The seventies and eighties of the 19th century were marked by the colonial annexation of Africa . In a mere decade or two the European Powers had divided almost the entire African continent between themselves . Taking up East Sudan was because it offered an important means for penetrating into Central Africa . The Nile was a natural route leading into the interior and more-over , the occupation of the Sudan was closely linked with the Egyptian question . Any Power which gained control over the flow of the Nile in the Sudan would automatically dominate Egypt .
How was the division of Africa accomplished ?
Individual European adventurers acted as the vanguard of the Capitalist Powers in Africa . South-West Africa was seized single-handed by the German Adventurer and Trader Luderitz . East Africa was ruled by the German Conquistador Peters . Nigeria was conquered by a handful of Enterprising Britishers , who founded the Nigerian Company . The Congo was seized by the Explorer Stanley , who was backed by the King of Belgium , Leopold II .
If their schemes failed ( of these single persons ) , they were forgotten . If they succeeded , their Governments took them under their wing , despatched a fleet or Army to their “Domains” and declared the captured Land their Colony . The picture was the same in the Sudan . In the Eighteen seventie's , not a single European State undertook operations in the Sudan in its own name . The direct struggle between the Powers began in the Sudan after 1881 , following the British occupation of Egypt in 1882 by the Constantinople Agreement .
How did the adventurers penetrate into the Sudan ?
They took advantage of the desire of the Egyptian Khedive Is-mail of the Ottoman Empire , which was prompted by his Cotton plant Policy , to gain possession of the entire Nile Basin . Ismail was setting up Cotton plantations in Egypt and expanding the irrigation systems . He realised , however , that he could keep the Egyptian irrigation systems fully supplied only by laying hands on the Nile Basin and all its tributaries . Hence , Ismail’s wars in Ethiopia and in Equatorial Africa and the taking over to occupy ( Equatorial / Lado ) . The Khedive’s aggressive policy attracted a number of European Adventurers . The first of these was the Englishman Sir Samuel White Baker . In 1869 , Ismail gave Baker the Administration of the Equatorial Province of Egyptian Sudan and the city of Lado , which he came to regard as his own private domain - LADO EQUATORIA PROVINCE OF EGYPT .
Egyptians , became the property of a handful of extremely Enterprising and Greedy International Adventurers . They levied such heavy taxes on the people ( both in cash and in kind ) and robbed the population to such an extent that a wave of uprisings against the Europeans and European-Egyptian rule soon swept all to drive away these Land seizures and Tourcher of the people .
A German National who was Governor General of Darfur Slatin Pasha wrote in his account :
For over 60 years the Sudan had belonged to the Turks and Egyptians . True , during this period there had been cases when some tribes had refused to pay tribute , for which they had been punished , but nobody had yet dared to rebel against the country’s authorities or declare actual war on them . But now a beggar , an unknown fakir (hermit) with a handful of hungry , poorly armed adherents had appeared and was winning one victory after another . That's how the Native people started , organised themselves to fight off what to them were the invaders of their Lands .
The European Struggle amongst themselves to occupy Lands in East Sudan .
Having conquered Egypt, the British began to expand the cotton plantations ; in the nineties , work began on the construction of a big reservoir near Aswan . In light of this , the British decided to gain a foothold in the region of the Nile sources and annihilate the Mahdi State at all costs . France also sought possession of the Nile sources and the Anglo-French contest in the partition of Africa reached a new pitch of intensity . On the one hand , the French wanted to fortify their position in Ethiopia ( i.e. , the Region of the Blue Nile sources ) , where they had acquired considerable influence over the new Negus , Menelik . On the other hand , while gaining a foothold in the West and Central Sudan , they also intended to spread their influence to the East Sudan , i.e. , to the region of the White Nile sources . The French expansion in East and West Africa forced the British to speed up their campaign against the Sudan .
The British planned to use other powers in their fight against the French . They supported the Italians in the struggle against French expansion in Ethiopia . Italy , a weak State at the time , offered no threat to Britain , who readily exploited Italian - French differences to prevent French expansion in Ethiopia . Britain also encouraged Belgian expansion ( from the direction of the Congo ) to counter-poise that of the French in the Region of the White Nile sources . Then the Belgians took over Lado – Lado Enclave . Between 1893 and 1894 , the Italians , having gained a foothold in Eritrea (on the Red Sea coast) , invaded the Sudan and took over Kassala .
In 1895 , the Italians started a war against Ethiopia , which evoked a big upsurge of patriotic feelings in the area . The people rallied their forces to repel the Italians and defeated them near Adua on March 1 , 1896 . Ethiopia was helped in this war by France and Russia , particularly by France , who after the war , strengthened her influence in that region . Both Belgium and Italy militarily weak Countries and under the british intimidation had to restituite Kassala and Lado Enclave to Britain by the relative treaties they were forced to sign with Britain from 1906 . Such a Treaty were concluded also with other European Countries : France , German , Portugal and Russia not to assisst Lado incase Lado was / is at war with Britain . Britain promised Morocco for France and Iran for Russia and that is how both Russia and France withdrew themselves or lost interest into coming to take over and assist Lado against Britain .
1821 : The Ottoman / Turco - Egyptian conquest of Sudan ( Sudan was known to them as the black Land Areas or Territories – south of the Sahara Desert by the Arabs since 700 b.c ) was to unify what they called small insignificant independent African – Sudan villages under the Ottoman Empire .
1840 : Captain Salim Bey occupied areas along the Nile up to Gondokoro , ( near Juba – Lado ) whereby , the whole of the Bahr al-Ghazal regions in the South Sudan were invaded and occupied by Turco-Egyptian forces .
1871 : Lado was invaded by the joint forces from Britain , France , Italy , Austria and the United States of America and together with Turco Egyptian forces and was renamed EQUATORIA and left to be administered by Egypt as a Province of Egypt under the Sovereignty of Ottoman ( Turkish ) Empire .
1881 : The Arabized Black Tribes in Sudan under their Spiritual Guide Leader Mahommed Ahmed in 1881- 84 joined Lado 's War against the European - Ottoman / Turco – Egyptian government forces and to drive them away from the Sudan ( Black Region ) Lands .
1883 : Mohamed Ahmed " al-Mahdi " captured Al-Obeid in South Sudan and from here began the era of building the Mahdi States of the North and South Sudan occupied which was predominately of the Arab descedents who settled in these Regions .
1885 : Mahdist forces continued , captured Khartoum after a long seige ; British General Charles .G . Gordon who by then was the Governor of Sudan was killed . The Sudan States of North predominantly of Arab descent and South predominantly of the original Native Blacks became known as the two Mahdi States as : North and South Mahdi States , excluding EQUATORIA - LADO .
1885 : Al-Mahdi died ; the Khalifa Abdullahi took over to rule the Mahdi States .
1892 : King Leopold of Belgium entered from Congo in Equatoria - Lado , and pretended extending Belgium Administration up to Mongalla which was in South Sudan . But following , the term Agreements of Berlin Treaty , the Equatoria - Lado " Lado enclave " became and was exclusively made part of the Belgian Congo when the French interviened in the South Sudan Areas . The French forces under Major Marchand occupied parts of Bahr - al - Ghazal , Mongalla and Western Upper Nile to Fashoda which were all forming the South Mahdi or South Sudan parts and by 1896 the French had an Administration in these areas lying North of Lado . Lado remained still , legally , according to the Berlin General Acts ( Berlin Treaty ) of 26 February 1885 under Belgium .
1896 : Belgians under Military intimidation by Britain agreed by a False Statement made by the British of the illegal term Leasing Lado to Belgium to release then Lado enclave Belgium to British control when King Leopold of Belgium would die .
1897 : French forces from Djibouti set off across Ethiopia aiming - unsuccessfully - to link up with the Fashoda expeditions and annex Southern Sudan to French West Africa . The " Fashoda incident " results from Marchand's encounter with British forces .
1898 : Anglo - Egyptian forces led by General Kitchener overthrew the Mahdist State ( both North and South States ) in the battle of Omdurman . The two countries ( Britain and Egypt ) agreed to establish the Condominium Rule over North and South Mahdist States which later became known : Anglo / Egyptian Sudan .
1899 : Condominium Agreement was signed which involved France . French agreed to withdraw from South Sudan . The Condominium became known as the ANGLO / EGPTIAN Condominium Territory which in future in 1956 will get its Independence and become the Unified / United Republic State of Sudan with the Sovereign Status under the Condominium : Britain and Egypt . ( Britain secreetly had Occupied Egypt in 1882 ) .
1908 : Wad Haboba uprising in the Gezira against the Anglo / Egyptians but never lasted .
1910 : Belgium's King Leopold died ; the Lado enclave was falsely added to British Administration after twenty - one years of fierce fighting to oust the Foreign Invaders and the Belgians , who had remained with the British to share Lado between them , decided to withdraw their troops . Infact , Britain Made a False Document as said to Lease Lado ; refusing to let go of their Precious Conquest of Lado since Britain could not own Lado by Legal means or on the Battlefield . Britain drew up this False Document saying that Belgium had Leased Equatoria ( Lado ) to Britain after several failed attempts to Force or Bribe the Kings of Lado , like His Majesty / AGOFE / KING , H.M Ayingani Ajua , H.M Anacleto Atobua and more later still would want to force in 1962 the Present King ( AGOFE / KING ) H.M John Bart Agami Onzima II to hand over the Sovereignty of Lado to the British Crown . Britain resorted to cheating and used the false Lease Contract in September 1892 as they ( Belgians ) were bound by the Paris Treaty , the Berlin Treaty and the Vienna Convention to side with Britain in the Question of the Colonies and the Partition of the African Continent . So , at least formally , though not practically , Belgium is still Responsible for the present day Illegal Occupation of Lado .
LADO Nation and People Still Intact
It should still be known to a few that Lado has remained intact as a Nation and a People inside the old borders in spite of the joint Occupation by Britain and Belgium since 1947. Legally , though , it was still the Ottoman Empire which was responsible for the Occupation of Lado , even after the break - up of the Ottoman Empire , which became the Republic of Turkey by the Lausanne Agreement of 24 July 1923 .
In reality , LADO still is withstanding Foreign Occupation as such and till now in the 21st Centuary and the Lado people are still fighting over their Land on the Issue of Independence and Sovereignty Rights in this Water Shade Region of Africa known as ' LADO - The Heart of Africa ' .
In a False Statement to the rest of the world to know , Britain issued and continue still in a wrong direction of Political education propaganda for people to know that , The Lado Enclave in Africa was leased to King Leopold II as a personal consession for his lifetime by Great Britain and with this ( King Leopold II's death ) , the Lado Enclave was then returned to the British control . Basing their ( Britain / British Governments reasonings ) on this false political propaganda , Britain - the British Governments - have always blocked and are still blocking the Independence issue of Lado in Central Africa .
To begin with and in the first place , in writing here , the Official name of the STATE OF LADO , the State Kingdom of Lado , being talked about is bordered by Sudan : North and South Sudan States to the North , by Ethiopia and Kenya to the North – East , by Uganda to the East , by D R Congo / former Zaire to the West and by the Central African Republic to the North – West . And the name Lado is the correct Identity of the people of Lado .
The Map of Lado ( cf : THE HISTORIC MAP OF LADO IN AFRICA ) long since was established on the World Maps and to find out , please Pin or put in Browse to open to see the Internet google explorations of the Map of Lado in its Geographyical position to its Neighbouring Country States surrounding it :
The following are the Regions of Lado Kingdom :
1. ITURI REGIONS – ( Bordered by Democratic Republic of Congo / former Zaire to the West ) ,
2. NILE REGION – ( Bordered by Uganda to the East ) ,
3. TORIT REGION – ( Bordered by Sudan / South Sudan inclusive , Ethiopia , Kenya , and Uganda to the North – East ) ,
4. UELE REGION – ( Bordered by Democratic Republic of Congo / former Zaire and Central African Republic / CAR to the North–West ) ,
5. YEI REGION – ( Bordered by Sudan / South Sudan and Central African Republic / CAR to the North and North–West ) .
The Colonial Writings refered and still refer to Lado Kingdom by different names as it suited or suits their purposes and time , as : Equatoria , Lado Enclave , West Nile , Haut Nil , Southern or South Sudan etc -- etc -- . The Turco/Egyptian Colonialists called it : The Equatoria Province of Egypt , The British ( at one time ) called it Lado Enclave , while the Belgians called itHaut Nil . And now , the Foreign Occupying Administrations give different names to Lado Kingdom as to what they wish to get after the Partition of Lado Kingdom . An Objective , the Lado Political Authorities are fighting for tooth and Nail .
Was or has there been or is there Lack of Information on Lado Kingdom ?
It is not true that there was or there is no Information on / about Lado Kingdom in Africa but the damn true fact is that , it seems , most of the African people and especially the African Politicians , or the Educated Africans , do not notice anything unless it appears on BBC or American Radio / Television ( T V ) net works . Yes , unfortunately Lado Politics is not being done through the BBC or the CNN , for a number of reasons which can not be discussed here yet in this Hard_talk message discussion on Lado . But still the Lado People are using their Time , Brains , and Sacrifice as much as they can of their resources for Lado . It cannot be done by sitting and waiting for somebody to give them Money to be an Independent and Sovereign State .
In one way , many of the Africans who are seen , or regard themselves as Politicians or Scolars or Elites should have kept open eyes , open ears , open minds to look back into the past on the question of Lado in Africa . So , lack of information of or about Lado , is because a few only care about Lado and for the rest Lado is not important as they don't receive Money . Yet these many people in Africa and elsewhere on this world know that this Region in the Heart of Africa – Lado ( known Equatoria ) has a Political Conflict unsolved since the Juba Conference in 1947 . In Africa , this Lado information has already been forwarded even to the African Leaders of the Countries surrounding Lado by the Lado Executive Political Office – THE GREEN BUREAU - headed by the living present AGOFE CULU or His Majesty John Bart Agami Onzima II of the State Kingdom of Lado , that , the Political Solution to the question of Lado , is the getting of Independence of Lado from Belgium and Britain . And this is being done and better to do it through peaceful Political Negotiations to avoid any more Bloodsheds in the Mother Continent of Africa or in the World Political Affairs . And even all Liberation Movements and their Armies in Africa have been informed that Lado would like to reach such Political solution in her Region ( Lado ) through peaceful means .
The LADO Political Strategy
In order to grasp the Lado Political System , a quick glances at the Political Stepping Stones to Lado's present difficulties on the Nile – Watershed of Africa is Required .
The Sudan ( hereby is refering to the Sudan State and including the newly caved out of South Sudan country in 2011 out of the Sudan State ) as an Issue over Lado
a ) In 1927 , the British Governor General of Sudan recommended that , in order to occupy and colonise the Africans / Peoples of Lado , such as the Sudanic people of Lado , their Political Leaders ( the Agofe / King , the Opi – Drikulu / Head Chiefs , the Opi -i / Chiefs and Barui-i / Families ) have to be killed or exterminated in Lado .
b ) And Indeed , the British Governments took this policy seriously and practised it in the State of Lado Kingdom . This in return for Lado , slowed down the struggle for the Independence of Lado since 1947 . The Lado Political Authorities Concerned , have all the time to make sure that , they are not exterminated . So , various methods of work had / has still to be done to minimise the chances of getting easily assassinated . If a ruling Agofe / King of Lado dies there is already another prepared one to take over for the defence of Lado .
c ) In 1947 , Juba Conference was held , which was chaired by the Chief Secretary of Anglo / Egyptian Sudan ( North Sudan , South Sudan united as one State ) and the State of Lado ( Lado Enclave / Haut Nil ) . The Juba Conference of 1947 , was to determine the case of the Independence of Lado , of which , what you now call Equatoria in Sudan or South Sudan is a part , by the Cairo Agreement of 19 January 1899 and the Agreement of 13 December 1906 . By then , this part was not occupied by Britain . It was clear that Lado was to be Independent and Sovereign State . Lado was not and Lado is not a part of North Sudan or Southern called South Sudan State at all . However , in the same year of April 1947 , the issue of Lado was then raised at the United Nations / UN for the Independence of Lado . Belgium and Britain became the two Joint Administering Countries of Lado . But they never prepared Lado ( Article 73 of UN ) to be an independent and Sovereign State . Instead , on 14 April 1948 , the Prime Minister of Lado Colonel Anacleto Atobua who was being prepared as an Agofe , was assassinated by the British Authorities ; in the period of ( the Labour Government of the Rt . Hon . Clemente Richard Atlee , the British Prime Minister by then ) .
TORIT Massacres of 1955 in EQUATORIA - LADO
On 1 January 1956 , Anglo/Egyptian Sudan got Independence under the name of Sudan , from Britain . But all the preparations for the Independence of Lado was stopped by the British Authorities ; and the British hurried to give the Independence of Anglo/Egyptian Sudan after the Torit Massacres of August 1955 and thereby ignored the fact that , there were / are still Four States in that Nile Valley Basin Region : LADO , SOUTH SUDAN , NORTH SUDAN , and EGYPT .
While the People of South Sudan did not object to the inclusion of its Land and People to North Sudan , the people of Lado ( Equatoria ) protested and this was clearly demonstrated by the Liberation War the Lado people of Torit Region , Yeyi Region , and Rholi Region fought . This war was known as the ANYANYA War in Lado / Equatoria from 1955 – 1972 . It was a War of Lado Liberation under Rev . Fr Saturnino Lokure ( Luhure ) a citizen of Lado , who was assassinated on 7 June 1967 . Major General Joseph Lagu of Madi Tribe ( Lado ) was the Military Officer in charge of the Military Affairs .
The Kokora Policy
President , General Jaafar Nimeeri of the Republic State of Sudan by then ( North Sudan and South Sudan united ) , after the Peace Agreement of 27 March 1972 signed in Addis Ababa , in Ethiopia between the Ladoans of Equatoria Region and Sudan State Government , introduced the Policy of trying to solve Lado Affairs and Sudan in the Region in a such away , the Lado Region of Equatoria was finally to be separated from that of South Sudan . This is what is locally termed and widely known in Sudan ( both North and South ) and Lado as Kokora Policy . The New Boundary followed the Colonial Boundaries between Lado and Southern Sudan , by the Cairo Agreement of January 1899 . And so from that Agreement , the Ladoans who signed the Addis Ababa Agreement of 27 March 1972 with the Government of Sudan State were taking , one step at a time , in order to reach the State Affairs of the Lado Political Authority when the issue of Lado could reach a Final Solution to the Independence of Lado Kingdom in the Heart of Sudan Central Africa as such . Accordingly so , what is called East and West Equatoria in Sudan or in South Sudan State now is the North part of Lado Kingdom . In brief to say , is that : East and West Equatoria are the Occupied zones of Lado , now placed , under this newly caved out South Sudan State - Country in 2011 by the Anglo / Americans in the Heart of Africa to hide the Struggling efforts of Lado Indepedence issue . The Anglo / Americans do not want and hate LADO to exist .
The NILE Region of Lado Kingdom
Meanwhile , in the Nile Region of Lado ( which in Uganda is called West Nile ) Great Britain had laid down the Border between Lado and Uganda in 1907 , was fighting the British Colonialism for the Independence of Lado Kingdom . And it was this Nile Region of Lado here that if Great Britain got the Signature of Lado Representative , the AGOFE / King of Lado , then Lado would have been Killed as a Political Entity .
The ITURI and UELE Regions of Lado Kingdom
In ITURI Region and UELE Region , which were and are still under the Democratic Republic of Congo / former Zaire Administration ( Belgium Colony ) , the Simba Liberation War by the Ladoans was fought and still being fought for the Independence of Lado . While in the Nile Region where the Agofe / King is , every body knows in Lado that , The present AGOFE of Lado Kingdom , refused to sign any Agreement with the British Authorities that the Nile Region ( West Nile and Madi ) was to become British East Africa or Protectorate of Uganda . So , just before the Independence of Uganda on 12 September 1962 , The Agofe himself ( Colonel John Bart Agami Onzima II ) who still is a live todate , was arrested and quickly Sentenced to seven ( 7 Years ) of imprisonment , and imprisoned in Luzira Prison at Kampala in Uganda , for not Signing the Annexation Treaty or Document to Annex Lado to the British East Africa to which Uganda was / is a part .
Lado Political Authorities
The Lado Political Authorities , since 1947 , worked together with the militia Liberation Groups of ( Simba Military units of Ituri and Uele in Congo/Zaire and Anyanya Military units of Torit , Rholi , Yeyi of Lado - Equatoria in Sudan ) under the Agofe and who is the Military Commander-in- Chief of Lado Command based in the Nile Region of Lado . One of the Political Leaders of Lado Kingdom ( North Lado ) , Rev. Father Saturnino Lokure who by the time was in South Lado ( Nile Region of Lado ) was Killed in Uganda by the Uganda Army , when he and some of his Assistants went to collect Medical Supplies for the Refugees and Diplaced Ladoans from ( Yeyi , Torit , Rholi , of Equatoria / Lado ) . This was in the Catholic Mission of Laco in Acholi , Uganda . All Yei , Torit , Rholi Politicians know about this incidence very well . And they are able to figure out Why ? the reason falls within the British appointed Governor of Sudan , General Sir John Maffey Policy or Reccomendation of 1927 and every Body knows too , that Uganda is under British Sovereignty york ( AUTHORITY ) and till todate . The Commonwealth Countries help Carry out the United Kingdoms of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ' s / UK Policies only to destroy Lado .
On 25 January 1971 , Major General Idi Amin Dada a Kakua / Kuku and of Lado origin , became the President of Uganda , The present Agofe of Lado CULU JOHN BART AGAMI ONZIMA IIreturned from Exile in France , and hoped to work with Uganda gradually , and to reach a Political Solution on the Issue of Lado Kingdom . But things did not work that way , although by 1973 ,He managed to Confirm the International recognised Boundary Agreement between Lado and Uganda of 1907 ( which was fixed by Sir Wiston S . Churchill , the British Prime Minister by then ) , by the Agreement of 31 May 1973 signed in the Nile Conference held in Kampala , Uganda . This Boundary Agreement is between the Jonam and Madi Tribes of Lado and the Acholi Tribe of Uganda . It is River Ayugi which is the dividing Natural Feature boundry line . But Again the AGOFE's Life was threatened , so He left Lado in 1974 to continue his living life in Exile as before since 1962 . He is a Political Refugee for over 50 Years now as a Stateless Refugee King ( AGOFE ) of the Kingdom of Lado till todate .
On 11 April 1979 , General Idi Amin Dada ( who was a Ladoan Origine in Uganda ) was overthrown and his Regime in Uganda was overthrown . The Ladoans of Sudanic Origin were chased and Massacared with Impunity in Uganda and in the Nile Region of Lado itself , ( known in Uganda as West Nile ) . Over 350,000 People of Lado were Massacred / Perished . It was Recognised by Uganda and in the ( Uganda plans of 1967 and Uganda decree of 12 May 1980 , Art. 5 and Art. 10 ) , in that , Ladoans are Foreigners in Uganda . Ugandans are / were Right . Because Ladoan's Country The kingdom State of Lado is not yet Independent as a Political Entity in Africa . Truely in this War of 1979 , this time , the Nile Region Ladoans were the ones who ran to Yeyi ,Torit , Rholi , Regions of Lado which were / are still under as Occupied Territories of the Sudan or under the now newly created Independent South Sudan Country - State and to Uele and Ituriwhich are the Occupied Territories of the Democratic Republic of Congo / former Zaire . By 1986 about 500,000 Sudanic of Lado were Killed .
In the same Year , 9 May 1979 , The Sudanic Refugee Organisation / SRO was formed by the AGOFE and the Chiefs of Lado and as is their Political duty to Protect the People of Lado and the Land of Lado . And the Provisional Government of Lado was formed on 7 March 1987 on the date to remember and to recall the memmories of the AGOFE of Lado , Karanga ( General ) Ayingani Ajua who was assassinated on the same date 7 March 1887 by the combined British , Turkey , America and Egyptian military forces in the War against Lado People .
In 1983 , Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement ( SPLM ) was founded in the Sudan State to fight the Ladoans and between 1985 and 1987 to the present time Ladoans were / have been working hard to prevent Britain using SPLM / SPLA Chairman of Sudan under Colonel John Garang and Uganda under President General Yoweri Museveni to wage wars against Lado . Infact , President General Yoweri Museveni and Colonel John Garang reached a Secreet Agreement over Lado , with the Support of Britain and United States of America , USA . That is why Britain and USA were very Keen on the Issue of an Independent South Sudan to be created , hoping that , they would / will make it destroy Lado and prevent the Equatoria Region to be a part of Lado . The Religion Factor of MUSLIM / CHRISTIAN was / is instrumental , a Cover up for destroying the State of Lado Kingdom . From these facts , however , the Ladoans do not know yet how the African Politicians / Elites saw , were seeing / are seeing till now and understand the Sudan SPLM / SPLA wars which were meant to fight the North Sudan Government of Khartum , were always fought in Equatoria ( Lado ) . The Villages destroyed were and times to go on , will always be those in Equatoria , the Leaders of Equatoria get Assassinated or Killed such as Mr. Joseph Oduho , when at SPLM / SPLA Meetings .
To the People of Lado ( Ladoans ) know that the true National Citizens of South Sudan : the Dinka tribes , Nuer tribes , Shiluk tribes , Jo-Luo tribes people of the Regions of Southern or South Sudan Country were / are still being used by Britain and United States of America - USA to help them to destroy LADO as a Nation - State Kingdom in Mother Continent Africa . They are also busy working now on to Control all , so called Elites of Equatoria ( Lado ) , to work for them to include permanentely the Region ( Equatoria / Lado ) as part of South or so called Christian Southern or South Sudan Country Independent under the Anglo/American Sovereignty ever to be . Lado People said and continue to say Big NO and NO to this Anglo/American and heavily being supported militarily of course by United States of America , ( USA ) . They are using the United Nations ( UN ) as the Institute to implement their Plans always . Truely they haveCreated so , the Southern / or South Sudan as the Independent Country now under them in 2011 and think they have finally Partitioned Lado Kingdom . But on our minds and every body knew and knows till todate and as a reminder to all to know , there was one time a Country in the Nile Basin called South Sudan State Country and indeed separate from North Sudan State Country and State Country of Lado . ( Ref: The Map of Africa since 1895 as later was presented in1909 ) . It is not by the 2011 year date that Southern or South Sudan became an Independent State in Africa for the first time and so thanking Britain and United States of America - USA for that . The Political Game play here , is about of the Occupation of North Lado Territory and the whole of Lado Kingdom as such only , for these two Big Powers : United Kingdoms of Britain and Northern Ireland - UK and United States of America – USA in Controling Africa from the Heart which is Lado .
Another witty People along side who worked and are still working to destroy Lado Kingdom as people , if Ladoans may be wrong , are the many people working in Churches , were being used and are used as usual to help Britain and United States to Kill Lado . Especially such People were being paid and as usually are paid so , special attention and treatment in the terms of ( Money , Property owns and Honour ) and when it came to the Creating of the Independence Issue of South Sudan . Well , Ladoans know for themselves and they do understand how difficult it is for one to Risk and Sacrifice so much in order to work for Lado . No Independence and Sovereignty come easily anyway . The Struggle for Lado's Freedom continues still !
This is a Communication matter to inform the different People of Africa and the World at large that , the State Kingdom of Lado is still an Occupied Territory by Belgium and Britain , and not yetan INDEPENDENT SOVEREIGN STATE in Africa . The People of Lado are struggling for the Independence of their Kingdom and above all , the Sovereignty Issue of Lado since 1947 till todate ( 3000 a.d ) .
Taking all issues into account , the State Kingdom of Lado should have been an Independent and Sovereign State Country at most now since 1960 . But Britain blocked again the Independence of Lado which was to be on 9 May 1960 . Britain has been blocking and continues so at all times when it comes over to the issue of the Independence and Sovereignty of Lado Kingdom since and till todate while writing this history of past and present in the ( 3000 a.d) and sincerely we all know to say of this British attitude / behaviour which is in VIOLATION OF THE ARTICLES 1 and 73 of the Charter of the United Nations of 26 June 1945 , and THE ARTICLES 6 , 12 , 15 of Berlin Treaty of 26 February 1885 ; including all instruments of International Law .
The Lado Kingdom Decolonisation Issue
This Communication on the Question of Lado ( Decolonisation ) is o given a chance to clear up some of the Misinformation , and Disinformation that has been Spread out about Lado Kingdom , and still it is being spread out about Lado in Relation to what the Political Authorities of Lado ( The Green Bureau of Lado and the Government of Lado ) are doing to bring about the Decolonisation of Lado . The Political History of Lado has been falsely presented to the world . As a result , many of former African Colonial Countries like Sudan , a close neighbour Country to Lado , even Believe it . The typical example of the people at most are the People of Uganda who strongly and dearly believe so . For the Heavens or Hells Sake ( Uganda is the most Protected African Colony Independent of Britain ) by the British . The Hard truth behind is that , the Nile Region of Lado ( Refered to or known as West Nile , an English name given in Uganda to the Nile Region of Lado by Britain ) is not a part of the Territory of Uganda but can be best for Britain that , this Region , the Nile , is taken care for them by Uganda as the part of Lado Occupied Territory .
Lado was first an Occupied Territory of the Ottoman Empire by Turco/Egyptian Firman of 1 April 1869 . The Borders between Lado and Sudan , Congo , Uganda were fixed by TURKEY ,BRITAIN , RUSSIA , ITALY , FRANCE and EGYPT and gradually being done so , from 1887 to 1907. These were and still are the Colonial Boundries established according to the Berlin General Acts ( Berlin Treaty ) of 26 February 1885 , following the Berlin Congress from 15 November 1884 to 25 February 1885 .
The Lado Issue was first presented to the United Nations in 1947 , at the UN Special General Assembly Session of 28 April – 15 May 1947. It was His Majesty Agofe / King CULU John Anacleto Atabua , who represented the State KAARI meaning = ( Kingdom ) of Lado in New York , USA . The AGOFE / KING His Majesty Anacleto Ataboa was assassinated on 14 April 1948 by the British for this reason .
It was by the Agofe asking The Ambassador of USSR to the UN , His Exellency Mr Andrei Gromyko , and who raised the Question of Lado at the United Nations Special General Assembly Session of the 28 April – 15 May for the Independence / Sovereignty of Lado . Infact , this Special UN General Assembly was called by Britain . Both the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland argued that , the Question of Lado should have been raised by the UN Secretary General , according to Article 99 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945 . Since May 1947 , Britain with the Financial Assistance and Military Support of the USA have been blocking the Independence of Lado , and the Sovereignty of Lado , and the Territorial Integrity of Lado in Central Africa . Instead , Britain and USA want to Kill the State KAARI = meaning in English ( KINGDOM ) of Lado in Central Africa in order to grab the Land of Lado and its Natural Resources , especially the Minerals .
Hereby it is still to note :
The Great KAARI ( Kingdom ) of Lado has existed as the Kingdom of Lado since 847 a.d till todate ( originally Lado was founded in 700 BC ) and through out the 400 years of Slave Trade in Africa , from 1440 to 1840 a.d till todate ( 3000 a.d ) , Lado as well was recognised as a Sovereign State ( Kingdom ) according to the Treaty of Holy Allience ( in Vienna ) , dated 26 September 1815 . By the Turco / Egyptian Firman of 13 February 1841 , and the Turco / Egyptian Firman of 1 April 1869 , the KAARI ( STATE KINGDOM ) of Lado was occupied , on 26 May 1871 , as the Equatorial Province of Egypt , under the Sovereignty of the Ottoman Empire ( today , the Republic of Turkey , with Capital at Ankara ) . His Majesty ( King Agofe ) Ayingani Ajua was the Agofe of Lado ( Equatoria ) in the period of 1859 –1887 by then . H.M AGOFE AYINGANI AJUA was assassinated on 7 March 1887 by British Colonial Agents . Egypt was Occupied by the Ottoman Empire ( Turkey ) in 1517 a.d , and Sudan ( todays Republic of Sudan including of course South Sudan ) was occupied in 1821 a.d . These three Countries ( Lado ,Sudan : North / South Sudan combined and Egypt ) were Seperate Political Entities under the Sovereignty of the Ottoman Empire ( today -Turkey ) , even though Britain proclaimedProtectorate over the Kingdom of Egypt on 18 December 1914 ( during the First World War : 1914 –1919 ) . Note : Lado was not under the Sovereignty of Egypt . So , Britain did not get Lado . This same Communication on the Question of Lado ( Decolonisation ) has been clarified to the African People and that of Uganda especially and through their Parliament and Governments that , Lado has never been a Colony or Protectorate of Britain or any European Country . However , Lado has been an Occupied Territory from time to time since 1871 . In otherwords , The Lado Political Leaders have never Signed off the Lado Sovereignty o Sovereign Status of Lado to any Foreign Country . And Britain is aware of that , although , Britain would like to behave as if / though Lado has been a British Colonial Territory . That is not True , It is not technically Correct . In the case of the Partition of Africa , Berlin Treaty of 26 February 1885 is the Legal Instrument followed , and is still followed for African Affairs , including the Paris Conference and Resolution of 3 August 1875 , which was followed by the Berlin Congress from 15 November 1884 to 25 November 1885 . The AUTHORITY OF THE AGOFE of Lado , you can see my dear readers of this Hard_Talk information on Lado hereby is that , Lado Kingdom is still Protected by Article 6 of Berlin Treaty . The Enemies of Lado Kingdom however in their tentatives to Kill Lado decided to give and still give false Names of the Partitioned Regions of Lado by them and that is for the rest of the People of the world not to know anything about Lado Kingdom or the KAARI / KINGDOM of Lado in Africa .
Such false given names are :
In and under Belgium Colony ( D. R Congo / former Zaire now is given the common name of as North East of D R Congo Region . While the true names and denominations in the original Lado Languages are :
1. SOUTH ITURI Region / Kala ( Kala means Region in Lado Language ) with Aku Ambo / city Capital ( BUNIA ) ;
2. NORTH ITURI Region / Kala with Aku Ambo / city Capital ( ARU ) ;
3. UELE Region / Kala with Aku Ambo / city Capital ( DUNGU ) .
In and under Anglo/Egyptian Condominium ( The Republic State of Sudan / and or in the New State South Sudan are given the names as East and West of Equatoria Regions of the Republic of Sudan or now of the South Sudan State . While the true names and denominations in the original Lado names are :
1. YEI Region / Kala with Aku Ambo / city Capital ( JUBA ) ;
2. KINETI Region / Kala with Aku Ambo city Capital ( TORIT ) ;
3. RHOLI Region / Kala with Aku Ambo / city Capital ( Yambio ) .
In and under British Protectorate Uganda ( The Republic of Uganda ) is given the special name called West Nile or sometimes North West of Uganda . While the True name and nomination in Lado is the KALA – ALIA Region / Kala with Aku Ambo city Capital ( ARUA ) .
The Territory of the State KAARI / KINGDOM of Lado is Located , shown on different World Maps and Atlses as established and recognised by the Colonialists , Colonial Boundries recognitions as indicated above in the writings here and therein Lado had to become Independent and Sovereign by 1960 as promised by Her Majesty the Queen Elisabeth II of England in 1954 .
Why did Lado not become Independent then ?
To this Question as an answer , Lado is issuing as a communication hereby a brief statement on the question of Lado ( Decolonisation of Lado ) . It is hoped that , after getting to read this communication , the different People of Africa and from the different Countries of Africa and especially of those , the Neighouring Countires to Lado in this Region of Sudan ( the word Sudan means Black ) Central Africa and in particular Uganda State will continue to cooperate with Lado and therefore not to continue to believe in the Political Rumours , and the Lies or the Deliberate Campaign and Propaganda against the State Kingdom exsistence of Lado , and against the Political Authorities of Lado , and against the People of the State of Lado . Lado needs facing the Political Realities . The People of Lado ( Ladoans ) are Struggling to defend the Independence of Lado and the Sovereignty of Lado in the ( Heart , Watershade Region ) of Africa .
The Territory of the State of Lado is Located as on the World Maps of Lado drawn so , before the First World War . The State of Lado Consists of six ( 6 ) Regions , all named by Use of Lado River Names : These Regions of Lado are as follows :
A brief look at the Political History as to how Uganda became a Nation / Country under the Control of Britain .
1.5 : This Communication hereby is to inform you that , Uganda became a British Colonial Possession ( British Protectorate ) on 1 April 1894 . After Different Kingdoms , Nations , and / or Tribes were forced to Sign at different times by their Respective Leaders ( Kings , Crown Princes , Chiefs , or Regents ) to transfer their Sovereignty to the British Queen , to be under the British Sovereignty , regardless of the circumstances under which they signed ( by free will or were forced to sign ) . It is still a Treaty Law , which is binding to the Parties .
a ) Uganda Kingdom signed these Treaties or Agreements with Britain on 26 December 1890 , on 30 March 1892 , on 17 June 1892 , on 29 May 1893 , and Officially Uganda Kingdom was Occupied on 1 April 1893 and Proclaimed a Protectorate on 1 April 1894 , on 10 March 1900 and finally on 18 October 1955 , following Namirembe Constitution Conference 1955 .
b ) Nkore Kingdom ( known today as Ankole ) signed Agreements or Treaties with the British Authorities as follows : on 1 July 1891 , on 25 October 1894 , on 25 October 1901 , and 30 August 1960 , following the Wild Constitutional Committee of 1959 .
c ) Toro Kingdom signed Agreements with Britain on 18 August 1891 and 6 June 1901 , and in 1903 . The King of Toro is known as the Omukama d ) Usoga Kingdom signed the Agreements on 25 March 1890 and Administrative Arrangements in 1895 . Therefore , all of them became One Nation under the Colonial Title British Protectorate ( Colony ) on 3 July 1896 . This was Confirmed by the British Order – in – Council of 1908 .
e ) Koki Kingdom was defeated by Britain and Uganda Kingdom combined forces . Then Koki Kingdom was annexed to the Uganda Kingdom in 1897 . Thus Koki Kingdom became a Province of Uganda and lost its National Identity as the Kingdom of Koki until today .
f ) Mpororo Kingdom was broken into two : one Part given to Ankole Kingdom and the other Part remained as Kigezi District , together with other Non – Kiga Tribes such as the Bafumbira People . The Majority of the People of Kigezi are the Bakiga People .
g ) The Acholi , after the War of Lamogi , became Part of Uganda by the Agreement of 1912 , since the Boundary between Lado and North – West of Uganda was established in 1907 , the Anglo / Russian Agreement of 31 August 1907 and Lado and North Uganda was established in 1914 , and the Lake Rudolf Province was transfered from Uganda Protectorate to Kenya Colony , and Mombasa – Coast Protectorate in 1926. h ) Unyoro Kingdom resisted British Occupation until 1923 ( where King Kabarega died in 1923 ) . Unyoro Kingdom became a Part of the State of Uganda ( British Uganda Protectorate ) by the Unyoro – British Agreement on 23 October 1933 , which was renewed by the Unyoro Agreement of 3 September 1955 . During the Namirembe Conference of 1955 , under the Chairman of Professor Sir Keith Han**** and then the Wild Constitutional Committee of 1959 .
i ) The Other Parts of the British Uganda Protectorate since 1 April 1894 ( approved by the British Parliament on 27 August 1894 ) such as Teso tribe , Lango tribe , Kumam tribe people , and so forth became part of the State of Uganda in 1937 .
j ) Karamoja , however , remained an Occupied Territory of Britain under Special Arrangement until 1962 . The People ( from Lado ) do not know if the ( Karamoja People ) have ever had an Agreement with Britain to be a Part of the British Uganda Protectorate ( 1908 ) .
k ) As an Issue to the British , The State ( Kingdom / " KAARI " ) of Lado has been a Seperate Political Entity since 1839 . It was occupied by the Ottoman Empire ( Turkey ) through Egypt on 26 May 1871 by the Turco / Egyptian Firman ( Decree ) of 1 April 1869 and the Turco / Egyptian Firman of 13 February 1841 .
In conclusion and By the British Order – in – Council of 1908 , all the / these different Kingdoms who made seperate Agreements with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland , becameone Political Entity under the name Uganda . The Name Uganda is the Kingdom of Uganda , meaning the Land of the Ganda People ( BAGANDA TRIBES ) . Whereas and while Unyoro Kingdom remained an Occupied Territory after its Military Defeat by Britain in 1896 . The Uganda Kingdom became known as the Buganda Kingdom , a Political Entity under the British Protectorate including Ugisu , which later came to be known as Bugisu , following the Uganda Kingdom Agreement with Britain of 10 March 1900 ( signed by Uganda Regents ) . By Article 6 of Uganda Agreement 1900 , Britain over rules . Uganda as a Political Entity , 1908
2.1 : All the points ( Agreements ) mentioned above , is to emphasize the fact that , the Modern Uganda as Political Entity became into being in 1908 , by the British Order – in – Council 1908 ( Uganda ) . An Order – in – Council is a Legal Document , or a Decree , made under the Signature of the King or Queen , by the Privy Council with the Queen or King as the Chairman . This is the General Principle which applies to the Kingdoms . And the Judicial Committeee is the Highest Court of Appeal ( in the British Empire ) now in the British Commonwealth .
2.2 : It is therefore , very important to note and to know that , the State of Lado never signed or made an Agreement with Britain to become a Part of the British Uganda Protectorate . In fact , that was the reason why His Majesty ( H.M ) Agofe CULU JOHN BART ONZIMA II of Lado refused that , Lado be a Part of a British East African Federation , which was a Federation of British Colonial Territories in East Africa , it would mean that Lado was consenting to be a British Colony under the British Sovereignty . So Lado rejected the East African Federation in 1953 .
2.3 : As Lado is not and has not and does not want to lose her Sovereignty / Sovereign Status ( NDUVUNDUVU in Lado Language ) to Britain or any other Foreign Country , the Decolonisation of Lado shall not be done under the British or the British Commonwealth Association or a British Commonwealth Countries .
2.4 : Since 1947 , Britain blocked any Process for the Decolonisation of Lado and when in May 1960 , Britain once again blocked the independence of Lado , the British Government had planned to find Ways and Means to block the State of Lado , using her Position as a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council and as the Chief - Head of the British Commonwealth Member Countries , such as Uganda , Kenya and the whole British Commonwealth ( Refer to Document of 1926 and West Minister Statute 1931 ) . However , there is no need to drag the People of Uganda in or through the Long Political History of Lado and Legal History of Lado , knowing that , Lado defended the State of Lado since 1839 . But a short Essential Information about Lado is thought to be necessary for the Uganda People . The State of Lado is Situated on the Nile – Congo Water Shade Region in Equatoria Central Africa . The State of Lado is the KAARI ( STATE ) of Lado . A State can be a Kingdom or a Republic . While the Form of Government can be a Unitary , or a Confederation , or a Federation depending on the Constitutional Background of the Peoples and Tribes that make the State . Both Writen and Unwriten .
3.1 : The State / or KAARI of Lado ( Nile – Congo Watershade Region ) is still and not yet an Independent State / Country in Africa . Lado is an Occupied Territory by Britain and Belgium since 1947 . This means that Britain and Belgium are the Administrating Countries of the State of Lado . And Lado is a Non – Self Governing Territory , according to Article 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945 . Therefore Lado has the Right to Territorial Self – determination and to be Decolonised and be Independent and Sovereign Nation State ( Country ) . That is why Lado Demands its Independence .
3.2 : The British Policy on Lado is that , Lado should be Killed as a Nation State in World Politics ( International Law , International Politics , International Diplomacy , and International Relations ) . The People of Lado do not know why Britain ( Including Her Majest's Government ) does not want Lado to Exist as an Independent , Sovereign State ( Country ) on this Earth and particularly in the Mother Continent Africa . The People of Lado ( Ladoans ) are not going to do a guess work here . That is for the British Politicians and Statesmen to give you an answer here . But the People of Lado are sick to death and tired of it , of the British behaviour towards Lado . Lado hopes the British People try to understand that .
3.3 : However , the People of Lado , under their Successive Leaders ( Agofe , and the Chiefs and Politicians ) , have resisted and rejected to be Colonised by any Foreign Powers , including Britain since 1839 till todate . Simply stated , no Country , or any European Country has effectively ( Legally ) colonised the State of Lado . And more so , the State of Lado has not been colonised . And the State of Lado does not want to be colonised . It is a Fact that the State of Lado has been Occupied by different Colonial Powers from time to time since 1871 . But the People of Lado defended the Independence and the Sovereignty of Lado till todate ( 3000 a.d. ) . So you may refer to the Terms such as Occupied or Non – Self Governing Territories or Colonial , or Protectorate , each has a different meaning in Politics . It is important to note that we should know each of these Terms and as well understand each of its implications to a State or a Nation ( Country ) and its People .
3.4 : As Legally stated , no European Country , Colonial Power colonised Lado , then the Countries surrounding Lado ( Sudan : North or South Sudan States , Uganda , Congo / former Zaire , Ethiopia , Central African Republic / CAR , and Kenya ) did not inherit and do not inherit the Territory of the State of Lado to be under their Administrations . The Territory of the State of Lado is a Seperate Political Entity since 1815 through to 1885 , till todate ( 3000 A.D ) . Lado did not become a Colonial Possession of the European Colonial Powers / Masters in Africa , as Britain for Uganda , Kenya , and Sudan : both the seperated North and South Sudan States now , as Belgian for Congo / Zaire , and as France for the Central African Republc / CAR . There is a big difference between Dominions , Colonies , Protectorates , and Occupied Territories . And Lado is an Occupied Territory . That is Correct , or that is right according to Article 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945 . That is Why Lado Demands the Independence / or Freedom / ( DRIWALA in Lado language meaning Freedom ) of Lado .
3.5 : Till todate ( 3000 a. d) Lado is a Seperate Political Entity ( State ) , just like other Countries surrounding Lado ( Sudan : North Sudan / South Sudan States , Congo / former Zaire , Uganda , Central African Republic / CAR , Kenya and Ethiopia ) . The only difference is that , the State of Lado is not yet an Independent Sovereign State . It is still an occupied Territory by Belgium and Britain since 1947 . In short , the Occupied Territory of Lado is a Non – Self Governing Territory . The People of Lado demand the Independence of Lado and the Sovereignthy of Lado . And the People of Lado are working hard for the Independence of Lado in accordance to the Articles 1 , 51 , and 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945 and Berlin Treaty of 26 February 1885 including the UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 ( XV ) of 14 December 1960 .
3.6 : The Concern of the People of Lado is to inform the People of Uganda and the Countries in Africa that , the Lado People Demand for the Independence and the Declaration for the Independence and Sovereignty of Lado is not against Uganda , or against any of the Countries of Africa or even against any of the Countries of the World . The People of Lado are struggling for the Territorial Independence of Lado and the Sovereignty of Lado as a Sovereign Nation State ( Political Entity ) . Even the EUROPEAN COUNTRIES , who had come to Colonise the African Countries in 1840 – 1940 , and the African Peoples know very well that Lado has to be Independent Sovereign State according to the Berlin Treaty of 26 February 1885 and the UN Charter of 26 June 1945 , plus the OAU ( Organisation of African Unit ) Charter of 25 May 1963 , including the Relevant Resolutions of United Nations and International Law .
3.7 : Almost , all the African countries are now Independent Nations since 1940 , or are being prepared to be Independent Nations by the UN AND OAU / AU , and Others . Why not the State Kingdom of Lado ? Britain does not allow the State of Lado to be put on the UN list of Non – Self Governing Territories . What does Britain have against the State of Lado ( People , Land / Territory of Lado , Government , the Sovereign and Natural Resources ) ? The State of Lado is not even a Part of the British East Africa , or Colonial Territory . So it must be just a BRITISH POLITICAL HATRED AND POLITICAL DISCRIMINATION TO DOMINATE LADO , TO CONTROL LADO AND TO EXPLOIT THE PEOPLE OF LADO AND THE LAND NATURAL RESORCES OF LADO . And be that , the Lado People Reject it in every possible way on this Earth . Lado people SHALL NOT Want to be Slaves of other Nations on this Earth . Lado shall continue to fight / struggle for her Territory Independence of Lado and Sovereignty of Lado ( Africa ) . So that , Lado People can also creat Wealth and Happiness for themselves on this Planet Earth on which they also live as Free people like the British people .
3.8 : The Lado Political Authorities ( The Agofe of Lado and the Government of Lado ) have already sent to the Concerned Countries and Institutions , the Lado Demand and Ultimatum for the Nation Independence and Sovereignty of Lado as a Sovereign State in the Year 3000 and will do so in years to come when the need be . This is in accordance to the UN General Assembly Resolution 43 / 47 of 22 November 1988 .Indeed it has nothing to do with Lado consisting of 29 Tribes - People wanting to fight Neighbours ( Bantu people , Nilotic People , and Hamitic Peoples ) of especially in the pretext going on in Uganda talks or fighting anybody else in Africa . However if anybody / or anyone wants to Colonise the State of Lado , for sure , the People of Lado will fight for their Rights to / for their Territory Independence of Lado and Sovereignty of Lado in the Nile – Congo Watershade Region of Equatorial Central Africa and the Nile Valley Basin and the Great Western Rift Valley .
3.9 : It is with Regret and Great Concern that , the Political Authorities of Lado , and the People of Lado , have noted that , the Government of Uganda especially is very Agressive and Militarily Provocative against the State of Lado ( People / Population , Land / Territory , Government / Organ , the Sovereign , and Natural Resources ) . The People of Lado , under their Political Leadership ( AGOFE ) want Good Future Relations with all the Lado Neighbours ( Sudan : North and South Sudan States , Congo , Uganda , Kenya , Ethiopia , and Central African Republic / CAR ) . Lado only wants the Independence and Sovereignty of Lado in the ( Nile – Congo Watershade Region ) in Equatoria Central Africa . This is the Lado Objective and Demand to Britain and Belgium , who are the Administering Countries of the State of Lado Kingdom till todate .
'3.10 : Lado wants Security , Peace , and Stability in her Country . And the Political Authorities of Lado Believe that , even Uganda and the Other African Countries want Peace and Security in their Countries too . Truely , and the Politicians of every Country should work for Peace , Security , and Stability . For without Peace , and Political Stability , there is No Economic and Social Development and / or Progress . Without Peace there is no Security . ( Look what is happening to all the surrounding Countries to Lado today / and how will they be , in tommorrow 's time comings ? ) . The people of Lado need Peace and Security as a Nation State .
4.1 : This Communication on the Question of Lado is to present to the People of Uganda ( Africa ) and as Britain is using Uganda as a Major Stepping foot Stone to destroy Lado and those friends of Uganda in a Summarised Form , so that , it is easy to digest it by anyone who cares to read it . The People of Lado ( Africa ) want Peace and Security . They want Freedom and Liberty .
4.2 : The Demand for the Independence of Lado and the Sovereignty of Lado , since 1947 , is a Right of the People of Lado as a Political Entity since 847 a.d through 1507 todate 3000 a.d. and is in accordance to the International Law , International Politics , International Diplomacy , and to International Relations , International Customs , including the General Principles , and Internation Practises , the People of Lado want to determine their own Life and Destiny here on Earth .
4.3 : The Basis for the Independence of Lado and the Sovereignty of Lado are plain , and indeed , very clear for any People , and / or Country to understand , who believes in the Maintainance of International Peace and Security and Justice . This Demand for Independence of Lado is also , in accordance to Articles 1 and 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945 . And also Articles 6 and 15 of the Berlin Treaty of February 1885 . The People of Lado Love Peace , and they need Peace , Security , and Justice , and Stability : But Let No one have an illusion or think that , those wonderful Human Concept of Society apply only to Countries that are under the British Sovereignty . They apply to all Countries of the World , and All Peoples of the World . That is what All Leaders of the World should Strive to Maintain , internally and externally : Peace , Security and Justice .
4.4 : The Desire of the People of Lado is to bring about the Independence of Lado and Sovereignty of Lado , through , or by , Peaceful Means according to UN Resolutions ; and the Organisation of African Unity / OAU Charter of 25 May 1963 ; the Berlin Treaty of 26 February 1885 ; and the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights of 21 June 1981 .
4.5 : The Lado Authorities ( The Agofe of Lado and the Government of Lado and Laodan Elites in General ) know that for the UN to do anything , in any Country , the Process is very Slow . And at times , the Issue and / or the Process is deliberatley strangled by the some World / UN Powers . Especially , if the Issue , or the Conflict , has to do with some Black African Countries and Peoples . And of course , for Lado, it is worst as the State of Lado is Hated by Britain . Britain seems to loath the People of Lado and the Fact that Lado can exist as a Sovereign , in the Middle / Heart of the Continent of Africa without Britain , or British Commonwealth / Empire . That is unfortunate Political View which Britain holds on Lado since her ( UK ) Colonial Days . But Lado continues to struggle for her Independence and Sovereignty as a Nation State , and to build on Lado Peoples Values and Systems within the International System . The People of Lado do not want the Colonialism over Lado , directly or indirectly . No and No . The People of Lado want the Independence of Lado and Sovereignty of Lado .
4.6 : Futhermore , the Demand of Lado People for the Independence of Lado and the Sovereignty of Lado is not a Joke . Neither is it a Fun or for Fun . It is not a Threat to Uganda , or to any of the Countries neighbouring to the State of Lado, as far as the State of Lado is concerned . All Lado needs from her Neighbours : Uganda , Congo / Zaire , Sudan or North / South Sudan States , Kenya , Ethiopia , and etc -- etc -- is Good Relations , which is a Moral and Political Support for Lado . And the best would be for All to come to a Conference on Lado . A Conference on Lado Peace Process to find Lasting Solutions to Lado 's Problems and Conflicts according to Lado 's Vital Interests . Not according to what the British Government would wish , inorder to Protect her Interests . At least , for once , Let Africans find Solutions , and / or reach Agreements that are not Recommended from outside of our Countries and Peoples and Continent of Africa . The People ( Ladoans ) need their Dignity and Respect as the People of Lado and as a Political Entity of Lado . Lado People do not want to be Slaves of Other Peoples on Earth , or anywhere else . The African People have been enslaved from 1440 to 1840 A.D already . And no more .
4.7 : The Position of LADO is that , Lado has to be an Independent and Sovereign State ( KAARI ) of Lado as soon as possible in this World Community Countries . Any other Issues , Problems , Conflicts which might be arising in course of time , must be sloved through Peaceful Negotations . Any Issue regarding Borders should be done by an International Boundary Commission / IBC . There is no need to fight over the Border Issues / or Matter .
5.1 : The Political Leaders of Lado are aware that , UN Records of solving serious African Conflicts originating ( Mainly ) from European Colonial Connections have been minimal and indeed very poor , unless it is in the the Interest and advantage of one of the UN Permanent Members of the Security Council . However , the State of Lado still has hope in the United Nations / UN to do something for the Lado People to bring about the Decolonisation Process of Lado through Peaceful Negotiations , Mediation , Arbitration , Conciliation , and Adjucation . There is no other Institution yet to replace the UN . So the UN is better than nothing . The State of Lado believes in the Fact that , Peace never comes out of Military Power / Conquest alone . Military Force / Power creat Fear , Distrust , Future Wars . Above all , Military Power serves as a Colonial Instrument and / of Destruction , and for control of others . So there is no Economic Development , or Social Progress , when involved in Military Wars .
5.2 : The State of Lado does not want War with any Country , or anybody , because Wars are very Destructive Instruments to a Society . And Wars bring about so many Negative Elements into a Country that does promote any Well being of the Society . Lado People try their best to avoid Wars . That is why the Ladoans ( Lado People ) are asking the People of Uganda and other African People and elsewhere to know that . It is not that the People of Lado Fear Death . Not at all . Lado needs Peace and Security . Lado wants the Independence and Sovereignty of Lado .
5.3 : It is Britain and Belgium , who are Responsible for the Occupation of Lado . The African Countries and their Armies , who are used to Kill the People of Lado and thereby to Occupy the Land of Lado for Britain and her Allies , have no Right and no Responsiblity over the Question of the Independence of Lado . This is because Britain has the Sovereignty Right over them ( Commonwealth Countries ) : that is to say , Uganda and Kenya , or any other British Commonwealth Country . Whom should Lado fight ? Her African Neighbours ? Or Britain ? Or Belgium ? The Lado People do not want to fight any Country . They need only the Independence and Sovereignty of Lado . That is all and Clear . They do not want War but the Independence , Intergrity , and Sovereignty ( Nduvunduvu ) of Lado .
5.4 : Lado also wants the International Community to do Justice to the People of Lado . The UN , or the International Community , owes Lado Justice . Even if the People of the State of Lado are Black Africans , whom most European Countries and Governments and their People do not like on this Earth , except as Slaves on this Earth , in Africa , the Lado People Deserve International Protection and Justice to be done to them . The People of Lado are Human Beings like the British People are ( same Human Values ) and the People of Lado are as well like the other Africans or People in Africa ( be White , Black , Red , Brown , Orange or of any other Colour to say least in the Continent of Africa ) , who are under British Empire / or Commonwealth . The People of Lado should not be denied their Political Rights . The People of Lado have the same Values and Dignity like any other other Human Beings . Therefore, they need their Right to Independence of Lado and Sovereignty of Lado as a Political Entity . They shall still remain Africans , and Friends . The People of Lado shall mantain , a Policy of Neutrality , Unity , Integrity , Independence , and Sovereignty of Lado .
5.5 : The People of the State of Lado , under the Political Authority of Lado , long to live in Stabilty , Peace , and Security . They want to enjoy Political Stability , which is the Key to Economic – Civic Developement and Social Progress , as a People and as a Political Entity ( Nation State / Country ) . This is why the People of Lado Demand the Independence and Sovereignty of Lado . The People of Lado insist that , the Independence of Lado and Sovereignty of Lado , should be done by Peaceful Means or Negotiations . This is ( Ladoans ) Desire . This is what they want : Freedom / Driwala .
5.6 : The Lado Political Authority recognise the Need to mantain Peaceful Relations with other Nation States . This is the Basis for International Peace , Security , and Justice . This is why the Lado Foreign Policy is Unique . The Ladoans prefer to strive to use Peaceful Negotiations to solve Conflicts between Lado and other Countries . The Lado People believe in Peaceful Negotiated Agreements to reach Lasting Political Solutions . And they believe , lasting Political Solutions can be produced through Diplomatic Negotiations , not by Military Might or Killings alone . The Diplomatic Relation is needed .
5.7 : The Lado Political Authority know , and indeed , are convinced that , the Use of Military Force / Power to reach a Political Solution , only postpones the Conflicts . Such make Wars are Recurring events , thus blocking any Economic Development and Social Progress . Lado still continues to beg her Neighbours for a Negotiated Political Solutions and Agreements rather than the Use of Military Force , and Manipulated Colonial Policy driven or directed Solutions by Remote Control . Lado wants Peace , Security , Justice which means Stability and Prosperity in Lado .
5.8 : The Lado Political Authority is Unhappy , or disheartened , for Africa as long as African Leaders see the Use of Force as the Easy Option in both Internal and External Politics . Then Africa is Doomed . The Africans must all work to change that , of their belligerent Attitudes . The African Leaders , have to develope Diplomatic Skills based on Knoweldge and Wisdom to achieve Peace and Protection of their Vital Interests . Peace is made and Mantained by Genuine and Negotiated Agreements ( Treaties between Nations / Countries , or the People Concerned / Concerned People ) . Let Africans begin to practise this : Justice and Law . Therefore it is on behalf of the Green Bureau of Lado / GRB , and on behalf of the Government of Lado ( The Provisional Government of Lado / LPG ) and on behalf of the People of the State of Lado ( Lado Population of about 10 million ) , Lado appeals to the People of Uganda and the Government of Uganda to build Good Relations with People of the State of Lado , and the Government of Lado , and Sovereign of Lado . The Choice is that of the Government of Uganda and the People of Uganda . Lado People demand the Independence , Territorial Integrity of Lado .
5.9 : The Diplomacy , or Peaceful Negotiations , is the best way out . The Lado Political Authorities are ready to meet the Uganda Political Authorities to negotiate on any Issues / Problems that will arise during the Decolonisation Process , ( this same Request applies / or is extended also to all the Neighbouring State – Countries to Lado ) . Good Relations are very important to build and mantain Confidence betwwen Lado and Uganda . Indeed , Lado and Uganda have a lot of Issues that require Serious Talking / Talks in order to build Good ( Future ) Relations betwwen the two Nations . The State ( Kingdom of Lado and the Republic of Uganda will always be Neighbours , sharing Common Borders / Frontiers . Wars are never good for Peaceful Co – Existence between or among Nations and Nation States . Lado needs Peace and Security . That is , there is Need for Good Relations between Lado and Uganda , Sudan : both North and South Sudan States of today , Congo / former Zaire , Kenya , Ethiopia Central African Republic / CAR etc -- etc --
5.10 : While the State of Lado does not believe in Wars as Means of reaching Political Solutions , the People of Lado will not sit by , or down and only mourn , when Peoples of other Countries are Killing the People of Lado with Impunity , so often , with the blessing of the International Community , meaning Anglo /Saxons and Anglo /American Authorities seeing Foreigners dancing on the Dead Bodies of Lado People , and burning the Deads of Lado , just hurts .
The View that the Berlin Treaty is now a History , no longer applicable is not true . Let the African Leaders and Academicians and Intellectuals wake up and see the Woods for the Trees in the Internationl Politics , International Relations , International Law , International Diplomacy and the International Customs , and International Principles and International Practises . The People of Lado are prepared to negotiate with their Neighbours , with their Opponents , with their Enemies , whether they wish Lado Well or Bad . Lado has the Responsibility and Duty to Protect her People of Lado ( Africa ) . The People of Lado consists of Four Ethnic – Linguistic Communities and are as follows : The LUU People , The LUI People , The LUO People , and The LUE People . They make a Population to about 10 Million souls ( 7 Million in Lado and 3 Million in Exile ) at this very time of writing here now in the year 2013 . They form the State of of Lado in (Central Africa ) with its present Capital at ARUA – ARU . Modern Lado Kingdom was founded in 847 a.d , although Lado People have been established in the Nile Valley Basin since 3000 b.c . However , the Struggle for Independence from Egypt started in 1090 b.c to 700 b.c . The War of Lado Independence took place between 749 b.c. to 700 b.c .
The proper starting point to feel here , is viewing Africa's position in this complex World Affairs . Africa seems to have a lot of problems , and indeed Africa well known still has a lot of problems but gradually must find its way to arrive to solutions to these problems . Wide and apart as an issue , there is the feeling that , in order for the Africans to find a good standing point , the Africans should start examining in handling their History going back to the time when the Slave trade started for them , come through colonization , then come through decolonization , and then examine at least how the IMF [ International Monetary Fund ] and the World Bank are operating and controlling the financial issues of Africa , thus finding out suitable methods , procedures and certain degree of mechnisms for the economic development of Africa , then lastly come to understand the present campaign for globalization on this world . According to the observations in Lado , all of these issues ( Slave trade teaching of about Africans , Colonisation , Created Financial Institutions in the terms of IMF ) are mere techniques , which are being used to control the Economic resources of Africa . When one says - Economic resources - , that also includes the African Personnel , the African people .
According to most intellectuals in Lado , it might be a little bit hard , but it is yet in the Continent of Africa , the official European policy of Governments , seem to see Africa as nothing except a source of Economic resources , and cheap Labour / Labor . Therefore , when one hears of the sayings from the Continent of Europe : there's genocide in Burundi , genocide in Rwanda ,genocide in Congo , genocide in Lado , genocide in Sudan or North Sudan / South Sudan , genocide in Uganda , or genocide anywhere in an African country , it does not affect the European Governments , so long as Europe can still continue getting the economic advantage . That explains why , when for example , former Zaire's President Mobutu was being fought to be overthrown , everybody knew that president Mobutu was going to die shortly anyway . Why do you need to have such a big war , to overthrow a man who is already going to die ? Now , he was thrown out and he died in Exile , but where was / is the peace in D R Congo / former Zaire ? Where now is the Democratic Republic of Congo left with the economic advantage ?Many people continued and still continue saying it as an excuse that it is too short a time to see it , but if you see it as it is , chasing President Mobutu out would definitely not have brought a solution to the problem of Congo / Zaire in Africa at all . The Colonial Apparatus is still and always effective in Africa till todate .
So, where does African problem lie ?
One , it lies in the Colonial apparatus , which is still effective in Africa , either under the British Commonwealth or with other European Powers . There are some Africans who will say or say ," Oh ! , African Countries are Independent ," but look and to assure you as a reader here , that , those of African Countries who are under the British Commonwealth , have no SOVEREIGNTY. They don't have it . And if you don't believe it , those of you who are members of the UN , the Ladoans don't know whether they have changed it , but the British High Commissioner, or the British Ambassador to the UN , calls weekly meetings for all the Commonwealth Countries Ambassadors to UN , so that when they go to vote , they are going to vote as Britain says . And it is internally , legally correct , because when they became a Commonwealth member , They signed a British Privy Council document , which says that , the Commonwealth Countriessurrender their SOVEREIGNTY to the British SOVEREIGN . So when these African Commonwealth Countries are complaining , for example " Why is Uganda's President General Yoweri Museveni behaving like this " ? or " Why is so and so Mr President in Africa doing that ?
LOOK ! These African Presidents are getting their orders from somewhere . They do not operate on their own . For heaven's or hell's sake , President Museveni of Uganda or like other Presidents in Africa do not make guns . In Uganda how would President Museveni support all that war , support Mr. Laurent Kabila all the way to Kinshasha to overthrow the former President of Zaire in Africa , have Ugandan Soldiers sent to Iraq , maintain Ugandan Soldiers in Somalia and other remote corners of the world ? That is one problem . The other problem is , when the Africans talk of the International Community , who are the International Communities ? Again , the International Community is composed of mainly of European Countries . They are the ones , which have the Power and North America only . There is no African country which can say , " It is a part of the International Community ," because the AFRICANS don't have any right to make Decisions . So they collectively as African Countries , only sit and say in their Headquarters of former Organisation of African Unity / OAU or known today as African Union / AU in Addis Abba – Ethiopia , " Why aren't they coming these White Europeans ? We are killing ourselves in Africa . What is United Nations – UN doing for the Africans " ? But what is the UN ? Why should the Europeans send their people to go and die , in saving the miserable Africans in the corner of an Africa country somewhere remains the question really the Africans should ask themselves in the first place .
Now , where is the problem ? Again, the problem comes back , which lies in the European Policy , Africa as a land , probably should not belong to the Africans , because the Africans don't have SOVEREIGN RIGHTS . If One looks at it , it is that the only African countries that have Sovereign Rights at the moment , are : Lado , though not independent , Ethiopia , Egypt , andEritrea . These are the Countries , which can Legally stand up in the United Nations - UN and say , " Hey Fellow Country GUYS in the UN , NO OTHER COUNTRY cannot tell us what to do , because We are by Ourselves . " But the rest in Africa , they either have to consult Paris , or London , some Washington , some Lisbon . Sad indeed , there is no way that Africa can do anything , so what should they do ?
One of the things that Africa could like to ask the European Campaigners here , is that , for Africa ( the Africans ) to start a Campaign , is to abrogate the Berlin Treaty of 1885 , where Europe ( Europeans ) decided to share Africa and decided to own Africa , so that at least legally on paper , the World can say , Hey , this Law here is now removed : at least that gives Africa ( Africans ) room to do things for by itself . There is a factor in Africa as an example , the people in the Nation - State LADO know , is that the Organization for African Unity / OAU was created under the same Treaty under European Guidance and even today's of African Union ( AU ) . That is why we , in Lado , the Lado People find it difficult and therefore freely cannot go to the OAU or AU and say , Oh , OAU / AU ! , please help Lado . The People of Lado can not do that , because the OAU or AU can not do it . They ( OAU / AU ) will go to London first and ask London, what do you say ? Can we help them ?
The answer is They don't . Or they will go to Paris and whereby there is No answer given . Unless this questioning issue is removed from African minds of Independence and Free will of thinking ( Thought Mind Issues ) , the same people from Africa have still a long way to go realy in Free mind thinking in / on Political Organisation Affairs . Yet we all know what Politics is all about : ----------------------- The Objective based on people's mode of : CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS , ORGANISATION LEVEL BUILDINGS , ADMISTRATION BUILDINGS AND BASED ON THE GENERAL PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND PARTICIPATION ISSUES ON THE BUILD AND RE- BUILD ISSUES OF A STATE – NATION BEING . IN SHORT , IS TO HAVE THE DEGREE OF THAT POLITICAL MIND IN PROTECTING THEIR LAND , THEIR PEOPLE , AND THEIR PEOPLE'S INTERESTS . LADO NATION – KINGDOM , WAS BUILT ON THIS PRINCIPLES LONG WAY BEFORE the European Colonisation political theories in their Negative Aspects were imposted on African People .
The European Philosophy till todate remains of their minds thinking is that : an African human being is below an European human being . Just immagine a white Italian politician Senator Roberto Calderoli in year 2013 got the guts to describe a poor African Lady qualified medical Physician doctor and a Politician in Italian Society now ( became Italian Citizen and a responsible Member of Parliament as a full Minister of Immigration Affairs in Italy ) was heavily attacked by this White Italian Senator on her talk discussions on FOREIGN IMMIGRATION ISSUES in Italy , as an animal ( Monkey – Orango compared to woman reasoning ) in her talks views on Immigration and Intergrations regulations that could be presented in Parliament for discussions in the Italian Parliament . The point here to note is of this poor woman Ms Hon . Cécile Kashetu Kyenge with Origines from Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa , Is She in a Right or wrong place in the Italian Society or Italian State Government Cabinet , really to open her mouth for talks as a black African woman ?
The main problem in Africa is Education for the Africans which they failed till todate to establish . The African politicians do not actually know what a politician is supposed to do for his country . They think you become a politician to make money quickly , and get rich quickly for the Country . And they go about looking for the Donors to give Money . And One guesses now to know who are the Donors ? And yet , a politician , as we all know is supposed to be somebody , who is dedicated to protecting his people , the interests of the People , the Country Land , and to Organizing the country , so that the people can Produce .
The second thing is , the Africans should also learn what Economics is . None of them knows the mechanism of Money . We are poor . We are poor , they always cry out and yet all the minerals are there in Africa . Africa is the poorest , and yet Africa is the richest . Now , what is the problem ? Why don't Africans learn how Economics operates , how Money operates ? Again , it goes back to SOVEREIGNTY . If if these African Countries are not SOVEREIGN , they have no rights to Create Money . No , they can not . So they have to forget to do it !
Now , the third , is SCIENCE OR KNOWELDGE as such . As Africans , need scientific knowledge , One is reading a beautiful view of this man ( Cheikh Anta Diop ) in the 1960s , '70s , but how many can really do something , so that at least , in an African country , a man can really do something , so that at least , a man can sit in a corner in peace and make a bicycle , or manufacture a needle , because if he cannot do that , then he will always say, " Oh , may be the Europeans are superior ," because everything he gets , he gets from Europe . He is unable and can not see it , and learn , and try to produce something for himself . When industrialization started in Europe , the Europeans started with food production , agricultural things , but nothing like that takes place in Africa . And instead , all of Africa's poor want Bread from Europe , and , of course , they ( Europeans ) will give it , just for pleasure , but its not for free . They don't give it for free .
True Knowledge is the key to power . So , what are the Africans going to do ? May be the Schilelr Institute should take one or two Africans and train them , to see how these things work , so that when one goes to negotiate with the International Monetary Fund - IMF , may be at least , one can get better conditions . Instead , they ( Europeans ) get a Minister or an Ambassador from African Countries who knows nothing about finance , to come to negotiate . Then , may be he ( the African ) drinks very nicely , and then tomorrow he is told , You sign . He signs , and he has signed the whole country off . It is remembered here in Lado that , at one time attending a meeting with the former person who was in charge of the World Bank . I think it was Robert McNamara . He said , " I have been working with the World Bank for so many years , and I have been waiting to hear an African say no , to the conditions we give them , but non has said it ". Up to until he retired , no African came and said , " Hey Boss " , these conditions are bad . We are not going to take it , and the explanations , because they the Africans at such meetings don't know what economics is , how it functions . Why don't they know ? Because they have been badly taught . For example , right from the Colonial era administrations and after the Colonial Countries which became independent , nothing changed of the Education programmes of the Colonial mentality , such is : even in the African Parliaments of today the Presidents continue still to be nominated and approved by the Colonial Authorities . How do you expect people who have been treated like this for 2 generations , 70 years to run themselves ?
Alas ! The education policy , training policy got in Africa , is still the Colonial one . The Africans are supposed to be just Clerical groups . Even if an African gets a Ph.D. in a University somewhere , He or She will get that prestige , but in reality , He or She doesn't know what He / She can actually produce with that Ph.D . So , that is how the Lado People see it . In Africa the Ladoan People say that they need to do a lot in training , in learning , and they have to do something to remove this idea that Africa belongs to Europe . Those who may not believe this , if you take the World Organizations , how they group the world , One notices that Africa is not a part of Africa . South Africa is attached to Australia and New Zealand . Now , where are the African Countries between the Sahara and the Kalahari deserts ? May be North Africa , Algeria and Morocco will be attached to the Middle East . What happens with Africans in the middle ? So , One thinks really Africans have a lot to do for themselves , and with those who want to help them , so that , at least , they ( Africans ) have a face as Africans . Africans need knowledge and they must know that it takes long to learn . No need rushing in acquiring Knowledge only from text books writen by the Western Europeans . You get knowledge from every corner parts of the World and right from and inside Africa as well . Knowledge is a key to power to over come our problems in Africa still and to look to the future for the better . This is the Instance in Lado we strongly believe into for our future Generations on to come . The World does not end today !
The name Sudan is being wrongly used , it doesn't reflect the Social Identities of the people . Anyhow , the name Sudan in a broad sense , refers in Arabic languages and collectively to Blacks of Africa , south of Sahara desert : that vast extending territory areas covering up the belt zones from the Western African Coast of Atlantic Ocean to the East African Coast of Indian Ocean . Notably , within this belt Region /Territory , are founded people in years of centuaries to centuaries , who lived in an organised social ways of lifes in this geographical areas giving rise to Nations / Countries / States or Kingdoms before the Arabs and the Western Europeans came up with their modes of imposing their chacteristic civilasations of colonialism to change the whole immage of the face of these various communities of people in the whole of Africa .
The conquest of the Sudan ( Sudan in Arabic – Bilad-es-Sudan ) means , country of the Blacks – that region of Africa which stretches , south of the Sahara desert and Egypt , ( Egypt fell under Arab Rule in the Jihad war of 700 b.c. on the Black Egyptians of the Pharaonic civilisation of Africa ) . This Black Land areas stretches from Cape Verde on the Atlantic to Massawa on the Red Sea as said above . It is bounded South :
1. by the maritime countries of the west coast of Africa ,
2. by the basin of the Congo ,
3. by the equatorial lakes ,
4. and East , by the Abyssinian and Galla highlands.
Meanwhile the name ' SUDAN ' is often used in Great Britain in a restricted sense and deliberately to designate only the Eastern part of this vast territory of Africa , the really name refers to be properly applied to the whole areas indicated , which correspond roughly to that portion of Negroid Africa north of the equator under Mahommedan influence by the Arabs . The termsNigritia and Negroid land , at one time current , referred to and still refer to the same region by the Europeans in their Literature writings about the Blacks or the Negroids of the Continent of Africa .
The Sudan has an ethnological rather than a physical unity , and politically it is divided into a large number of States , all now under the control of Christian–European powers with exception of the exclusive Affairs of Lado ( Lado Enclave – State Affairs in Africa ) which till todate the Europeans find it hard issue to bring under their Rule Control / Authority .
The Sudan contains the basin of the Senegal and parts of three other hydrographic systems , namely :
The Niger , draining southwards to the Atlantic ;
The central depression of Lake Chad ;
The Nile , flowing northwards to the Mediterranean lying within the tropics and with an average elevation of not more than 1500 to 2000 feet above the sea . The most Regions of the back cut off from the black North Africa by the Saharan desert , the inhabitants , who belong in the main to the Negroid family proper , are thought to have received their so called and wrongly much talked of earliest civilisation from the East of Arab influence and the Muslim religion began to be felt first in the Western Sudan as early as the 9th century and had taken deep root by the end of the 11th centuary . The trend of the spread of Islam was through the war ( Jihad war ) declared on the black people which started from 700 b.c in the North / Northern part of Africa .
The existence of Black Native States of Nubia , Ethiopia , Eritrea and Lado Kingdoms hindered for some centuries the spread of Islam in the Eastern Sudan. And throughout , these Country States , many and most people of the tribes remained and have still remained without even later seeking of the Western European ways of worship ( Religions ) or without the Arab Religion - Islam , hence sticking to their own way of worship ( Religions ) till todate . Such is like ORI belief Religion Affair in Lado .
It was not until the last quarter of the 18th century that the European Natives became and created the ruling force to replace and re estabish what the Arabs had / were doing on the Africans , but this time the Europeans were doing it and till todate in the cloak name of Christianity out of which is fogged their political Limelights in the Continent of Africa . The terms Western , Central and Eastern Sudan became indicative of a created geographical positions merely by the Europeans . Infact the various States existing before in Africa came up to be turned into the so called Modern European created States in Africa and so politically became divisible into the four groups by the Western European political minds up to this date writing here :
1. Those , West of the Niger river ;
2. Those , between the Niger and Lake Chad ;
3. Those , between Lake Chad and the Basin of the Nile river ;
4. Those , in the Upper Nile Valley river .
The first group includes the African Native States of Bondu , Futa Jallon , Masina , Mossi and all the tribes within the great bend of the Niger . In the last quarter of the 18th century they fellunder the Control of France , the region being styled officially the French Sudan . In 1900 this title was abandoned by France . The greater part of what was the French Sudan is now known as the Upper Senegal and Niger Colony ( see Senegal , French West Africa ) . All these live now under the Sovereignty Status of France .
The second group of the Sudan States is almost entirely within the British protectorate of Northern Nigeria . It includes the Sultanate of Sokoto and its dependent emirates Kano , Bida ,Zaria , etc — , of and the Ancient Sultanate of Bornu , which , with Adamawa , is partly within the German Colony of Cameroon ( see Nigeria and Cameroon ).
The third or Central group of Sudan States is formed of the sultanates of Bagirmi with Kanem and Wadai . Wadai was the last State of the Sudan to come under European influence , its conquest being effected in 1909 . This third group is included in French Congo .
The fourth group consists of the States conquered during the 18th century by the Turkey/Arab Egyptians and became and still now under the joint control of Great Britain and Egypt of today . These countries were / are known collectively as the Anglo / Egyptian Sudan which became independent as todays : The Republic State of Sudan including the young newly fogged / caved out State : South Sudan but which is still under the Anglo / Egyptian Sovereignty - Authority .
NOTE : Lado was is not a part of these present Independent Republic States of Sudan at all .
The Anglo / Egyptian Sudan , the region which before the revolt of the Arabized black tribes under Mahommed Ahmed in 1881-84 was known as the Egyptian Sudan has , since itsreconquest by the Anglo / Egyptian expeditions of 1896-8 , been the Area under the joint Sovereignty of Great Britain and Egypt . The limits of this condominium differ slightly from those of the Egyptian Sudan of the pre Mahdi Arabised period .
It is bounded till todate :
North : by Egypt ( the 22nd parallel of N. lat. being the dividing line ) , East : by the Red Sea , Eritrea and Abyssinia ,
South : by Lado and Belgian Congo.
West : by French Congo .
North of Darfur , is the Libyan Desert , in which the western and northern frontiers meet .
Here the boundary is undefined , ( this is the real cause of War trouble in Darfur of the Boundry Issue at this very time of 21st centuary ) . The Anglo/Egyptian Sudan however forms the compact territory extending south wards to the north border line of Lado ( Lado , which has never fallen Legally under British Authority till todate ) brings the whole of the Nile valley from the Equatorial lakes to the Mediterranean under the control of Great Britain . The Anglo / Egyptian Sudan extends north to south about in a direct line , and west to east about also in a direct line . It covers 950,000 sq. m. , being about one / fourth the area of Europe thus becoming the 9th biggest Country in the World ; what follows the term Sudan is used to indicate the Anglo / Egyptian condominium only .
But there has been and is still now what is boiling in the Cocoons of the Anglo/America minds is to capture and destroy Lado as the KAARI / Kingdom State ( cf : The History of Lado when Lado freed Herself from Egypt from 700 b.c ) still in Africa to show to the world that Africa has finally been completely colonised by the Western European world as enshrined in the Berlin Treaty . This , they have been doing and finally by creating a new State called a Christian Southern Sudan State in Sudan - South sudan State to replace the political Indentity Issue of the State Kingdom of Lado which became a known ( Modern State Kingdom by 9th May 864 a.d and with its built up Constitution of 9th May 1772 ) . LADO KINGDOM has remainedhidden by the European Scolars to the rest of the World to know , yet the Kingdom has been and is still so , one of the oldest State Kingdoms of Africa and in the World History at large , just like Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland is or like the other European Kingdoms which are still existing today in the Continent of Europe . By the way there are more existing Kingdoms in the Continent of Europe than in the African Continent till todate in 3,000 a.d . Why is that Europeans want to destroy African Kingdoms only ? Why Kingdom of Lado in particular ?
The fighting going on in the Sudan Central Africa was and is all for that . Destroy the Kingdom of Lado . The war machinery is being controlled by the Anglo/Americans now for the COLONISATION OF LADO . The question is really , have they succeced now by the Creation of South Sudan State as such ?
As Africans are considered FOOLISH AND STUPID AND SO BACKWARD , some Africans already believe so , that South Sudan is an African formed State by the Africans through by the African Union . The Answer is No and in Lado , the Ladoans don't believe it . South Sudan is the Blue Print of Britain being supported by her ally USA to Occupy Lado in the Partitioned form and for Lado to remain under the Sudan Anglo / Egyptian / Belgium powers over Lado . The Local Administration of Lado is being run however for them by the Governments of : Cairo capitalof Egypt , Khartum / Juba capitals of both North and South Sudan , Kampala capital of Uganda and Kinshasa capital of D R Congo / former Zaire .
Brief note on Egypt and Role of Egypt over Lado :
From 700 B.C —— Lado people struggled for their Independence from Egyptian Pharaonic Reign over them in the period of the last fall of Pharao ' s dynasty which was intensified by the Power struggle between the Egyptian High Priests and the Pharao couple : Tut Ank Amon and Queen Neferite . The fall of the World's Super power , the Pharaohnic Dominium , collapsed and opened up to the rising of new Kingdoms of the North Africa Egypt , which later was divided into three Kingdoms by then : of Upper , Middle , and Lower Egypt Kingdoms . Nuba people , Makuria people and Lado people fought side by side during the rebellion in Egypt to free themselves .
While the people of Nuba / Nubians chose to settle around the foot hills of Mt. Nuba Territory , thus becoming Kingdom of Nuba and together with the Makuria people / Kingdom of Makuria they formed the Kingdoms of North Sudan , the Lado people instead moved onto settle on the foot hills of the Mountain , which they named Mt. Lado in 687 b.c. , a territory lying in the Sudan Central Africa within the watershade of the Nile and Congo rivers , and with the southern tip end of territory extending up to Lake Ombizako ( a name in Ladoan language of Lado ) , today called / nicknamed Lake Albert in the foreign English language .
The Ottoman Invasion of the Sudan Lands
The war Lords and the Rich Ottomans decided to invade the areas of these territories ( of the different Kingdoms at a time ) , south of Sahara desert ( called collectively Sudan Lands ) , of which according to the Ottomans , belonged to and was the property of the territory of Egypt . The Ottomans occupied Egypt in 1517 .
In 1821 , the Ottoman empire's invasion together with the Egyptians succeced in occupying ( The Turco /Egyptian occupation ) , of the vast areas of the North Sudan , that is to say the Kingdoms of Nuba and Makuria to plunder the blacks of their gold , ivory , timber , other natural resources and the involved Slave trades .
In 1871 , the Combined European and American - Ottoman occupying forces ( The Turco / Egyptian forces ) this time extended their occupation of Lado to which they gave the name (EQUATORIA REGION PROVINCE OF EGYPT ) as a seperate Region with its seperate Governor General named Sir Samuel White Baker an English National / Subject who worked directly under the Supreme Authority of the Khedive of the Ottoman empire . His Salary was paid by the Ottomans .
NOTE : The Sudan of Nuba and Makuria had their own seperate Governor Generals nominated independently from Lado / Equatoria by the Ottoman Turco / Egyptian empire .
The interpretation of Berlin Treaty :
The Berlin treaty of 26th. Febuary 1885 in history opened the chapter for this matter of the colonisation of Africa . The article 6 of the treaty is very clear on this issue . The Central Africa ( Lado ) remained the biggest problem ever , since from 1885 till to date , because in a broad legal sense Lado people as a Nation - State Kingdom , refused and still rejects to sign to the former colonial and to the present forces who aspire still for the overall legitimate control of this Sudan Central Africa – Lado . That means Lado has not been colonised by any foreign forces in accordance to the Berlin treaty as such . The Belin treaty is still in force as there has not yet been another treaty signed to nullify the Berlin conference which established the treaty itself , thus to cancel it . The Colonial powers and the present proxy forces know more about this , but unfortunately , it seems most African Community Members of States of today may or may not care to know of this fact . Thus living the Lado issue to dissolve in nulla . Up to now , there has still been no present African Nation-State as such , who has at least courage /the guts to put to the International Community ( such as UN ) the challenge of the illegality of the Berlin Treaty and its implications . Probably , there is a definite answer to that , when the present Modern States acquired their so called , independences from the colonial powers in the most absurd incomprehensible ways . By signing to be independent they only favoured for a second time , the application of the implication of the Berlin Treaty . All in all , with few exceptions , African Modern State / Country Leaders , obeyed to sign to live and exist under the power Authority ( Sovereignty ) of the foreign powers , specially in international and internal decision makings for them . In Lado Language SOVEREIGNTY means NDUVUNDUVU .
In international relations , these countries WITH NO SOVEREIGN POWERS , have no Capacity to decide and therefore no Sovereignty . This is the reason why these independent Modern African Nations / Countries find themselves in difficulties to raise the issue of Lado affairs at an International conference for discussions . Independence and freedom for Lado is to be established according to the provisions of the United Nations Charter .
The geographical area of Lado is located at the " White Nile " in the Nile–Congo Watershed Region , which also shares borders with Sudan , Central African Republic , D R Congo , Uganda ,Kenya and Ethiopia . But if you check your present / Modern World maps , Lado is not found . But traces of Lado remains still as an enclosed ( or as an Enclave in the Old World Maps drawn before the first World War ( cf: [[1]]). The reason being that the West and as such , the Europeans have pulled out Lado from the Maps by stretching out the Lado Country-Kingdom to Sudan , Uganda , the Congo and the Central African Republic countries for people not to know about the Kingdom Lado and its History events . This prerogative objective was a master mind complot and finally to result as the conquest and totally of the destruction of Lado as a people and Land . Done this from 1910–1914 , Britain and Lado entered into a military war battle which lasted for 5 ( five years ) from 1914 – 1919 . The war came to a stop as peace agreement ( Truce ) and was reached and signed by Britain and Lado in 1920.
The British Diplomat sent to Lado
A Senior Police High Commissioner in South Africa Mr E. Weatherhead , participated to end up the Lugbari ( Lado ) British War from 1914 - 1919 . The British envoy was sent to Odupi in Lado to sign this Agreement on belhaf of the British Crown . The British on the diplomatic character honoured to respect the existence of the State of Lado Kingdom . The Agofe / King of Lado signed the peace agreement for Lado . As a legitimate recognition , the Agofe ( King ) of Lado was awarded the Merit of the highest Order in Council of the Queen ( The title Order in Merit , O M. ) . Mr E . Weatherhead in turn was appointed then , Governor General to represent the British Crown to Lado with Headquarters in the Capital of Lado , Arua .
Read hereby as of reference to Weatherhead in South West Lado : [[2]]
One of the Cardinal out come of this Truce was to prepare an understandable future Diplomatic relations to be estabished between Britain and Lado and to find meaningful terms on the Water uses in question and particularly the uses of the water flows of the White Nile river . ( cf : The Nile–Water diplomacy ) , as put it , who controls the entire Nile Valley water flows from the Nile source up to Egypt Nile delta , controls Egypt . Britain being quite aware and till todate tried and tries to push out any other foreign powers to establish and exercise any Rule Authority directly or indirectly over the Land territories through which the Nile water flows . Looking at Maps and following the flow course of the River White Nile , and you will find out that the bulk of the source of the Nile flow is in the bolt hold of the source by Lake Ombizako which the British named Lake Albert and really is in Lado Kingdom .
Lado was and or is and will remain always the strategic Land to be under the supervision of Britain as she had already secreetly occupied Egypt in 1882 . Therefore the other Western foreign Powers of the world had to be pushed away from occupying Lado . By war or not Britain must take Lado as a possession under the Crown of Britain . This is the leading chapter to the European and Western major conflict over Lado . For the best reasons known only to the Western European history writers , it is hard to find the name Lado being used in their writings and in their Diplomatic Corridors . Lado is vaguely refered to as Side territory by them or That Area of Central Africa , and of course widely in use now , Lado is hidden under the collective term name of the Great Lake regions of Central Africa , and now again , as South Sudan State to suit the cause and the course of events of the wars in Central Africa of which Lado is the heart .
They insist : Lado and its history must not be known and Lado never to be a Kingdom State standing in Africa .
King Leopoldo of Belgium , Head of the Free State of the Congo considered the Sudan territory of Side ( also known by the name Sweat Leopoldiano ) like part of his territory . When in 1881 the Ladoans and the revolt of the Black Arabised Mahdi , made loose to Egypt the control of Sweat , Leopoldo in turn decided to send diverse men and his Belgium Military units to the Side of his expeditions and settled down a position in Lado . Agreements with Great Britain ( 12 of May and 14 of August of 1894 ) recognized the temporary possession to him of the territory called formally Side Enclave , separated from the province of Bahr el Ghazal in South Sudan . The agreement was modified by the 9 of May of 1906 having delimited the sphere of influence of both States in the Nile and Tanganyika Lake whereby certain territories of the sphere of British influence were left into the hands of the Free State of the Congo . The territory mentioned has the Eastern border is the Nile , the western one is the Nile Basin , the border of the North is a horizontal line through Fashoda , and the one of the South is the German Eastern Africa. While this territory remains in being of the Free State of the Congo , it will have a special flag for that matter . ( cf : [[3]] and compare to the present Flags of Lado and the Map land of Lado with its 29 Tribe - Nations People Composing the Kingdom : [[4]] )
The territory within the agreement was divided in two zones by the line of the 30 degrees : the western one would always belong to the Sovereigns of the Free State of the Congo and the Eastern one would be rented to the Sovereign and would return to British Sovereignty after the death of Leopoldo II . After protests of France to Leopoldo II , it was agreed in turn that the territory to the East of the line of the 30 degrees was reduced to 15,000 miles square . This territory became the Enclave of Side ( although it was not an enclave ) , a seperate administration was established in the city of Side , Capital Lado then . See Map of Lado traced below in reference to :[[5]]
Great Britain in her pretext protested soon by the bad administration of the Territory by the Belgian King Leopoldo II . King Leopoldo made as a donation the Congo Free State to Belgium , thus becoming a Colony ( The Belgian Congo ) in 1908 . Leopoldo II died in 1909 and the unclear illegal adopted term of renting ( Leasing ) territory side to the King up to 1910 seized to exist thus reverting it to Britain " . Britain in acts to destroy Lado decided on her own with war campaigns against any of the Western powers who dared to enter into Lado Affairs , partitioned then , most of the Territory Land Enclave ( Lado ) , incorporting it into the State of Sudan , except for a portion of the South – west that was ceded to Uganda and part of South – east was left to be Belgium colony . Britain pretends and forgets , in the legal consensus , that Lado is a property of Lado people but not a possession as such for rents . No single Lado person has at any one time signed with no any foreign power and not even with Great Britain herself to give the right of ownership of Lado territory to foreign Rules or for Rents to other Countries .
What today is talked of Independent Southern or South Sudan country , was / has been and actually is the secreet move to see that the part of North Lado region remains attached to the southern part of the Sudan State . The real South Sudan has been and still is the Country which was incorporated in the Anglo/Egyptian Sudan and lies deep in the Sudan State 5° 30 minsparallel of latitude above the northen limit border of Lado as writen here in this text writing already and had Independence as the Republic of Sudan in 1956 .
Rising of the so called Morden States of Sudan ( now North Sudan and South Sudan ) and its implication on Lado
Before , Sudan State both North and South was known as Mahdi State not until 2nd September 1898 . The Mahdi State was militarily defeated by the combined forces of Britain and the Egyptian forces thus becoming later to be known , the Anglo/Egyptian Sudan State in 1899 . Both Egypt and Britain decided in 1955 to give independence to this territory becoming The State of Sudan in a stretch of Land with its Southern parts boardering with the north limit border of Lado Nation - State Kingdom . ( cf: Lugbari ( Lado ) / Belgium convention Treaty of 28th September 1892 ) for the International Recognition of the Nation - State of Lado existence in Africa and that is according to and following the Berlin Treaty Implication Agreements for the Recognition of the States created in Africa by the Europeans .
The population of Lado is estimated at 10 million souls now at the time of writing here . It is composed of mainly Sudanics who are the 29 ethnic – tribe groups ( Lugbari, Madi , Moru , Bari , Keliko , Logo , Kebu / Ndu , Lendu , Avukaya , Gimara , Azande , Makaraka , Kakua , Kuku , Gbaka , Anyara/Anara , Bongo , Mumvu , Aur , Jonam ---- etc --- etc ---- ) . The Alur and Jonam are the only non – Sudanic ethnics . They are a Luo language spoken ethnics . The languages spoken in Lado are Lue , Lui , Luo and Luu tribes who have their affliation / association / federation to the State Kingdom of Lado since from the Modern State of LADO was estblished , 9th May 864 a.d . Specifically the spoken Luu and Lui languages in close affinity are understandable to all for communications in Lado .
The Lado Military Troops Mutiny in the Uganda Protectorate 1897 - 1901 over the British Rule
A mutiny in 1897 by the Ladoan Soldiers which the British have always wrongly called the Sudanese Mutiny in Uganda in their history writings was suppressed after two years of fighting , during which the Baganda Christian allies of the British once again demonstrated their support for the colonial power over them ( Buganda / Uganda ) . This Uganda support led Britain took a more active interest in the Uganda Protectorate , and in 1899 Sir Harry Johnston was commissioned to visit the country and to make recommendations on its future administration in Uganda .
The main outcome of his mission was the Buganda Agreement of 1900 , which formed the basis of the British relations with Buganda / Uganda for now more than 50 years in existence. Under its terms the Kabaka / King of Buganda ( or Uganda in Britain's denomination ) was recognized as Ruler of Buganda or Uganda as long as he remained faithful to the Protecting Authority ( under the Sovereignty Rule of Britain ) . His council of chiefs , the Lukiko / Parliament , was given Statutory recognition . The leading chiefs benefited most from the agreement , since , in addition to acquiring greater authority , they were also granted land in freehold to ensure their support for the negotiations . Johnston later made other agreements of a less detailed nature with the Ruler Chief of Toro (1900) , and subsequently a third agreement was made with the Ruler of Ankole (1901) and here on with other regions which signed various Agreements to be or became part of Buganda / Uganda State today .
The presence of Lado Soldiers in Uganda
These Lado Soldiers were the former soldiers who served the khedive of Egypt in Lado by then when Lado was a Province of Egypt . Britain recruited these Lado Soldiers through the Agreement which Britain made with Lado Authorities known in History as the KAVALLI AGREEMENT of 17th September 1891 whereby a British Imperial Army ( King's African Rifles ) was established in 1891 under this Agreement . The Agreement was signed by the English Captain Frederick D. Lugard who later became the Governor - General of Nigeria for Great Britain and a Citizen of Lado ,Major Selim Matera signed for Lado . Frederick Lugard who of the Imperial British East Africa Company , and with these soldiers formed the core of the British Military combined forces to carve out much of Britain's East African Empire . Under this Treaty too , the British managed to engage all the Lado Military forces strong men Fighters forming the first King African Rifles / KAR Strong men fighters ( Soldiers ) along side the British Kings Forces . The Long time later to become Agofe King of Lado Anacleto Ataboa , was taken into this Army of the British / African Kings Rifle . The King reached the Military rank of Colonel , serving in the Kings African Rifles ( KAR ) in the 4th Regiment which was British , with headquaters at Bombo in Uganda . He went to fight for the British in Burma in 2° World War ( WWII ) with the 4th Regiment of the Kings Africans Rifles under his command , which later was stationed at Jinja in Uganda.
Lado Military mutiny in 1897
Following the Military mutiny in 1897 by these Lado soldiers of the hursh British ruling in Uganda and Britain wanting to send them to fight their own brothers in North Lado in 1897 decided to fight off the British rightly in Uganda . This Mutiny was suppressed after two years of fighting by the British soldiers combined with the Indian - Asian soldiers which were brought in from India and with the Baganda / Ugandans Christian allies of the British which demonstrated their support for the British Colonial power over them in Uganda . As a reward for this support by the Baganda / Ugandans , and in recognition of Buganda's / Uganda's formidable military presence , the British negotiated a separate Treaty with Buganda , granting it a large measure of autonomy and self-government within the larger protectorate under indirect rule . One-half of Bunyoro's conquered territory was awarded to Buganda as well , including the historic heartland of the Kingdom containing several Nyoro ( Bunyoro ) royal tombs . Buganda / Uganda doubled in size from ten to twenty counties (sazas) , but the lost counties of Bunyoro remained a continuing grievance that would return to haunt Buganda or Uganda State in the 1960's till todate 3,000 a.d .
Meanwhile , for the Lado people , the Military mutiny in 1897 by the Ladoans , had a permanent dramatic devastating effect on them as a military reprisal . The people of Lado became discriminated , continued to be and till todate 3,000 a.d , regarded as the bad people in Uganda and making them live desperate life as Displaced Persons , the Stateless Persons and the Internal Refugee Problems arising among them and they became and are often now called by the British and in the East African Countries ( especially in Uganda as Nubians : and that amounts so , beacause of their belief religion - ORI beliefs and for many of them believing in Muslim faith beliefs / Islam . Yet these people are the only major Community descendents of LUU and LUI people in / of Lado Kingdom who ever since then were being held mainly in Uganda and Kenya as Prisoners in Reservation camps , the so called Restricted Settlements at ( Bombo , Soroti , Gulu in Uganda and Kibira near Nairobi in Kenya ) , all this was started by the British since 1897 . The British and the Ugandans may perdon a Ladoan and call him a Ugandan of Ugandan Citizen , if he or she is or accepts to belong to / become of Anglican Christian or of Roman Catholic faith ---- than otherwise a Ladoan is a Nubian or sometimes identified as Anyanya – Soldier Foreigners in Uganda and therefore can not participate in Uganda Politics : in Uganda they get killed if found till todate .
The truth behind is that The British have never forgotten nor forgiven the Lado people of their religion beliefs of 0RI , Muslim / Islam for this Breach of Discipline , which explains why these displaced People easily identified and referred to as The Nubians in East Africa , are still being punished and secreetly murdered with impunity day in and day out as Unwanted Persons and heavily discriminated against , very much like the American Indians were treated by the Europeans .
Following a war which started as a Spartacus - like rebellion from 1090 b.c to 700 b. c LADO people entered into the War to free themselves and to become Independent from Egypt .
From 700 B.C : Lado people struggled for their Independence from Egyptian Pharaonic Reign over them in the period of the last fall of Pharao ' s intensified by the Power struggle between the Egyptian High Priests and the Pharao couple Tut - Ank - Amon and Queen Neferite .
Around 749 b.c : The Sudanics left Egypt - as their predecessors the Jews had done under Moses around 11 - 1200 BC , Led by their war hero , General Laro , the Sudanics moved Southwards and finaly decided to settle around the foot of the Mountain which they named " LADO "
687 b.c : The Lado people spreaded and covered the geographical areas lying in the Sudan Central Africa within the Basin of the water Shade regions of Nile – Congo Rivers with the southern tip end territory extending up to Lake Ombizako , a name in Lugbari language of Lado , today called by the British / Uganda as ( Lake Albert ) in Central Africa .
640 a.d - 1270 : Ethiopia was under Rule of Lado for 7 centuries . One of such Great Ruler of Ethiopia was Ancestor ( Negus ) of Ethiopia , Sambala Naiga , who later moved away after the Political upheavels in Ethiopia . At Lake Tana was his home place at that of his Reign . He moved to settle at the foot hill of Mt. Luku in Lado where he died as a Lado Hero .
847 a.d : A modern Nation State - Kingdom of Lado was established in and to replace the then Ancient Lado which was founded already in 700 b.c .
13th and 14th Centuaries : was the period of Re - organisation of the Region ( Central Africa ) based on the Tribal Philosophy in order to ensure a proper Protection care and a better Social Services to the People under the Great Agofe / King Likiji . The 29 Tribes of Lado was Re - organised and existing till todate with their Affiliation / Association / Federation to the State Kingdom of Lado .
1452 : In the period of Papacy , Pope Pius II , aimed to create a Vicariate in the Sudan Central Africa .
1711 : The direct contact between Lado and with the Western European World started when Catholic Mission was founded in Ladoland ( Sudan Central Africa – LADO ) by the Franciscan Fathers , from Austria , during the Papacy of Pope Clement XI ( cf : by Pope Pius II , 1452 ) 9th May 1772 : The Lado Constitution was passed on 9 May 1772 , after the 60-year War (and specifically with Arabs of the Slave Traders ) and gave Executive Powers to the Agofe / King , which is the Institution of the Government . Lado was Assisted by the Jesuits who travelled from their Valleta house in Malta .
1821 : The begining of the Turco / Egyptian occupation , as it was later called , was to plunder of the black lands South Sahara deserts ( Sudan ) and Lado later was occupied in 1871 .
13th February 1841- 1st April 1864 : Turco - Egyptian Firman of 13 February 1841 , and the Turco - Egyptian Firman of 1st April 1869 for the occupation of Lado took place on 26th May 1871 to Convert Lado in a Western so called Modern State in Central Africa . The Sudanic population of Lado was located in this region year 700 b.c from that date up to the Half of the 19th centuary ( 1850 ) , especially from 1870 onwards , the Sudanic population had to face foreign interferences and invasions from the Arab and European Colonialists , thus leading Sudanic Ladoans to fight unending wars against these foreign invaders . And the wars against Colonialists are still being fought till todate , this text about Lado is being writen .
The Half of 19th centuary ( 1850 ) : is mainly about the The History of Lado which took place among its ethnic groups for the Political re - organisation levels on the philosophical Tribal basis for the Protection of the LAND , the PEOPLE and the INTEREST of the 29 Tribes of the founded Nation – Kingdom State of Lado in Africa .
26 January 1846 : His Holiness , Pope Gregory XVI signed a Document making the Upper Nile Valley , Lado , ' The Vicariate of Central Africa '.
1867 : The Jesuits remained in Lado until 1867 by which time they were replaced by the still present Verona Fathers from Italy .
26 May 1871 : Ottoman - Empire ( todays reduced to Turkey ) extended control of Lado under the Nominated a British National who was serving in the Ottoman Military Service by name Sir Samuel White Baker . He became the First Governor General to Lado to serve the Ottoman Interests - ( Lado Occupied ) .
3rd August 1875 : Can be remembered as the beginning date , as the European States divided the African Continent amongst them , ( the Paris Resolution ) and again on 26 February 1885 (the Berlin Treaty) where they took African Freedom and Liberty and imposed their Religion and their Values on the African Peoples .
1876 -1878 : United States of America - USA undertook to occupy Lado : Colonel Henry .G . Prost and Colonel Alexandra . A Manson 1876 - 1878 actively participated in the administration of Lado and all failed to control Equatoria - Lado Nation occupied for USA .
1879 : Belgium and Lado entered into War . From 1879 to 1889 , Lado was held out in a ten years of war against Belgium to defend its Sovereignty . The war ended with peace treaty of Wadelai ( Lado ) of 28th September 1892 between Lado and Belgium . Lado never recognised the Belgium Crown over her ( Lado ) Sovereignty .
1881 : Arabised Blacks who wanted to seperate from the Ottoman Dominium and to remain Black ( Sudan ) Africans decided creating a Fighting Force a long side with the forces of Lado to fight the Turco – Anglo / Egptian forces and in the end defeated the Anglo Egyptian forces thus creating the Mahdi States from 1881 – 1899 . As advantage to Lado , this revolt and the defeat of the Ottoman / Egyptian forces made loose to Egypt the control of Lado . The Sudan became renamed and reformed as the State of Mahdi and the Old State of Lado as the two seperate States in the Upper Nile Valley .
25th February 1885 : The events and implications of Berlin Conferene for the Partition of Africa let Lado fall a Victim of Colonial pretext ( c.f : Article 6 in the Berlin Treaty ) .
7th March 1887 : The Royal - Agofe / King of Lado – AYINGANI , was assassinated during the War with the Belgium troops .
1887, 29 April : Paris treaty betwwen France and Belgium was concluded about the frontiers between the Congo – Leopoldville , Lado and the French Equatoria Africa , Congo – Brazzaville , Central African Republic and Chad .
1889 : The War ended up between Belgium and Lado which lasted for the 10 ( Ten ) years .
1890 : On 24 May a Treaty ( sometimes refered to as Macknnon treaty ) was signed betwwen Britain and Belgium recognising the frontier betwwen Lado and British Spheres of influence to the east of the River Nile .
17th September 1891 , Kavalli Agreement : A British Imperial Army ( King's African Rifles ) was established in 1891 under the Kavalli Agreement of 17 September 1891. The Agreement was signed by the English Captain Frederick D. Lugard who later became the Governor - General of Nigeria and , a Citizen of Lado Major Selim Matera signed for Lado , It was him Governor - General , Lugard who developed the British Colonial Doctrine called The Dual Mandate ( Indirect Rule ) , which is still in force through the Commonwealth Pyramid Divide - and - Rule System with the Queen / King on top , and under the Sovereign Head are the British .
28th September 1892 : Peace Agreement was reached between Lado and Belgium . Leuftnant Milz took over from his Commadant Van Kerckhoven who died before arrival to Wadelai , Signed it for Belgium . On the part of Lado , this Agreement was Signed by Commandant Fadh El Mula Aga ( A Lugbari tribe of Lado ) . This Convention Treaty came to be known Belgium and Lugbari Agreement for Cooperation Between Lado and Belgium . Belgium Recognised the Crown Sovereignty of Lado .
29th September 1892 : Finally Lado allowed Belgium Flag to be hoisted at Wadelai , which was the Capital of Lado by then .
12 of May and 14 of August of 1894 : An Agreement was signed between Britain and Belgium recognizing the temporary possession to King Lepeoldo Lado territory called formally Side Enclave , which was separated from the Province of Bahr el Ghazal of Sudan State .
1894 May : The Brussels treaty of 12 May 1894 was signed and for the first time , the term Lado Enclave figured out . Lado enclave was to be for linking all the possessions of the British Crown from Cape Town in South Africa to Cairo in Egypt .
1894 June : The Brussels treaty of 12 May 1894 was denounced by the Belgium – British declaration of 22 June in favour of Germany .
1894 August : The Brussels treaty of 12 May was again denounced by the treaty of Paris of 14 , 1894 between France and Belgium .
1899 : France disengaged herself from the problems of Lado thruogh the Cairo treaty of 21 March 1899 , between Britain and France which was concurrently signed in Cairo ( Egypt ) and in London ( Britain ) by the French Ambassador Paul Gabon and the British Lord Salsbury . This treaty sanctioned the French to withdraw from the Nile Valley Conflict .
1904 : The treaty of the 8th April 1904 between France and Britain whereby France undertook a commitment before Britain to adopt a neutral attitude over the question of Lado , meaning that when Britain is in war with Lado , France was not to help her against Britain in return for the British withdrawl from Moroco in favour of France .
1906 : Britain concluded another treaty , Treaty of London with Belgium on 9th May 1906 to obtain Belgium cooperation as a fellow Europeans to colonise Lado . In December 1906 a similar agrement was reached with Italy and succesfully with Portugal , Spain and Germany all in all forcing these countries not to come into military help , assistance and not to trade with Lado .
1907 : In the same manner , in 1907 , Britain reached another agreement with Russia to obtain the Russian abstaintion from assisting Lado when at war with Britain in exchange for Iran which was important to Russia ( cf : Arua Treaty between Lugbari and Russia for mutual cooperation ) .
1920 : From 1914–1919 , War broke up between Britain and Lado which in history is know as Lugbari – British war . It was fought for 5 years and ended in 1920 with the peace treaty signed at Odupi in Lado . There has been no treaty signed by Lado for recognition of the British Crown till todate .
1936 : From then 1926 there has been always tension between British occupant and Lado and again war broke out into the Kakua – kajo – keji war of between 1931 – 1936 . The war did not end until the United States ( U . S . A ) intervention by President Franklin D . Rooesvert in 1936 .
1940 : King / Agofe Lemiro was Assassinated .
1947 : The question of the colonisation of Lado was raised in the United Nations Organisation ( UNO ) – Trusteeship Council which the British wished to discuss with Uganda by the USSR . The citizens of Lado asked for freedom .
1948 : On the April of 1948 , the Keego / Prime Minister of Lado was assassinated by the British Colonial Authorities when he was to travel to UN for talks on Lado . From that time up to now , Britain does every thing to keep Lado as her Possession ( Occupied Territory ) . Punishes any body who dares to use the name Lado .
1951 : The assassination death of the Prime Minister of Lado re – opened the war again with Britain , the 3 years war , ( 1948 –1951 ) . The British conservative Government under the wise old man Prime Minister Winston .S .Churchhill in 1951 stopped the war and favoured a thoughtful approach to Independence for Lado . The Governor for Lado affairs by then was Major General Sir John Hall .
1952 : Lado Envoy Extraordinary Atamva John Bart Agami who today is the present AGOFE / KING of Lado was sent with assistance of President Colonel Abdel Nasser of Egypt to USSR to meet the Secretary General Marshal Joseph Stalin as Lado situation was precipitating following the British attitude towards Lado . This time the USSR took a side for Lado .
1953 : Another yet , Keego / Prime Minister of Lado was assassinated by the British to change the political cause of Lado . In this particular moment , Lado had rejected the British intention of creating an East African Federation as Lado a part of it .
1953 : Once again , this time , the Lado Envoy Extraordinary Atamva John Bart Agami was sent with the assistance of Ethiopia – Emperor Haile Selassie Tafari Makonnen to meet Prime Minister , Wiston . S . Church hill , in Malta .
1954 : Nile Bridge talks – between Lado Envoy Extraordinary Atamva John Bart Agami and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II took place in Uganda . It was agreed that Lado would be independent in 1960 / 1961 .
1956 : A conference was held in Arua which included , Congo's first Prime Minister , Mr Patrick Lumumba on the question of Lado and its Peoples Rights to Self – determination and on the question of the Nile waters . ( cf : Nile Waters Agreement of 1929 and Nile Waters Utilization Agreement of 8th November 1959 ) .
1957 : The Representative of Lado Atamva ( Mr ) , Ringe afterwards was assassinated . Atamva Ringe is an Alur of Luo tribe in Lado .
1958 : General Elections of March 1958 were held to determine the independence of Lado and the future Prime Minister after Decolonisation . Atamva ( MR.) Gaspero Oda ( a Lugbari tribe ) won the elections amongst all the candidates of the 29 tribes of Lado .
1960 : The Agofe of Lado in the untimely natural death KARANGA " HIGHEST MILITARY TITLE : GENERAL or MARSHAL" , ANACIA BOROA , O M died of whose death the British properly took advantage for the independence of Lado as promised by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II .
1962 : In 1962 , Uganda received her independence from Britain but on the Political grounds , the Lado leader the CULU John Bart Agami was arrested and sentenced to imprisonment by the British Authority in Uganda . He was and is the living physical person today of the Agofe of Lado who fortunately was released by his military personel of which he was the commandant of the army in Uganda under the Supreme Command of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II .
1962 : Uganda got its independence but remains till todate under the Supreme Authority of the Crown of Britain ( cf : Implications of the British commomwealth ) , Uganda offers a suitable base for attacks on Lado .
1967 : A new political constitution after being draughted in 1966 was passed in Uganda Parliament , without allowing a debate on it in 1967. ( intention was to hide the knowledge that Lado is a seperate State from Uganda since 1892 . ) .
1971 : Uganda ' s plot for the extermination came into picture in 1971 of the 1967 master plan to finalise but failed in carrying it out in January 1971 : The result came out of the over throw of the President of Uganda Mr Apollo Milton Obote ( a Luo tribe of Uganda State ) . And by the Military hierachy Major General Idi Amin ( a Sudanic – Kakua / Kuku by tribe from Lado ) took over the State Affairs of Uganda on 25th January 1971 ) . In the re – orgainsation of the State of Uganda General Idi Amin thought it wise to take back the Sovereignty of Uganda to view the Uganda – Lado relations . This became a big blow defeat for the British . The Sudanic people in Uganda and Lado finally had to be wiped off completly in a war to be declared over Lado and her people . 1975 : London Agreement of 1975 was reached . It was worked out in Lusaka in Zambia between Uganda and Britain , inclulding other commonwealth countries to fight the Sudanic tribes of the State of Lado .
1979 : In March 1979 , the Uganda Ethnic groups ( Bantu , Nilotics / Luo and Nilo hamatics and of Tanzania and other Africans held " Moshi Confrence " in Tanzania , finally to impliment the London Agreement of 1975 . 1978/9 : War was declared on Lado and its people ( predominately Sudanic race ) from 6th October 1978 to April 1979 , whereby 250,000 soldiers were assembled from all over the world especially from the British Commonwealth Countries and from the Political allies of Britain . In the diplomatic channel it was Denmark , a strong British ally who undertook running the diplomatic machinary to impliment the war and was the one who raised the issue in the United Nations under the cover that the war in Uganda was necessary to over throw the World ' s worst dictator ever known , General Idi Amin . General Idi Amin is a Kakua / Kuku Sudanic tribe in Lado . After the over throw of Idi Amin , the coming true President of Uganda Mr, Yusuf Lule said " the Nile is betwwen us " , confirming the existence of the two States : i.e , Lado ( since 1892 ) and Uganda ( since 1894 ) by International Treaty Conventions .
1980/1: From 1979 to 1981 massive massacres of the Sudanics in the Southern Lado , in Uganda and in other East African Countries inclulding total destruction of Properties in this part of Lado ( both Private and Public properties ) was carried out in order to occupy Lado land ( cf ; Uganda plans of 1967 and Uganda decree of 12 May 1980 , Art. 5 and Art. 10 ) , This was done with full cooperation of Tanzania .
1 January 2002 : Lado through the Act by the present Agofe sent a Petition to the UN Security Council and requested the UN Secretary General to act under Article 99 , and whereby the UN Secretary General " needs to do is to express his concern " for the Lado People and say that there is a Situation which is bad and Dangerous in Sudan Centra Africa - Lado and what is better , is to go about to implement the UN General Assembly Resolutions 43 / 47 of 22 November 1988 , UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 and Article 1 and Article 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945. In any case of legal complications and Difficulties on the question ( Decolonisation ) of LADO, the UN General Assembly can refer the matter of LADO to the International Court of Justice for the Advisory Opinions . This will eventually result in the Formal Recognition of the State of LADO as an Independent, Sovereign Nation State (LADO) in Central Africa which will restore LADO to its former Historical Status as a Sovereign Nation State ( LADO ) .
Year 2005 : A different picture appeared on world political affairs ; ' Nairobi Agreement held in Kenya ' of 9 January 2005 which was to bring Peace between the Rebel Forces SPLM ( Sudan People's Liberation Movement ) and the Sudan Government in Khartoum was reached . There is / was no doubt that , behind the move was the long - term Objective to Destroy Lado , the Lado State in Central Africa situated in the Great Lakes Region and in the Nile-Congo Watershed Region , which is falsely shown on the map as Southern Sudan and DR Congo . But it is the Northern Territory of Lado ( " Equatoria and Ituri Province of Lado " since 1871 ) .
Lado Wiped off the World Map by Britain
Lado was wiped off the World Maps in 1947 after 34 years of unsuccessful Occupation by the British from 1913 . Before 1913 Lado was an Independent and Sovereign Country , the size of the British Isles , with its Constitution drawn from 1772 , and is situated at the Upper Nile Valley in the Nile-Congo Watershed Region , and since 1871 called Equatoria as a part of the Ottoman Empire's Divide and Rule Policy . Lado was Administered through Egypt by Britain The British Influence started when they signed the Constantinople Agreement in May 22, 1887 , when they administered Lado through Egypt , which incidentally was then a possession of the Ottoman Empire .
The first two Governor's of Lado, Col. Sir Samuel White Baker (1871-1873) and Col. Charles George Gordon (1874-1876) were appointed through the British , but their salaries were paid by the Ottoman Empire .
British Pretended not to be a Part .
Note : Colonel Charles George Gordon the Appointed Governor of Lado after Sir Samuel White Baker abandoned Lado , he never set foot to live in Lado but gave the resposibility of Lado to an Italian Soldier , Captain Romolo Gessi to maintain Relations with Lado for him .
From 1876 - 1878 two American Colonels were Governors of Lado , namely : Colonel , Henry G. Prout and Colonel , Alexander A. Mason and neither the British nor the American Governors lasted very long as formal Occupiers of Lado . Officially , the British pretended that they did not have a part in it with United states ( USA ) Colonels being American Governors in Lado . This is perhaps and because of the Sovereignty of Lado was still under the Ottoman / Turkish Control .
The other reason was that France was fighting Britain over Egypt which would later and secretly become under Military Occupation by Britain in 1882 .
1879 - 1889 Another , German Prussian Edward Karl Schnitzer tried with a bit of more luck from 1879 to 1889 . Gov. Schnitzer in more or less pretended and became a Moslem and took the name " Emin Pasha " to gain more support from Ladoans through Religion uses.
British Knack / Capacity for Secrecy
The British have always had a knack for Secrecy and have made their Fame from the ' hiding behind the bush ' Game and Method , and that is especially obvious in the case of Lado in Central Africa. The British logo has been and is always that of the Three Monkeys , who don't Hear , don't See and don't Talk , and even in the extraordinary case that they should see, they certainly don't talk. Another term for that kind of Policy, is very much practised in the EU ( European Union ), in the WTO ( World Trade Organisation ) and in other such Clubs , is the Closed Doors Policy .
The Question of Lado was raised for the first time in the United Nations at a UN Conference lasting from 28 April to 15 May 1947 by the then Soviet Permanent Representative to the U.N., Andrei A. Gromyko , who later became the Foreign Minister of the USSR. On this Conference , which incidentally was called by Britain , three Key Issues were discussed , i.e. the Palestine Question , the creation of the new State of Israel , and the Independence of Lado . Lado was Cheated The decision at the U.N. was to grant all three parties Independence , but as everyone knows , only one of these decisions was implemented with the realisation of the State of Israel in 1948 . A lot of bloodshed , anger , pain and millions of displaced and stateless persons have up to now been the result of the lack of implementation of the Palestine and Lado Questions. By the way , now , there remains to be granted Independence to eighteen countries in the World , of which the five are the Palestine , East Timor , Western Sahara , Lado and St. Helena.
Lado not in the Public Eye
The first three countries , the Palestine , East Timor and Western Sahara , are on the verge of Independence because they have for a long time been burning issues and in the Focus of the Public Eye making their Suffering and Quest for Freedom a Matter of Conscience for the People of the World . However , the Plight of Lado and St. Helena , both African Nations and both under foreign occupation ( Lado under Britain / Belgium , St. Helena under Britain ) , has been that of oblivion , covert oppression and shadow boxing on behalf of the two countries .
Lado and St. Helena in the Same Boat.
Lado is in exactly the same boat as St. Helena as their issues have never been allowed to be discussed in the open and as all topics concerning them have been swept under the carpet . Yet , it is known , the question of National Identity is one of crucial importance to any Man , and the Right of all People on the Planet Earth. Although it is even one of the foremost Principles of the United Nations Charter , the Lado Peole and the St. Helena People have been denied the Right to even exist , let alone their Independence . The very name Lado especially is the Forbidden Word in the World of Politics and Diplomacy , and not least on the African Continent where there is severe Penalty , even Death , for expressing a single syllable about Lado and its existence as a Nation State or a People . Lado is never called by its True Name but heard of always through the , referred to , as either the unruly North-Western Region or West Nile of Uganda , the North-Eastern Region of Congo , or even Equatoria Region of Sudan or now as Southern or South Sudan Independent Region , but never by its true and genuine name Lado . In fact the mere mention of the name Lado triggers a jittery shock in Diplomatic circles , as it is becoming an increasingly embarassing issue for the former Colonial Powers spearheaded by Britain, its Commonwealth Countries and Institutions enforced by their musclemen their American cousins - United States of America , USA ( meaning through the powers of the old Virginia Company ). The Hidden Agenda But then it is no wonder that , the Lado Question has become such a Hot Potato to the Ruling Powers of the World when you consider that the Hidden Agenda of the Anglo/American Conglomeration is to create a new state on Lado Land ( Territory ) by the name of Southern or South Sudan . The idea is to hand over Lado Land to Black Americans , as it was done in Liberia , which will help " White America " to get rid of some of its Black Citizens that constantly remind them of their infamous and shameful Slave Past . So , Annihilation of Lado People is best for them to do on the African soil still . Annihilation of Lado People Invariably this scheme will involve the Annihilation of the Rightful Owners of Lado Land , the Indigenous People of the Luu , Lui , Luo and Lue origins . These are the National Identities of Lado , and this explains why the name Lado is not even whispered in the Corridors of Power . Note : Lado has been is still occupied , but never colonised , since 26 May 1871 by an International Force led by the US military based in Egypt .
The Covert / Secreet Operations
The Force, which operated under the pretext of fighting the Slave Trade, was the " NATO " of that day (1871), and as history goes yet , another American President, General Ulysses Simpson Grant had been manipulated (or forced) by the British Crown to do the dirty work under the auspices of an under-cover Agreement of the Ottoman Empire Sovereignty of which Egypt was a Possession at the time. Now the implementation of the Creation of this new " Slave State ", and part of the Secret Anglo - American Colonisation Program of Africa , was preceded by a recent Fact - Finding Mission to Lado carried out by the Congressmen : Donald M. Payne (a Black American) and Tom Tancredo , and Senator Sam Brownback . US Congress Passed Resolution to Invade only . Coinciding with the Mission of these three Gentlemen , a Resolution was passed in the US Congress in June 1999 that the US is to supply Arms and Finances to the South Sudan Liberation Army and the South Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement under the pretext of fighting the Arabs in North Sudan . Part of the Scheme , and the Reason for the Passing of the Resolution in Congress , was to conjure a deliberate Misinformation on the whole situation in the Region which was / is to hide the Real Reason , namely to destroy Lado as a Country and its People , exactly the same way that North Atlantic Treaty Organisation ( NATO ) was trying to destroy Serbia and its People .
NATO Operation in Africa
One only sees it as the pre-parations for a new NATO Operation which will use Uganda and Kenya as their Bases and Buffer Zones . The Lado People will be the Targets at the receiving end , and Lado Land will be used as the new Testing Ground for their impressive and High-Tech Bombing / Weapons sprees. Who says World Peace ? The Bluff they are calling is to make the World believe that the South Sudan People are in Dire Circumstances and desperately in need of Help to liberate themselves.
However , the fact is that , the so called South Sudan is encapsulating part of the North Lado Territory occupied ( divided into two Regions of East and West Equatoria which have been first placed forming the Southern Region Areas of the Unified Republic of Sudan State : North and South Sudan United in 1899 and even after independence in 1956 ) . The Regions of East and West Equatoria are inhabited by Luu , Lui , and Lue People . The Rebel War of the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement ( SPLM ) was fought , not in South Sudan as such , but in Lado ( called Equatoria from 20 May 1871 ) , as the real South Sudan People and the border line with Lado is situated five degrees north of the Lado Border .
These South Sudan People , living inside the Republic of Sudan are : Dinka , Nuer , Anuak and Shilluk , Jo Luo Native Black People Africans and including Arab Native descendents who have no connection and Politically so , whatsoever to Lado and Lado People . Consequently , the Phony War in Sudan was being fought and will be ever fought in the Wrong Place and by the Wrong People and for the Wrong Reasons under the pretext of the Christian Victims versus the Cruel Arab Muslims in North Sudan . But the whole issue is different .
The Black South Sudan people of Sudan are only the claimed Christian inventions as an issue to use by the Anglo / Americans fighting to preserve the South Sudanese people in Sudan in their Covert Campaign of the War against Lado and the hated Lado people yet in the series of Wars which are going on over the Occupation of Lado as cited already in the writings here .
US Mission Misinformed
The US Fact-Finding Mission was based in the town Yei , which is in the Heart of Lado , and very far away from South Sudan , and yet the Honourable Senators and the Congressmen failed to see that they were physically been enjoying the Hospitality and received the Protection of the People of Lado , and not the People of South Sudan . Instead they manufactured a totally false Report which fatally resulted in the disastrous Resolution passed by the US Congress in June 1999 , a Resolution which invariably resulted in the Commitment of the US Government and the Deployment of US Troops , Arms and Finance to fight inside Lado with the British Crown which remained and still remains in Charge now carrying out the Overall and Tactical Activities ( the Brain and the Muscle ) : The game is played through all the institutions of the British Crown , and some of the most useful on-the-spot players are Uganda , Kenya and South Africa to which country all destructive weapons were / being and will always be shipped and distributed . For this reasons Peace or War rests with Britain over Lado .
The whole Issue of Peace or War , since the Queen's Promise in 1954 , rests still with the former Labour Government , that same Party which was in power under Prime Minister , Clement Richard Attlee in 1947 when the Issue of Lado's Independence was discussed in the United Nations . The only difference now is that the new coming parties , Party such as the "New Labour Party “ and others onto come, can be seen whether the new on coming of their Prime Ministers , will have the courage to honour Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's Word of 1954 , tenths , of years ago till todate . Lado Independence But we all know Lado will still go ahead and declare the Independence of Lado as a Sovereign Nation State in the Heart of Mother Africa and therefore to relieve its restless mind . So what it is really all about is touching the Soul of the Individual Ladoan is , by Releasing , Educating and Training his Mind like Cultivating a Rare Fruit , making People aware of the Fact that he or she no longer lives in the Middle Ages or in the Age of Bondage and Slavery in Africa (1440-1840) by the same people , Euro / Arabs , and that is , it is OK for him /her to be Free and to Think freely for himself /herself . This is a Brand New Millenium (21 centuary a.d.) , and a time in the Human History when people are Liberating themselves from the Common Consciousness and to be Individuals who are Responsible for their own Actions , and even more importantly , Responsible for their Failure to Act .
Truely , The Blame cannot be Pushed.
That is why like all Africans or the blacks as a whole can , no longer push the Blame for Injustice and Atrocities on to different people alone , whether they be National or Worldwide on a Globalised Planet . People in all have a Task to do for Justice and Peace , and people are no longer Blind - Minded . Whether the Individual be African , Asian or European , American , the Issue is the same : There is no 'cop-out ', no Escape from taking a Stand and Act or Speak up against Injustice or Oppression in the face of all , once one knows the Truth and the Facts in this Age of Information and Communications . Perhaps as is often quoted in the Christianity saying of Jesus , who said : When two People Act in the name of God , then God Listens and Blesses . So an Individual should not be afraid to do something which he or she knows in his or her Heart is Right , Justice he / she does and will Benefit the Others too . No Escape , as in Africa the Colonial Way of thinking is still prevailing , and so far it has been a Heavy Task to Liberate the African Minds . So many People in Africa have grown accustomed to Identify themselves with the Culture and Language of the European Colonisers that they find it extremely hard and difficult to break out of their Mental Prisons . Surely , and after four hundred years of Slavery and two hundred years of Foreign Occupation and Colonisation , this African State of Mind is Understandable - but it is no longer any Excuse which can be used as a Sleeping Pill or a Drug to quell the over-whelming Fear . Decolonisation Mind Process is Vital Unless the Decolonisation Process is carried out - i.e. the Mind is Liberated to assume full Responsibility for its own Situation - the Situation in Africa will never change , and in the End really we might even lose or are loosing our own Land Continent to Foreigners now and once for all : the Native Black Race in his / her Mother Continent is wiped off . It is as well worthy to note and to remember that : all it takes is Two People , Two Minds and know what Sovereignty means to the Africans and what to do holding that Spirit up , of the Organisation of African Unit from its very Start on the conference day of 1945 at Manchester and start reviewing where the wrong steps were taken or are taking place while implementing the still OAU Charter till todate . And the Africans must also know and be aware of the High Price to Pay as the Price for Freedom and Independence as always any where on the world , is incredibly high , there is no way back for the Africans still and in Particular for the Lado people not to think of taking the National Responsibilities , to take the Matters of Independences and full Sovereignty issues within the Continent of Africa and be into their own Hands as Africans .
The Defination term of AGOFE derives from Lugbari or Lugbara Language of Lado and is the Highest and a Noble Legal Title equivalent of a King or Chief of State which was and is still vested in the Person Ruler of Lado Kingdom since from 847 a.d through 1772 when Lado had its Constitution drawn on 9th May 1772 till todate 3000 a.d . The Agofe as a King defended the Nation States of Lado Kingdom through the Arabs and European Colonisation Periods and till todate , and this Title has been mantained of a Legal Official use in the Lugbari or Lugbara Nation - Tribe Society and in all other 29 Nation - Tribes Societies of Lado Kingdom in Africa . The Title is in use for more than 14 Generations now , that is including the present ruling AGOFE of today , His Majesty CULU John Bart Agami Onzima II in the Political History of Lugbari and Lado Political Affairs to the present time . The Agofe himself is a Lugbari or of Lugbara Tribe . The AGOFE in short , brief to say , is not a Cultural Leader only for the Lugbari tribe as stated or known in Uganda or recognised by the Uganda Government as such - cf : [6]
Before we see how the Term Agofe came to be introduced , lets take a look briefly as to who are the Lugbari or Lugbara People in the Kingdom State of Lado in Sudan Central Africa . The Lugbari people and as a Nation Identity came around by the lime lights of its heroes : Jaki Lolo , Dribidu Tere and Sambala Naiga who have been the Three Hero-Founders of the Lugbari Nation at the Foot Mountain of Mt. Rejaf in todays South Sudan . The Lugbari people are generally considered or are the descendants of the Moru and Madi tribes .
Other important Mountain areas of Lugbara are : Mt. Luku , where Hero Sambala died and was buried ,
Mt. Iti , where Dribidu Tere , Aneclata Atabua , Lemiro and Ayingani died and were buried , in todays Uganda
Mt. Liru , where Jaki Lolo died and was buried , in todays Uganda too .
One thing is uncertain and that is about the Lugbari history where they are told lies every second and in their book writings by the European Colonialists and especially by Britain and the people of Uganda about the Tribe Nation Identity of the Lugbari Identity Issues . The Noble Lie Elitists are very adamant about this idea of their noble lie ; the use of their lie to attain a " positive goal " . In their view , average citizens in Lado lack the capacity to understand the Bigger Political and Social picture , so must be lied to in order to make then ( Ladoans ) do what is best for themselves. Of course , their vision of what is best for the Ladoans Culture always seems to include first and foremost what is best for them . This Noble lie is a logical fallacy of epic proportions , and One often wonders if global elitists secretly doubt its legitimacy . If you need to lie to people in order to get them to accept your ideas , then there must be something terrible wrong with your ideas . Ideas with vitality and honesty do not need to be sold to the public through chicanery ; the truth takes on a life of its own . Only destructive philosophies need a foundation of lies in order to take root . The Defination of Agofe is not as is presented so by the Government of Uganda . And right now , the Ladoans are working discretely with all their might to wrest this mysterious force being used to destroy the immage of the AGOFE of the Kingdom State of Lado . By the way , Even Insects do have history - What of the Lugbari or Lugbara and their Contribution to their State Kingdom of in Sudan Central Africa ? Not to Forget ! The Kingdom-State of Lado came about from the 13th and 14th Centuaries in the period of Re-organisation of the Region ( Central Africa ) based on the Tribal Philosophy in order to ensure a proper care and a better Social Services to the People consisting of the The 29 Tribes of Lado Re-organised and are existing till todate with their Affiliation to the State Kingdom of Lado .
The History and the Lado Constitution of 1772 under the Office of His Majesty AGOFE of the Kingdom State of Lado as a National Entity Kingdom in Central Africa dates back to 9 May 847 a.d , though the name and the People contained in the Present 29 Nation-Tribes of Lado can be traced back to around 700 b.c . The Lado Constitution was passed on 9 May 1772 , after the 60-year War with the Arab Slave traders and gave Executive Powers to the Agofe to defend the Kingdom of Lado . The Constitution also gave institutional powers to women in particular , where women of Lado held and hold onto running too , till todate , of the Official duties of the State Kingdom of Lado .
The Office of the Agofe in the Kingdom State or KAARI of Lado is THE GREEN BUREAU The Exercise of Power Under the AGOFE of LADO KINGDOM is divided under ORIJORU - TI or Dicastries , and in order to prevent any Abuse of Power or Excesses in the whole Structure of the State of Lado , three Controlling Bodies of Government , were established by the Constitution of Lado , namely :
1. The Legislative Council / or Joroti in Lugbara - Lado Language ,
2. The Executive Council / or Okurujoti in Lugbara – Lado Language ,
3. The Judicial Council / or Liimati in Lugbara - Lado Language .
Each Dicastry or Orijoru-ti in Lugbara Language is headed by the Coordinator of State who is assisted by the Secretary of State . Each Dicastry has five Directorates each headed by the Director General who is assisted by the Under Secretary of State . Each Directorate is then divided into Departments which are headed by Directors who are assisted by Assistant Secretaries of State. All other Affairs of the State are handled by the Lado Civil Service Staff who are selected in accordance with their Skills , Professional Qualities and Merits . Responsible for the Employment , Promotions and Pensions is the Lado Civil Service Commission , which is placed directly under the Prime Minister ( Keego ) . The Commission is also responsible for the Employment and the Recruitment of the Military and Diplomatic Service Staff of Lado . In the event that any of the People in the Top Hierarchy of State should be engaged in the Abuse of Power against the State and against the Citizens of Lado , be guilty of Misdemeanours or Treason , they will be Impeached . That applies to those who hold the Offices of the State , such as the Prime Minister , the Governor , the Coordinator of State , the State Secretary , the Judges , the Ambassadors and other State Holders of Lado Kingdom . N.B : As one of the Fundamental Rights of the Citizens of Lado , according to Lado Constitution , the Lado Political System allows for the Freedom of Expression , the Freedom of Assembly and the Freedom of Association , both in Political and Non-Political Organisations , such as Political Parties , Interest Groups , Pressure Groups , etc... etc..... . The future of the Kingdom State of Lado for any changes to do lies within the wishes of the Citizens of Lado in the Constitution Reviews to do so by the Referendum they will do for it .
26 May 1871 : Major General Sir Samuel White Baker became the first Governor General to Rule Lado for the Khedive of Ottoman Empire.
1873 : General Charles . G . Gordon took over from Sir Samuel White Baker but stayed at Khartum in Sudan without stepping in Lado .
1914 : A Senior Police Officer Arthur Evelyn Weatherhead became representing the British Interests in West Nile / Lado through Uganda . He ( Weatherhead ) waged continual wars against the Lugbari of Lado for fighting the British in Lado area c.f : or read about the Quotes notes about him :
" A.E. Weatherhead was a British colonial administrator who served in South Africa, Uganda and the Seychelles. Arthur Evelyn Weatherhead became the first District Commissioner of West Nile District. In 1914, the Southern portion of the Lado Enclave was assigned from Belgium to Uganda under the British Protectorate. Weatherhead took over the administration of the 'New Area' and built a station in Arua, the present headquarters. He drew the first plan of Arua Town. Locally, Weatherhead was nicknamed Njerekede/ Ejerikedi (a brave honest man they could trust and who trusted them). A road in Arua is named after him, that is the Weatherhead Park Lane. It starts from the Main Roundabout adjacent to the Golf Course and extends east towards the Presidential Suite in Anyafio Village. He waged continual war against Lugbara groups in an attempt to impose British Colonial Rule. He referred to the Lugbara as “wild and unattractable”, and as “shy and unorganized”, requiring “severe measures before submitting to administration”. Following the British policy of indirect rule, he used the chiefs appointed by the Belgians for administration and control . "
ITALIAN NATIONAL DEPUTY GOVERNOR GENERAL 1873 : Captain Romolo Gessi ( became the Right hand side of as a Vice-Roy to General Charles Gordon in Lado as Gordon apparently refused to Stay and and step in Lado ).
A GERMAN - PRUSSIAN NATIONAL GOVERNOR GENERAL 1878 : Dr Eduard Schnitzer nick named or took out to be known as or called Emin Pasha as he turned out to be a Moslem became the Governor General of Lado and was the luckiest to have ruled for 10 years for the Khedive of the Ottoman .
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - ( USA ) NATIONAL GOVERNOR GENERALS 1876 -1878 : The two Governor Generals were : Colonel Henry . G . Prost and Colonel Alexandra . A . Manson .
Belgium Top Commandants and Governor Generals stationed at Uele and at Capital town in Lado :
17 Feb 1897 - Nov 1897 : Louis Napoléon Chaltin (1st time ) ,
Nov 1897 - 15 Dec 1898 : Léon Charles Edouard Hanolet ( 1st time ) ,
15 Dec 1898 - 1 May 1900 : Jean Baptiste Josué Henry de la Lindi ,
1899 - 1900 : Gustave Ferdinand Joseph Renier ,
1 May 1900 - Mar 1902 : Louis Napoléon Chaltin (2nd time) ,
Mar 1902 - Jan 1903 : Léon Charles Edouard Hanolet ( 2nd time ) ,
1900 - Jan 1903 : Gustave Ferdinand Joseph Renier ,
Jan 1903 - 24 Mar 1904 : Georges François Wtterwulghe ,
Jan 1903 - Aug 1903 : Albéric Constantin Édouard Bruneel ,
Aug 1903 - Mar 1905 : Henri Laurent Serexhe ,
24 Mar 1904 - 1904 : Florian Alexandre François Wacquez ( acting for Wtterwulghe to 8 May 1904 ) ,
1904 - May 1907 : Ferdinand, baron de Rennette de Villers-Perwin ( acting to Aug 1906 ) ,
Mar 1905 - Jan 1908 : Guillaume Léopold Olaerts ,
Jan 1908 - Apr 1909 : Léon Néstor Preud'homme ,
Apr 1909 - 1910 : Alexis Bertrand ,
1910 - Jun 1910 : Charles Eugène Édouard de Meulenaer .
And Compare this Situation of the Governor Generals of Uganda only from , of one Source - from Britain only as an example commonly of the Foreign Governor Generals in Africa to which the Countries , the Europeans easily gave them Independences . LADO IS REALLY UNIQUE IN AFRICA FOR HER INDEPENDENCE THEN !
The Commissioners of Uganda ,1893–1910
1 Apr 1893 – 30 May 1893 : Sir Gerald Herbert Portal ,
30 May 1893 – 4 Nov 1893 (acting) : James Ronald Leslie MacDonald ,
4 Nov 1893 – 10 May 1894 : Sir Henry Edward Colville ,
10 May 1894 – 24 Aug 1894 (acting) : Frederick Jackson ,
24 Aug 1894 – Dec 1899 : Ernest James Berkeley ,
Dec 1899 – Nov 1901 : Sir Harry Hamilton Johnston ,
Nov 1901 – 20 Nov 1907 : Sir James Hayes Sadler ,
20 Nov 1907 – 31 Jan 1910 : Sir Henry Hesketh Joudou Bell ,
1 Feb 1910 – 18 Oct 1910 : Sir Harry Edward Spiller Cordeaux .
The Governors of Uganda, 1910–1962
1910 - 1911 : Sir Harry Cordeaux ;
1910 – 1911 (also Commissioner in early 1910 ) ,
1911 - 1918 : Sir Frederick Jackson ,
1918 - 1922 : Sir Robert Coryndon ,
1922 – 1925 : Sir Geoffrey Archer ,
1925 – 1932 : Sir William Gowers ,
1932 - 1935 : Sir Bernard Henry Bourdillon ,
1935 - 1940 : Sir Philip Mitchell ,
1940 - 1945 : Sir Charles Dundas ,
1945 - 1952 : Sir John Hathorn Hall ,
1952 - 1957 : Sir Andrew Cohen ,
1957 - 1961 : Sir Frederick Crawford ,
1961 - 1963 : Sir Walter Coutts:
1961 – 1962 (also Governor-General until 1963).
Source of References : Lado News : [7]
Lado Enclave : [8]
South - West of Lado ceded to Uganda thus illegally becoming as West Nile : [9]
Book Reading reference informations on Lado : Equatoria : The Lado Enclave ( General Studies Series ) by C. H. Stigand ( AUTHOR )
Writer :
Ronald Okuonzi Lulua - N.C
Senior Government Officer
Provisional Government in Exile State Kingdom of Lado
goldenladyfun that is a trivial and silly remark. Oil was not a sought after commodity when the colonial era was in full swing. The internal combustion engine was invented in the 1880s I seem to recall, and took some time to popularise. In any case the later thirst for oil wasn't some kind of criminal behaviour as your cynicism seems to imply. Should the West have behaved differently given the way the world was at the time?
LADO, what is the point of your voluminous post? (Interesting though it is). If you dip into the history of the world at any point you find very similar things - conquests, murders, weak or strong leaders, disputes about ownership, etc., etc., so the history you relate isn't really special or outrageous. You soon realise that the colonial era was quite tame stuff in comparison with what went on further back in time.
The early part of LADO's post describes what is known in European history as the "Scramble for Africa". It is understandable, surely, that the attitude prevailed that your country must get its share before the rival country took everything. Should we have stood back with a polite "Arfter you!" I don't think so.
At the Berlin Conference in 1885, Britain asked for and got the northern areas of the continent, which neighboured Egypt.
The point of this voluminous post is a recollection of all the facts of what happened has been happening and what is happening in of the population of the people in this part of Africa , Sudan Central Africa still . It is about their Struggling for their Independence since and starting from 1947 . These population people are being denied and purposely being dodged by Britain and Belgium for their Independence as said in the History Story post here . IT SEEMS A BLOODY WAR FRONT IS LEFT OPEN , BREAKING UP FROM TIME TO TIME IN THIS Region . Reasons are hereby given before hand as in this Voluminous post now : the War of Freedom against the British still sustaining it to happen steadly inorder to eliminate the whole population which is still a head ache to them - the British especially .
The point of this voluminous post is a recollection of all the facts of what happened has been happening and what is happening to the population of the people in this part of Africa Sudan Central Africa still . It is about their Struggling for their Independence since and starting from 1947 . These population people are being denied and purposely being dodged by Britain and Belgium for their Independence as said in the History Story post here .
IT SEEMS A WAR FRONT IS OPEN - IN BREAK UP BITS IN THIS Region . Reasons are hereby given before hand as how it is happening in this Voluminous post : the War of Freedom against the British . The British adore such ware programs and strategically sustain it to happen inorder to eliminate the population ( the Ladoans ) which is still a head ache to them - the British .
One thing is that Britain keeps the so called other independent African Countries tightly under its Control through a sysytem it created : the Commonwealth philosophy .
What is Commonwealth to Africa ?
The Article 15 of Berlin Treaty gave the European Colonizers the Legal Right to own the Land and the People and enabled the 400 year-old slave trade (1440-1840) to continue in a modern-day modified system of slavery. The old African Kingdoms were in fact transformed into Slave States, and still today they are kept in the stranglehold of Colonial Power. Some of these powers are Britain, France, Portugal, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and even Denmark who formerly occupied Ghana and later sold it to Britain. The legality of the Berlin Treaty was derived from the Paris Conference which was concluded on 3 August 1875, the aim of which it was to enslave the Africans in their own continent. Under the pretext that slave trade was inhuman, the European and American leaders came to an understanding and concluded that it would be more profitable to enslave the Africans in their own African continent under European administration who would bring the " blessings " of civilization, Christianity and commerce to the " backward " African souls.
This concept was termed " Terra Nullus ", in short the land of the continent of Africa belonged to the European and American Masters, and not to the Rightful Owners, the African People. The procedure for the practical implementation was laid down in the Berlin Conference which started 15 November 1884 and was concluded by signing the Berlin Treaty on 26 February 1885. In fact the Charter of the OAU ( Organization of African Union ) of 25 May 1963 was drawn up in such a way as to keep and maintain the Legal Validity of the Paris Conference of 1875 enshrined in the Berlin Treaty in 1885. This ingenious way of controlling the African people is surpassed only by the Spanish conquestadoros almost five hundred years ago who enslaved the Indian civilizations of Latin and South America and the Carribean Islands, including Cuba. The control is made complete by imposing the language of the Colonizers, i.e. Culture through the instrument of the education system, religion ( Christianity and later Islam ) as well as currency and military. When this was achieved the African was to be brought the idea of independence . The Independence issue which was only given by replacing the European Governors in the already divided countries by the blacks on coming leaders who attended the European education schools . These praised leaders by the Colonial Masters on days of Independence were made first to sign papers that their countries Independence would mean nothing to them as the countries would be / remain under the Suprem Authority of the Colonial Master . Meaning the issue of Soverenity can not be touched by the so called independent African countries . That is why there is no black individual African country still who dares is a Sovereign State in Africa . The best example is : all the English Speaking are tied down under the Soverenity Rights ( Legal Acts ) of the United Kingdom of Britain & Northern Ireland ; today's enlarged World wide Expansion ( Dominium ) of the Mighty United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland and together with this member countries as the CommonWealthwealth countries .
The CommonWealth is being futher subdivided into two : with small ( d ) dominium refering to all black countries and some Asian English speaking countries and the Big ( D ) Dominium refering to countries where the white colour europeans have remained leaders ; such is of the two Domains of the independent countries of Australia and Canada .
Therefore the Role of Commonwealth is still Slave Acts rule upon Africans . The African Countries , in General Political and Dilpomatic Affairs , are simply used to earn Voting powers in General Assembly meetings like in the United Nations meetings and of the other Organisarions to fulfill the Decisions making of the so called Super Powers who by Rights are the Sovereign powers to this countries . Non Sovereign Powers have No Capacity / Priority to make Decisions .
Thanks LADO. It's a big topic to get our minds around but I'm sure we get your drift - it's a curious leftover from a complicated history. Wikipedia has this to say about the Lado enclave:
"Previously a part of the Ottoman-Egyptian province of Equatoria, Lado came under the control of the British, who, under the stipulations of the 1894 British-Congolese Treaty, leased the area to King Leopold II of the Belgians for the period of his lifetime. In exchange, Leopold agreed to cede a strip of land in eastern Congo when construction of the Cape to Cairo railway was to begin. The enclave had an area of about 15,000 square miles (39,000 km2), a population of about 250,000 and had its capital at the town of Lado.
A Congo Free State force under Louis Napoléon Chaltin reached the Nile at the town of Bedden in the enclave in February 1897. Chaltin defeated the Mahdists there in the battle of Rejaf. This consolidated Léopold's claim to the Upper Nile, but Chaltin did not have the forces to do more, although he had been instructed to continue on towards Khartoum.[1]
The northernmost post was Kiro, on the west bank of the Nile a short distance above the British post at Mongalla. Edward Fothergill visited the Sudan around 1901, basing himself at Mongalla between Lado to the south and Kiro to the north, but on the east shore of the river. By his account "Kiro, the most northern station of the Congo on the Nile, is very pretty and clean. Lado, the second station, is prettier still". However, he said that although the buildings were well made, they were too closely crowded together.[2]
The Lado Enclave was important to the Congo Free State as it included Rejaf, which was the terminus for boats on the Nile. Rejaf was the seat of the Commander, the only European colonial official within the enclave, who were in place from 1897 to June 1910.
On 10 June 1910, following Leopold’s death, the district became a province of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and in 1912 the southern half was ceded to Uganda, then a British protectorate.[3] Later Gondokoro, Kiro, Lado and Rejaf were abandoned by the Sudanese government, and no longer appear on modern maps.[4]"
This topic is beyond me, I'm afraid; one would need to be an international lawyer or a Foreign Office official to be in a position to take a view.
QUOTE : You soon realise that the colonial era was quite tame stuff in comparison with what went on further back in time.
The big issue behind this '' quite tame stuff '' is that it has been and was programmatic plans of A blue Print . The Americans - USA / Anglo - Americans excell in that now . Watch what is going on now .
One day the Anglo / Americans will wonder :
Here the question is for you : Can a military tiptoe onto a continent ? It seems the unlikeliest of images , and yet it’s a reasonable enough description of what the U.S. military has been doing ever since the Pentagon created an Africa Command ( AFRICOM ) in 2007. It’s been slipping , sneaking, creeping into Africa , deploying ever more forces in ever more ways doing ever more things at ever more facilities in ever more countries -- and in a fashion so quiet , so covert , that just about no American has any idea this is going on . One day , when an already destabilizing Africa explodes into various forms of violence , the U.S. military will be in the middle of it and Americans will suddenly wonder how in the world this could have happened .
I guess what you are describing is the U.S. reaction to the threat of Islamic terrorism; in which case that's all it is - a reaction to a threat. You will know better than I do that marauding terror gangs are wandering abroad on the continent, killing maiming and raping. Who is going to deal with the problem? Nobody?