good day A littlemoral lessonabout thespouse,relates tothe fact thatwe accept,first of allas a human beingworthy of respect,then asa friendwith whom we canshare ourfrustrationsandour joys,and finally,a companion,wecansolemnlyaccompanythroughout ourmarried life.
If this is notfulfilled,the concept ofspousehas novalueor meaning.
If perchanceyou need help,will be betterfrom nowempower yourselfas the matchfora good dialogue, peaceful,relaxed,unhurried, transparentand honestis the best wayto solveany issuefor moredifficult thanit seemsto be.Ifnoresult,thenit is betterrequacionartargetingbothspousesandleave fornew lives.Yesbecausethere are manyliveswithinone lifemorevaluable thanall the others thatwill closethis.
If people startto look atthis lifewith simplicity andjoy,the worldwill be much lessdifficultto crossthisour journey,andperhapsspousestospousesorunmarried-upand onlysingles. It is up toeach of usto decidewithclarity andlogicalreasoning, whichis worthnothing invalhewalkdisrupteach other's lives. Thenseizethis giftof life thatwas offered, ourLIFEandsharewith everyone. I hope I havebeen helpful.
good day My understanding of marriage and spouse relation as a muslim is that the husband, and wife live in peace, and harmony, strive to form the familly of God. any thing less is no fineness. there might be life and joy a way from God but at the end its earthly Joy.