I have been embarked in a long term strategic program design and an evaluation of a 12 –year program aimed at empowering orphans and the most vulnerable children and young people including teen mothers. So far over 400 vulnerable children and youth have benefited from the program, 28 out of others living with HIV/AIDS and the demand for the Program expansion has been paramount ranging to reach 4000 vulnerable children and 200 caretakers through an Outreach Program in Central Zone of Tanzania. For the past four years the program has also been supporting 120 caregivers most of them living HIV/AIDS though small scale revolving fund, a self initiative aimed to alleviate extreme poverty among caregivers and for the orphans and most vulnerable children.
The Program undertaken by media organisation providing both humanitarian and information services has tremendously helped to bring changes in the rural and peripheral urban communities by providing not only humanitarian services but also capacity building and awareness creation throughtraining, discussions and special media programs.
Based on the needs of the local area, the program will focus on passing on life skills education and practical apprenticeship skills to enhance girls’ knowledge, skills and capabilities. With the support from the community, ARUPA hopes that the program will be successfully implemented and will sustain very effectively.
Adolescent Girls and Teen Mothers Participatory Empowerment Program (AGTM-PEP) has specific goals and objectives to improve the quality of life for vulnerable adolescents especially for girls by increasing their knowledge and skills of mental, physical and financial development.The African Rural Press in Action (ARUPA) has taken initiatives to set up this Program as a pilot basis to improve the quality of life for vulnerable adolescent girls and young people.Generally,AGTM-PEP , therefore, will fall under 9primarily constituencies which form direct activities of the Program as following:-
Education for Primary School,Secondary School and College Level
Vocational Training
Research and Fact Finding Mission
Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth (micro finance)or small scale saving scheme
Livelihood Projects for Orphans, Most Vulnerable Children
(O&MVC)and Caregivers
Feed the Future (Small scale farming projects)
Climate Change Mitigation – Linking youth to employment in
sustainable agriculture and renewable energy,
Multimedia and Literature for Children, Youth and Women in the Field
Psycho-social Services
Capacity Building.
The new Program (AGTM-PEP), is an ongoing Program that has been introduced for the continuation of adult education especially for girls between the ages of12 – 20 years who are in school and out of school.
More relevant information will be availed for further discussion with interested and willing partners, donors, supporters and promoters worldwide. My contacts Email: benno.apondo@gmail.com further reading visit our website: http://www.envaya.org/rural-media4change