It's easy. For login to anything on the internet, like yahoo or facebook or twitter. You can type in your browser, the place you type in your url for a website you want to visit, "yahoo login", then enter or press the search icon (search button). that will take you to the login page. if you want to log in to twitter, type "twitter login" and press enter or the search button. That will take you to the twitter home page. When you are on the home page, you will see that you can sign in, if you already have an account, or you can sign up, if you don't have an account. To sign in just put your email, or the name you use (IM) and the password you used the first or last time. Then you should be able to login or you might have to change the password, or you might actually not have an account, in which case you will have to make one. Sometimes you can get locked out of facebook for stupid errors in getting a new password or c****ing on the wrong link in the changing the password process. But otherwise, you should be able to do all this pretty easily. :)