Money is fake. What most people call money is really a receipt or a claim check for money. True money conveys wealth. Currency is not money. It can represent money. But it itself is not money.
What most people want is the things that currency can buy such as food, housing, clothes, cars, etc. If you really want those things it would be better to trade or barter. The idea of killing yourself for little bits of paper is crazy.
Don't trade your life for bits of paper. Learn to barter. When you barter you do not have to pay taxes. When you barter things are much cheaper. When you barter your transactions reflect the true value of the items rather than the inflated value because of the demand for small bits of paper called money. When you barter there is no need for banks.
Find things to barter with. During the second world war a man became wealthy just by growing tomatoes and bartering with those. Another idea is to take cuttings of decorative trees and plants. Grow them and sell them.
In America 90+% of the cost of things come from simply the demand for cash. In most countries it is the same situation.
If you want more ideas about how to be wealthy let me know.