The American Medical Association proclaims obesity to be a disease. Now you can be treated for obesity by your doctor as you would any other disease. That means that you can be drugged or receive surgical procedures for something that is a matter of nutrition. The reason that the medical establishment wishes to make obesity a disease is so that it can expand its market and bill for services rendered. This allows drug companies, insurance companies and doctors to have another profit center from which to extract money from the people.
70 % of Americans are on at least one prescribed medication. 50% of Americans are on two drugs. The vast majority of the drugs prescribed are for long term, lifetime use. People are fatter and sicker than ever before. “Chronic illnesses account for over 70% of all healthcare expenditures in the United States“ according to the Journal of Radiology. Direct costs for chronic, life time diseases which is actually a matter of choice, amounted to 1.5 Trillion Dollars in 2005. That amount should be higher by now.
This incredible explosion of diseases comes during a time of more doctoring than has ever taken place in the history of mankind. When it comes to degenerative diseases like connective tissue disease the medical model is absolutely useless and impotent. The medical model is first and foremost an “economic” model. It regards people as numbers and a source of income. Like so many other industries people are seen as resources and income streams rather than as human beings. That is why the tax department in the U.S. has been set up to handle the so called “Affordable Healthcare” scheme. The people are seen as a resource to be managed in such a way as to enhance the bottom lines of industry.
If people are ever going to be able to retain their freedoms they must interface with this medical model as little as possible. If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis or any other chronic illness you must ask yourself why are you going to the doctor in the first place? He can not help you. Has he ever helped you? Are you better? You may be drugged so that you do not see the problem. But no one ever recovers from osteoporosis by going to a doctor. Do you really want to participate in this scam?
The only way to keep our involvement out of this sneaky and insidious system is to refuse to participate in the medical model. But if our bodies are falling apart we are forced to participate. The body heals itself if it is properly nutrified. You must supplement correctly and those supplements must be absorpable.
I can help you avoid this scam. C**** on the links below.