I am bullish of gold and silver. However, it is now clear that gold and silver prices along with currency valuations and the stock market are fake.
Hyperinflation similar to the Weimar Republic of Germany is already upon us. But the numbers have been manipulated to hide this fact. The Americans have decided to make the printing of money "unlimited" for the foreseeable future. The British just yesterday have agreed to print 100's of Trillions of Pounds and to take all of the toxic debts of the world. What this means to the average man or woman is:
costs to continue to rise
enslavement of the people
ultimately population reduction which was their plan all along
The real question should be how to protect your assets and survive the coming economic collapse and famine.
These are my priorities:
Food - You must be able to grow your own food. Foods in supermarkets are designed to make you sick.
Water - You must have a reliable source of water preferrably not from plastic bottles or public sources because chemicals and medications are put into the water systems.
Shelter - You need a cheap, defendable place to protect from the elements and from the thousands of hungry crazy people and the military / police who want to eliminate them.
Security - You must be able to secure your location and family from people who will try to hurt you when things become harsh. Also there is a good chance for NBC attacks (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical)
Economy- Gold and silver are good ways of protecting your wealth. However, you can not eat gold and you can not eat silver. In the coming days value will be in tools, foods, spices, screws and bolts and nuts. Equipment, medical supplies, etc.
Investments - traditional investments will are becoming obsolete. I do run a diamond trading program which allows investors to make money very quickly. But the risk is that if you hold cash and a government decided to reissue the currency or to continue debasing the present currency you could get caught with worthless paper. If you try to switch your currency to real property the governments have shown a willingness to take property or block you from using it. According to one lawyer from the World Bank there is twice as much gold available then officially stated. The price of commodities like gold and silver can be manipulated.
If you live in the U.S. steps are being taken to prevent you from removing asset from the U.S. Even travel is being restricted.
So, you ask the anticipated price of gold and silver. The real answer is does it matter? What you really want is to not hold your wealth in cash.