So ok after a tough year of a new business venture by me and two kids in the last 3 years by her we are ready to start *** again.
I am really terried. in the last year we only had *** three times, I just don't know if I please her or is it because I hurt her before emotionally but mostly if the *** is good for her.
How do I find out what it is with out adding more injury to our *** life.
How old are you? *** is about love. Do you love each other? If so, just be loving and let nature take its course. Have romantic dinner. Go dancing. My wife loves going for romantic walks and talking.
Many women feel quite unattractive after child birth. So you have to show your love. Try flowers. Cook her dinner. How about a nice bottle of wine?
Are you able to perform? If not do your push ups and sit ups daily. Eat the right foods. Make it special.