Many South Africans are suffering under the propped up regime. What most South Africans do not realize is that they were bit players in a global game of control. Those who would run the world do not care what color you are. They only want to rape and pillage the world and they will do anything to maintain their iron fisted control even pitting one color against another.
Racism is a contrived tool used for hundreds of years to control the people. Witness Robert Mugabe or Barack Obama and many others who do the bidding for the elite while pretending to represent the oppressed. Isn't it about time that you South Africans began to work together instead of giving in to the divide and conquer tactics?
We Americans hated the Communist Soviets. We gave up our sons and daughters. We gave up our freedoms and money only to find out years later that the Soviets were no different than we ourselves. It is not people who hate and kill people. It is the ruling elite who hate and kill people. The sooner you South Africans realize this the sooner you can build the greatest country the world has ever known.
Your view of history is somewhat apocalyptic and 'chip on the shoulder'. Surely it is closer to the truth to say that nations naturally act in their own best interests. Also that there is an understandable willingness to use any technological advantage they may have over undeveloped peoples. This isn't necessarily evil. Take a lesson from the Victorian ex-seaman writer Captain Marryat, as I did recently. It is an excerpt from his 1841 book 'Masterman Ready', a Robinson Crusoe type of story, and teenage William is chatting to his dad, Mr. Seagrave:
“Father, you promised me the day after we left the Cape of Good Hope that you would explain to me why it was so called, and also the nature of a colony. Will you do so now?”
“I will, my dear boy; but you must listen to me attentively; and if you do not understand what I say, recollect you tell me so, and I will try to explain it to you. You have been told that we English are now the masters of the sea, but such has not always been the case. The earliest navigators of modern times were the Spanish and Portuguese. The Spaniards discovered South America, and the Portuguese the East Indies. At that time, now more than three hundred years ago, England was not the powerful nation which she now is, and had comparatively few ships; neither could the English, in enterprise, be compared to the Spanish and Portuguese nations. The Portuguese, in attempting a passage to the East Indies, arrived at the Cape of Good Hope; but at that period ships were very small compared to what they are now; and it blew so hard about this cape that they could not sail round it, and they at first called it Cabo Tormentoso, or the Stormy Cape. At last they succeeded in their attempts, and then it was called the Cabo da Buona Speranza, or Cape of Good Hope. They arrived safe at India, and taking possession of many parts, carried on a trade which was a source of great wealth to their country. You understand me?”
“Yes, papa.”
“My dear boy, you know very well that a man is born, arrives at manhood and strength, grows old, decays, and dies. As it is with man, so it is with nations. The Portuguese were then in their manhood as a nation, but other nations rose up in strength; and among others the Dutch, who were the first to dispute with the Portuguese the commerce of the Indies. Gradually they wrested their colonies from them, and carried on the trade in their stead. Then the English forced their way there, seized upon the colonies of both Dutch and Portuguese, and have ever since held possession. Portugal, that was once the most enterprising nation in the world, is now a mere cipher; the Dutch have gradually decreased in their importance, while the sun is said, and very truly, never to set upon the English possessions; for as the world turns round to it, the sun shines either upon one portion or another of the globe which is a colony to our country.”
“Yes, I understand perfectly, papa; but now tell me why are England and other nations so anxious to have what you call colonies?” replied William.
“Because they tend so much to the prosperity of the mother-country. In their infancy they generally are an expense to her, as they require her care; but as they advance, they are able to repay her by taking her manufactures, and returning for them their own produce—an exchange mutually advantageous, but more so to the mother-country than to the colony, as the mother-country, assuming to herself the right of supplying all the wants of the colony, has a market for the labour of her own people without any competition. And here, my boy, you may observe what a parallel there is between a colony and the mother-country, and a child and its parent. In infancy, the mother-country, assists and supports the colony as an infant; as it advances and becomes vigorous, the colony returns the obligation: but the parallel does not end there. As soon as the colony has grown strong and powerful enough to take care of itself, it throws off the yoke of the subjection, and declares itself independent; just as a son, who has grown up to manhood, leaves his father’s house, and takes up a business to gain his own livelihood. This is as certain to be the case, as it is that a bird as soon as it can fly will leave its parent’s nest. We have had a great example of it in the United States, which, fifty years ago, were colonies to Great Britain, but are now fast becoming one of the most powerful of nations.”
“But is it not very ungrateful of a colony to leave the mother-country, which has protected it so long, as soon as it no longer requires its assistance?”
“It may at first appear to be so; but on reflection, we must decide otherwise. The mother-country has been more than repaid for what it has done for the colony long before the colony is able to throw off its dependence; and, after a certain time, the rights assumed by the mother-country become too onerous to bear; you must not treat a grown-up man as you would a child.”
“Now, father, answer me another question. You said that nations rise and fall; and you have mentioned the Portuguese as proof. Will England ever fall, and be of no more importance than Portugal is now?”
“We can only decide that question by looking into history; and history tells us that such is the fate of all nations. We must, therefore, expect that it will one day be the fate of our dear country. At present we see no appearance of it, any more than we perceive the latent seeds of death in our own bodies; but still the time arrives when man must die, and so it must be with nations. Did the Portuguese, in the height of their prosperity, ever think that they would be reduced to what they are now? Would they have believed it? Yes, my dear boy, the English nation must in time meet with the fate of all others. There are various causes which may hasten or protract the period; but, sooner or later, England will no more be the mistress of the seas, or boast of her possessions all over the world.”
“I hope it will be a long while first.”
“And so does every Englishman who loves his country. Recollect that when the Roman empire was in the height of its power, Great Britain was peopled by mere barbarians and savages. Now Rome has disappeared, and is only known in history and by the relics of its former greatness, while England ranks among the highest of nations. How is the major portion of the continent of Africa peopled?—by barbarians and savages; and who knows what they may become some future day?”
“What! The negroes become a great nation?”
“That is exactly what the Romans might have said in former days: ‘What! The British barbarians become a great nation?’ and yet they have become so.”
“But the negroes, father—they are blacks.”
“Very true; but that is no reason to the contrary. As to darkness of the skin, the majority of the Moors are quite as black as the negroes; yet they were once a great nation, and, moreover, the most enlightened nation of their time, with a great many excellent qualities, full of honour, generosity, politeness, and chivalry. They conquered and held the major part of Spain for many hundred years; introduced arts and sciences then unknown, and were as brave and heroic as they were virtuous and honourable. You have never read the history of the Moors in Spain.”
“No, father; I should like to read it very much.”
“And you will like it much more when you have read it; it is a history full of adventures and incidents, probably the most amusing that were ever collected together.”
Mauriora south affrica the out crys of the common people have falln on deaf ears, the rights of humanity has come secound to the profit of a dollar worldwide. I remember as child wen my uncles and auntys went to a rugby game some came home with injurys, and some came home a couple weeks later, compared to south africa at that time, at least they came home.
At that time unbeknowm to me my whanau went to protest in a peaceful manner for the rights and freedom of another country, and got beat up.
Some years later, a rangatiratanga was released and a people freed, a very worthie course considering the outcome.
Democraci has changed since then, and not for the betterment of the people.
Our country has a treaty with the queen of england, the people in this country have the chance to maintain control over and above there government with the help of this treaty and the queen.
The proppergander machine of the governning system as almost destroyed the reputation of this entity for the take over of the governments new constitutional arrangments without the assent of elizabith ll queen of england or the headitary bloodlines, that england is bound to by a treaty to protect.
Under this new constitution, the spawn of a dictating rashem has reared it head in our lands with reffrencer to legislations past without the consent of the people, and so before i get locked up today i wanted to exspress my thoughts hopping someone can do something to help our countrys people from the reign of this constitution.
i think this is for the whole of Africa, not just the South African. it is great advice that African leaders should use very wisely. it is high time that we be ourselves, do our own things without depending on anyone. this is our only salvation.
i think this is for the whole of Africa, not just the South African. it is great advice that African leaders should use very wisely. it is high time that we be ourselves, do our own things without depending on anyone. this is our only salvation.
Is this a dicussion of belief or fact? I am not so sure that the technologically advanced countries are that much more civilized. You can look up for yourself what I am referring to.
It turns out that the indigenous people of the world were right. It was we of the "civilized" world who destroyed this planet. Not them.
It would be a strange world if no advantage were sought by the country that has made a technological advance that offers the potential to bring that country riches. If it has led to a mess, I would argue that it couldn't reasonably have been foreseen by the instigators, who in many cases lived centuries ago. Could your approach perhaps best be described as "a counsel of perfection".
Instead of boldly exploring the world and discovering Australia, ought Captain James Cook have busied himself shuttling between Whitby and the Orkney Isles and the like?
One also has to remember that there was the spur of competition between countries in the colonial era. If one country didn't get the spoils then the rival nation would.