I was not fat. I was “athletic”. But my weight ballooned to 95 Kilos (210 pounds) by the time I was 55 years old. At my height of 182 cm (6 feet) I did not look overweight at all. Plus I had been athletic all my life so I was a big hunky looking man with strong arms, back and legs. (Thats not me in the photo above. See my photo at the bottom seated.). So I was labeled “athletic”.
The truth was I was overweight. I had a small loveable belly that overhung my belt by a little. I had love handles on my sides which were not noticeable but they were there. I had a little bit of fat under my chin which made me look “healthy” with a round happy face. But the truth was I was overweight and pre-diabetic. I had what is known as the “Metabolic Syndrome”.
Today at the age of 58, still 182 cm tall but at my optimum weight of 85 kilos (187 pounds) I look and feel great. I look and feel as I did when I was in my twenties. The interesting thing is I got back my “V” cut abdomen with a 32 inch waist instead of a 34 - 36 inch waist. Being pre-Diabetic is not an issue. All of this without going to a gym and trying to burn the weight off.
How did I do it: First of all I was not trying to lose weight. As far as I was concerned I looked great. However, once I learned about nutrition and began to properly eat and use supplementation the weight loss was an added bonus.
If the body is under stress it will try to protect itself by gaining weight in preparation for for the anticipated “hard times” ahead. This response is hard wired into the divine system of the body. Weight gain is a defensive response. Get rid of the stress and there will be no weight gain.
There are several conditions that will trigger the stress response:
Mental and Emotional Stress - watching TV, city life, loud noises, arguing, fighting, drinking alcohol, taking pharmaceutical and recreational drugs, financial problems, etc. all add to the stress of life.
Toxification - Toxins are removed from the body daily. However, if that removal system is overwhelmed with food additives, processed foods, pharmaceutical drugs, pollution, chemical additives, etc. toxins will accumulate in the body leading to inflammation, disease, Cancer.
Dehydration - The human body is mostly water. That level of water must be maintained throughout the day. Many health maladies are the result of dehydration. As with a car battery the human body is electric and must have the water and mineral levels to maintain an adequate amount of conductivity. PH is another issue. As the body becomes dehydrated the body becomes more acidic which is just right for pathogens and Cancer to proliferate but wrong for life.
Suffocation - Oxygen is needed by the body to live. When we become deficient in nutrients or behave in a way that reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood a condition of Hypoxia is created. Cancer can not exist in an oxygenated environment. But it loves when the body is Hypoxic. As you need energy to run the body oxygen and glucose are very critical components. Plants accomplish this with Sunlight and CO2 releasing oxygen. We accomplish this with glucose and Oxygen releasing CO2. We live symbiotically with plants. When cells are starved of oxygen they learn to function without it and get their energy from fermentation instead. This is called Cancer.
Starvation - If for any reason your body is not receiving the 90+ vitamins and minerals it needs you are starving. Just eating a bag of crisps (chip) or drinking a can of soda pop will not give you the nutrition you need. In fact, eating poorly or taking pharmaceutical drugs will deplete your body of what little nutrition it already has and cause you to starve more. When you see a fat person you are looking at a starving body.
Here is a list of what I did to be healthy and resulted in losing weight:
Drink plenty of water. The average person needs at least 2 liters of water per day. Only drink water not juice, not soda pop, not various colored drinks, not beer. Drink fresh, natural, free from plastic water. Many naturopaths suggest distilled water. I drink tap water.
Deep breathing. Several times a day lie on your back and practice deep breathing from the belly. Breath steadily, slowly with the belly going and out and in for 2 minutes at a time. The slower the better.
Supplement your diet correctly. You need 90+ minerals and vitamins per day. It is impossible to get that from food. Therefore, you must supplement your diet. To find out what I use c**** on the link to my website below and check out the Beyond Tangy Tangerine (BTT). I can provide that to you if you like no matter where you live. By the way, when you are supplementing correctly your hunger and cravings go way down.
If you have digestive problems they must be corrected so that you can absorb your nutrition. Use apple cider vinegar to acidify the stomach so that your digestion will be complete. We started making our own apple cider vinegar at home for fun. It is very easy to make but takes time.
Detox your body by moving. Go for a walk. Jump on a rebounder. Use the stairs instead of the lift. I do 10 pushups or pressups per day very slowly. You would be surprised how difficult that is if you do it slowly. Also do 10 stomach crunches. It takes me less than 2 minutes per day.
I eat no processed foods. I use no additives from a factory. Everything I eat is home made. I use Himalayan salt on my food which has 84 elements instead of just 2 and I make a sole’ and stir a half teaspoon of that into a glass of water every morning.
Take baths. A nice warm bath is very relaxing and allows you to remove the toxins through your skin. I use no vegetable oil. They are rancid. Fried foods is a no no. But sometimes I cheat by using butter or olive oil
I use no grains such as wheat, barley, rye and oats. I usually do not eat potatoes, rice, starchy foods. I reduce cravings for sugar by increasing protein intake. I do eat several soft cooked eggs per day. I do eat fermented foods like home made yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, Kombucha, etc. I use butter never margarine. I do drink unpasterurized goat milk, I do eat cheese, sour cream and other foods with fat. I do eat heaping green salads with tomatoes and onions usually once per day. You can eat as much salad as you want. I do not use salad dressing. I do use fresh squeezed lemon and olive oil. I do eat lots of home made soups made with vegetables and bones. I do eat beet root soup, pumpkin soup, etc. I do eat sweet potatoes. I do eat meat with fat although I am suspicious of chicken in my area.
We usually do not go out to eat because restaurants unfortunately use all sorts of things which are not good for your health and we would rather eat at home where we can control what we are putting in our mouths. When ever possible I eat wild fruits and vegetables such as: blackberries, figs, almonds, carobs, pomegranate, grapes and I grow my own vegetables as well.
We do not shop at the supermarket because all of their food is artificial or devoid of nutrition.
We never use sugar free, gluten free, low fat foods.
I do get sunshine often on my chest and back. If your climate does not have much Sun try using a sun lamp several minutes per day.
I do meditate and pray every day.
Do not feed your children things that look like they are designed for kids such as juice boxes, snacks and vitamins. In fact, many of these products are worse than the adult versions. Make you own snacks and surprises for them.
Now, sometimes I eat bread and pancakes. I do use home made jams. When you are eating well you can afford to cheat a little. My wife makes lovely cakes and desserts for celebrations and holidays and no one in my household is overweight or sick. We do not get colds. We have no need for medications.
Previously, however we would get colds and flu twice per year on average.
Where I live we have many holiday makers and about 90% of them are obese. Plus many of my neighbors are obese including the young ones. I feel really sorry for them because I know that they do not know any better. Hopefully, my information will help some of you.
There is a downside to losing weight. You have to buy a new wardrobe.