Mantra is the word in Hinduism and Buddhism, which means the meditation and concentration of course. To Know more about What is Mantra? visit at The Ganesha Experience:
man means mind tra means to free so mantra means to free the mind of all garbage. In different ages the people go to god by meditation but now most people live cities and to sit and meditate is not so easy for time or disturbances. So it is recommended that one chants . The most appropriate mantra to chant is Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. so hare means energy and Rama and Krishna are names of god .It is asking god please let me serve you.I want to know you. Iwant to come to you.
Ekadesi is one important fasting for Hindus. There two different groups performing Ekadesi two different days.One is smartha Ekadesi and another one is Vaishnava ekadesi. If anyone performing vaishnava ekadesi obviousily they are not performing smartha.then is it correct. because smartha ekadesi ...treating as first day ,mostly vaishnava ekadesi occurs next day of smartha ekadesi. My question is..if anyone performing vaishnava ekadesi obviousily they are not following smartha ekadesi..Please answer