uele and at Capital town in Lado :
17 Feb 1897 - Nov 1897 : Louis Napoléon Chaltin (1st time ) ,
Nov 1897 - 15 Dec 1898 : Léon Charles Edouard Hanolet ( 1st time ) ,
15 Dec 1898 - 1 May 1900 : Jean Baptiste Josué Henry de la Lindi ,
1899 - 1900 : Gustave Ferdinand Joseph Renier ,
1 May 1900 - Mar 1902 : Louis Napoléon Chaltin (2nd time) ,
Mar 1902 - Jan 1903 : Léon Charles Edouard Hanolet ( 2nd time ) ,
1900 - Jan 1903 : Gustave Ferdinand Joseph Renier ,
Jan 1903 - 24 Mar 1904 : Georges François Wtterwulghe ,
Jan 1903 - Aug 1903 : Albéric Constantin Édouard Bruneel ,
Aug 1903 - Mar 1905 : Henri Laurent Serexhe ,
24 Mar 1904 - 1904 : Florian Alexandre François Wacquez ( acting for Wtterwulghe to 8 May 1904 ) ,
1904 - May 1907 : Ferdinand, baron de Rennette de Villers-Perwin ( acting to Aug 1906 ) ,
Mar 1905 - Jan 1908 : Guillaume Léopold Olaerts ,
Jan 1908 - Apr 1909 : Léon Néstor Preud'homme ,
Apr 1909 - 1910 : Alexis Bertrand ,
1910 - Jun 1910 : Charles Eugène Édouard de Meulenaer .
And Compare this Situation of the Governor Generals of Uganda only from , of one Source - from Britain only as an example commonly of the Foreign Governor Generals in Africa to which the Countries , the Europeans easily gave them Independences . LADO IS REALLY UNIQUE IN AFRICA FOR HER INDEPENDENCE THEN !
The Commissioners of Uganda ,1893–1910
1 Apr 1893 – 30 May 1893 : Sir Gerald Herbert Portal ,
30 May 1893 – 4 Nov 1893 (acting) : James Ronald Leslie MacDonald ,
4 Nov 1893 – 10 May 1894 : Sir Henry Edward Colville ,
10 May 1894 – 24 Aug 1894 (acting) : Frederick Jackson ,
24 Aug 1894 – Dec 1899 : Ernest James Berkeley ,
Dec 1899 – Nov 1901 : Sir Harry Hamilton Johnston ,
Nov 1901 – 20 Nov 1907 : Sir James Hayes Sadler ,
20 Nov 1907 – 31 Jan 1910 : Sir Henry Hesketh Joudou Bell ,
1 Feb 1910 – 18 Oct 1910 : Sir Harry Edward Spiller Cordeaux .
The Governors of Uganda, 1910–1962
1910 - 1911 : Sir Harry Cordeaux ;
1910 – 1911 (also Commissioner in early 1910 ) ,
1911 - 1918 : Sir Frederick Jackson ,
1918 - 1922 : Sir Robert Coryndon ,
1922 – 1925 : Sir Geoffrey Archer ,
1925 – 1932 : Sir William Gowers ,
1932 - 1935 : Sir Bernard Henry Bourdillon ,
1935 - 1940 : Sir Philip Mitchell ,
1940 - 1945 : Sir Charles Dundas ,
1945 - 1952 : Sir John Hathorn Hall ,
1952 - 1957 : Sir Andrew Cohen ,
1957 - 1961 : Sir Frederick Crawford ,
1961 - 1963 : Sir Walter Coutts:
1961 – 1962 (also Governor-General until 1963)
Meanwhile it is important and hereby to note that the present North and South Independent States of Sudan before as one United State being had their Governor Generals as one before their Independences from each other from Lado which had its own Colonial Governor Generals as reported above for Lado .
The List of the Names of former Colonial Governors of Sudan ( both North and South Sudan ; former Anglo / Egyptian Sudan seperate from Lado are as follows :
List of governors of pre-independence Sudan : Egyptian Sudan - Anglo / Egyptian Sudan ------
November 1820 to 1821 : Isma'il , Supreme Commander
April 1821 to September 1824 : Muhammad Bey , Supreme Commander
September 1824 to May 1825 : Osman Bey , Supreme Commander
May 1825 to March 1826 : Mahu Bey Orfali , Supreme Commander
March 1826 to June 1838 : Ali Khurshid Pasha , Hakimadar Governor-General
June 1838 to 6 October 1843 : Ahmad Pasha abu Wadan , Hakimadar Governor-General
6 October 1843 to 1844 : Hakimadar Governor-General
1844 to 1845 : Ahmad Pasha al-Manikli , Commander
1845 to 1849 : Khalid Pasha ( Husru Abu Amud ), Hakimadar Governor-General
1849 to 1850 : Hakimadar Governor-General
1850 to January 1851 : Abd al-Latif Pasha , Hakimadar Governor-General
January 1851 to May 1852 : Rustum Pasha Cerkes , Hakimadar Governor-General
May 1852 to 1853 : Ismail Pasha Abu Jabal Hakimadar Governor-General
1853 to 1854 : Salim Pasha Sayib , Hakimadar Governor-General
July 1854 to November 1854 : Ali Pasha Sirri Arnavut , Hakimadar Governor-General
November 1854 to 1855 : Hakimadar Governor-General
1855 to 1857 : Ali Pasha Jarkis , Hakimadar Governor-General
1857 to 1858 : Arakil Bey al-Armani Mudir'umum , acting Hakimadar acting Governor-General
1859 to 1861 : Hasan Bey Salamah , Hakimadar Governor-General
1861 to 1862 : Muhammad Bey Rasileh, Hakimadar Governor-General
1862 to 1865 : Musa Pasha Hamdi , Hakimadar Governor-General
1865 to November 1865 : Omar Bey Fahri , acting Hakimadar acting Governor-General
November 1865 to 1866 : Jaafar Pasha Sadiq , Hakimadar Governor-General
1866 to 5 February 1871 : Jaafar Pasha Mazhar , Hakimadar Governor-General
5 February 1871 to October 1872 : Ahmad Mumtaz Pasha , Hakimadar Governor-General
October 1872 to 1872 : Edhem Pasha al-Arifi at-Atqalawi , acting Hakimadar acting Governor-General
1872 to 18 May 1877 : Ismail Pasha Aiyub, Hakimadar Governor-General
May 1877 to December 1879 : Charles George Gordon (Gordon Pasha), Hakimadar Governor-General, 1st time
December 1879 to February 1882 : Mahummad Ra'uf Pasha , Hakimadar Governor-General
February 1882 to May 1882 : Muhammad Nadi Pasha , acting Hakimadar acting Governor-General
May 1882 to March 1883 : Abd al-Qadir Pasha Hailmi , Hakimadar Governor-General
March 1883 to 5 November 1883 : Ala ad-Din , Hakimadar Governor-General
5 November 1883 to 18 February 1884 : William Hicks (Hicks Pasha)[dubious – discuss], Hakimadar Governor-General
18 February 1884 to 26 January 1885 : Charles George Gordon (Gordon Pasha), Hakimadar Governor-General , 2nd time ; Killed in the Battle of Khartoum
26 January 1885 - 2 October 1898 : Territory of Egyptian Sudan under complete control of Mahdiya (Mahdist State) British Military Administration
2 September 1898 to 19 January 1899 : Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener , Military Governor Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (condominium)
19 January 1899 to 22 December 1899 : Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, Governor-General
22 December 1899 to 31 December 1916 : Sir Francis Reginald Wingate , Governor-General
1 January 1917 to 20 November 1924 : Sir Lee Oliver Fitzmaurice Stack , Governor-General Assassinated in Cairo
21 November 1924 to 5 January 1925 : Wasey Sterry , acting Governor-General
5 January 1925 to 6 July 1926 : Sir Geoffrey Francis Archer , Governor-General
31 October 1926 to 10 January 1934 : Sir John Loader Maffey , Governor-General
10 January 1934 to 19 October 1940 : Sir George Stewart Symes , Governor-General
19 October 1940 to 8 April 1947 : Sir Hubert Jervoise Huddleston , Governor-General
8 April 1947 to 29 March 1954 : Sir Robert George Howe, Governor-General
29 March 1954 to 12 December 1955 : Sir Alexander Knox Helm , Governor-General
1 January 1956 Independence as Republic of Sudan
Source of References : Lado News : [7]
Lado Enclave : [8]
South - West of Lado ceded to Uganda thus illegally becoming as West Nile : [9]
Book Reading reference informations on Lado : Equatoria : The Lado Enclave ( General Studies Series ) by C. H. Stigand ( AUTHOR )
Writer :
Ronald Okuonzi Lulua - N.C
Senior Government Officer
Provisional Government in Exile State Kingdom of Lado
Decolonisation News Service for The Kingdom of Lado :
Flags of Lado
Present Flag of The Freedom Fighters of Lado