Thanks administration concern to bring matter. poverty can be solve by working hard and concentrating on profitable issues like to engage in economic activities so as to reach goals you have put.most of people blame because their not focus on profitable activities while their focusing on unnecessary activities which pull them back. The government should put strategies which can quip people from poor life condition by reinforcing to engage in economics activities like trade, agriculture ,fishing ,lam baring,tourism e.c.t. What is important is self strategies of you life so as to improve self life not waiting government to do for as. I wish those who work hard so as to improve their life and those who work hard but their are not successes i advice them to see expert of economics.
I agree to both suggestions that training in various fields of economic should be given to the people especially those who are really poor.However when they successfully achieved the training they should be monitored and assisted interm of quality of production and marketing.Furthermore is the capital to make the production continue.The facilitator should continue to support the people until they are at the stable stage or postion to run the business by themselves.
Not until each resourceful person or future resourceful person with his / her continuing energy and strength, with the sole intention to live to help the poor or to live to uplift the morale of the poor (whoever they are, begins with near realtives first) to motivate them to live and to prosper under the sovereignity of Allah - not about worrying material wealth given to the poor but about using 'halal' material gain to impart knowledge and practice of Al-Quran and Hadis to the heart of each person (the poor and the rich) - then only there is that sacred solution for prosperity of the world and hereafter, Otherwise what we speak, or we write, or we plan becoming null and void an in a vicious circles like that in history that repeats itself. - If we still talking through our nose, be patience and optimistic to wait for real, genuine leadership in future to replace this prevalent false leadership.
Sometime it is better to be poor. But no all he time. Sometime it is better to be rich. Can I really and sincerely help the poor. Nay, when I am rich I think very little of the poor. I mostly all the time think about the gaining in return when helping the poor. So the right place for me is ......