As you may know, there exists an area of the North Pacific, approx 1,000 miles off the Californian coast, where garbage has gathered in say the last forty years and is circulating within the area known as the North Pacific Gyre. It is called "The Great Pacific Garbage Patch", or "The Pacific Trash Vortex". It is about 6,000 sq km in area - about the size of the English county of Kent. A lot of it is plastic, and much of that is classed as micro-plastic debris. It is known to kill animals that imbibe it thinking that it is food, and that it is unbalancing the ecosystem although scientists argue about details.
Obviously it would be sensible for the world to take action to get rid of such a monstrosity, but at present there seems little sign of any push to do so. I would argue that most of the rubbish will have come from the countries circling the Pacific, so it should primarily be them who band together to pluck it from the ocean and take it away for processing.
It occurs to me that other problems could be turned to advantage here and act as tools; e.g. how about a two-year moratorium on fishing in that part of the world, and employ the fishermen on this project using purpose-built sailing ships? This would satisfy the need not to incur energy costs and add to global warming. By the time the project ended, the ocean would be found to be teeming with fish and the industry would feel the benefit.
May I call to your attention that island that its a few thousand miles off the coast of California called Honshu, Japan where Fukushima is located? It is spewing tons of radioactive water and debris moment by moment, threatens to kill all life on the Earth and yet you are worried about the Garbage dump? We must be living on separate planets.
And by the way haven't you heard that "global warming" is now called "climate change" as mother earth is cooling rather than heating. Wake up!
CO2 is not a poisonous gas but a necessary component for that cycle we call L I F E.
Don't you know a hoax when you see one? Get a grip. You've been watchin TV again.
Yes, I know about those things, but it so happens that I chose to raise this other problem, only to find myself being rudely clubbed by you. I fully agree with you about the danger posed by the radiation pouring into the sea from Fukushima but as I have no technical solution to offer I'll remain silent. On reflection I do have one suggestion: perhaps you could offer yourself up sacrificially and go and save the world by staunching the flow of radioactive water from the storage tanks.
The mysterious pause in the upward climb of temperature does not necessarily mean that global warming has ceased; it could be the lull before the storm and you will soon be forced to eat your words. The point is that there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than there ever has been in the history of the Earth, and there are bound to be consequences to that fact. I was hearing this morning that the shells of clams provide scientists with useful and accurate data on sea temperatures in the past (one clam studied had lived for 507 years) and are very like tree rings in that regard. Thus we know that the temperature of the sea has definitely been steadily rising in the last 100 years.
You obviously prefer a nice long BBC inspired slumber rather than to face the facts. You have been lied to repeatedly. Check out Lord Mocton and what he has to say about the global warming farce.
Also, I did not mean to club you but to wake you. You are dreaming.
Questions: If the actions of mankind accounts for 1 tenth of 1 percent of global warming how can taxing global growth prevent it since most of the warming comes from the Sun?
How do you explain the increase in polar ice over the recent years? The fact is climate trends and cycles go up and down. How can anyone claim that one part, the taxable part is the cause?
Why did the powers that be have to bribe and threaten in order to prevent the thousands of climatologist from openly criticizing the flawed science of global warming? They can't all be stupid.
Why did many scientist lose their jobs because they refused to go along with the global warming hoax?
Why were universities threatened that if they did not go along with the official story they would love their funding?
Why was Al Gore ordered to issue a 70 page retraction of the statements he used in the film "An Inconvenient Truth"?
What's next, eliminating the population to save the planet? Are you a malcontent Malthusian?
Why should Africans postpone there development as the American President said last week to save planet Earth when most of the destroyers of the Earth are non-African countries?
Why are China and India the biggest polluters on the planet exempt from the Kyoto Accord on climate change?
Are there not more dangerous and toxic gases being generated than CO2 a life gas?
Why do they show a cloud of CO2 when in fact it is colorless and odorless?
As far as my saving the planet goes I do not see you chastising the very same people who propose draconian measures for being the biggest polluters. Will you be the first to get yourself sterilized? What about Bill Gates? Will he take his own vaccinations? Will he sell his yacht and private jets?
If you are so worried about this planet why do you say nothing about the use of chemicals in the air, water and food; the use of depleted uranium in wars which are designed to bring "stability" to the world? And that gushing nuclear disaster known as Fukushima. For such a huge problem you are very quiet?
I think you are a hypocrite who only picks issues way over there so that you have something semi-intelligent to say while you sit safely in front of your TV set at home.
Why not campaign to save stray cats or release the chickens from the factory farms or to free the Chinese slave laborers who make your shoes? I am not meaning to beat up on you. But I hate to see an intelligent person safely hiding behind innocuous issues instead of getting out front and facing the issues that media and government avoid. No, you want to talk about a pile of garbage out in the Pacific Ocean when we are just about to end humanity on this planet. That is like arranging deck chairs on the Titanic.
Face facts. Stand up like a man or woman and fight to survive. Anything else is just more nattering which can be seen on TV.
Oh, its you! I thought I was talking to blackbeargold. Have you got double-membership of this forum?
A problem is a problem, and the one I chose to raise was the Garbage Patch. I have agreed with you about the seriousness of the Fukushima disaster - especially as the owners admitted a few weeks ago that the leaking water is actually eighteen times more radioactive than they previously admitted (1,800 milli-Sieverts per hour, which would give a person a fatal dose in four hours) - but that is not the topic of my thread. Neither do I wish to talk about global warming - at least not here. Let's stay on topic.
According to Dr. Richard Alan Miller, Ph.D, Fukushima is the topic of the day not to say there are not other issues. I just learned from Dr. Miller that Japan has recently purchased two islands from the Russian government near the Aleutian Islands the land mass is more than the land mass of Japan.
But, as you wish let's go back and stay focused on the floating garbage of the Pacific.