I have a lady renting a room out in my house and now she has just about taken over my house . She is very unclean and expects me to clean after her. I need to evict her we have only a verbal agrrement that she is to have TV . She has been running my aircondtioning on low when im not at home then turns it up when she gets up I have ask her not to touch my air conditioning that it cost way to much and should stay where I put it for im unemployed at this time and can barely swing my bills. She is vey unclean for example she uses my bath room and never cleans it im always cleaning her crap off my tolit and I told her I was clean and I use that bath room and so does my grand daughter and yet she refuses or has excuse to clean up after herself. So I put a cover over my air conditioning controls and this women about lost it and told me she wasn't paying me rent and I cant make her and that she has a month to get out and she will live in my house no matter what plus she theaten me told me she would pay someone 150.00 to destroy my property if I messed with her that I would never find her to do anything about it . Is there any advice what I have to do to get the crazy nasty person out of my house.
Wow, This is not an easy situation. First, you have to give her notice to leave. Perhaps, the best way to do this is by beginning eviction actions is court of law. The court will require that she be served an eviction notice or a notice to appear if she wishes to contest the eviction. Make sure you have a witness who can testify that the notice was properly presented according to your law.
Now she knows that her actions are being monitored by the court.
If she makes any more threats against you or your property file a criminal complaint with the police. They will investigate her and she will see that the police are monitoring.
Do not get into physical or verbal fight. If you do she will be able to use you as her excuse.