I just got a call from my doc stating that my red blood cell count is extremely low...and that I am severely anemic and my vitamin d is extremely low.... how can I salvage myself with health foods?3LAPG
You must get sunlight every day. Vitamin D is made in the skin by the Sun. Get 15 minutes of Sun every day. If you live in a climate where there is not much Sun use a Sun lamp. Also be sure to:
Decrease sugar and starch intake
Increase protein intake. Whey powder protein is the best
hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that allow them to carry oxygen, yo body needs iron to make hemoglobin,,just try
>foods that are rich in iron like (spinach, brown rice, beet, cabbage, cherries, whole wheat, fenugreek)....
>food that are high in protein like (eggs, meats, dairy products)....
>foods that are in rich of vitamin B like fruits...
>don't forget beet root, it stimulate hemoglobin production therefore it should b taken everyday...