Citalopram worked really well to reduce my elderly (91 with Alzheimer's) mother's fidgitiness and anxiety. But was stopped because of very decreased sodium level requiring 24 hour drip in hospital.
Nothing has worked as well as Citalopram. Is there a way to increase sodium levels to counteract Citalopram's effect? Thanks for any ideas.
I think you just proved the point that drugs only cover up health problems. They do not cure them.
Citalopram is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). It deplete the body of many important nutrients and it activites the Parasympathetic . While this may seem to have benefits when fighting depression in the long run it causes the body to break down.
I am not offering advice to you. I am not qualified to do that. But I would suggest that you make sure the person is drinking their nutrition and getting the 90+ vitamins and minerals they need every day. Check with The Naturopathic Healer to learn more.
Make sure the person is drinking plenty of fresh clean water with whole salt such as Himalayan salt stirred in. Stirring electrifies the salt.
Use Melatonin nightly before bed to relax the body and sleep better. Get 15 minutes of sun daily.
Coconut oil has been proven to help recover from Alzheimers. Phosphatidyl Serrine and Phosphatidyl Choline are both very helpful for the brain. Make sure they are getting iodine in seafood. Sulfur and Cod liver oil which contains Omega 3 Fatty Acids.