Looking for family names that were in Dolyna in the 1870's. The names i am looking for and decendants are:
Alexander Sokolovskey who died 1886 in Dolyna. listing the new names that come under this mans ancestry.
Krehvskey, Lavriv, Pavljuk/Pavliuk/Pawluk/Pavlyuk
Paul Pavljuk married Zorska (Sofia) Sokolovskey abt 1870 their childrens names are, Peter (petro) who married Natalka Krehavska. Ivan married Katarina Solovij, Anka (Anna) married Vasilj Kalenjuk, Mihailo married Palatina, Yalena married Harasam (Harry) Cinek and Phillip Rochniak,
Justina married Nicola Bubrak. this couple believed to have no decendants due to war.
I am more interested in this line of Paul Pavljuk. a lot of the Kalenjuk line went to Australia. wanting to find where all the other familys went to.
I have spelt this names in the translation i was given. but could be a little different in the countrys they went to.