Well in the uk where Im from we have a laws as you do the laws are statute law and common law
Common law gives me the rights as an individual to travel by air, land.and sea as a frman/ an individual with lawfull rights as every other living sole
Statute law is consented law which means any law that the government create has to go thru the houses of parliment in london and the house of lords then to its final destination buckingham pallace because our queen has to sign a piece of paper to say she agrees which his her consented before it becomes statute law
The reason for thisI is when queen elizebeth 11 became our queen she signed an oath as her ancesstorsed did but she signed the statute oath of office which meant she lost power over her country and the government tell her was goes from that day
Prior to this her accessestor king john who created the law which was named common law gave us the same rights as the queen and king at that time and we became the common wealth the queens people with the same rights under common law
However because she signed the statute oath she and we lost our common law rights however because of this when laws of today are made they have to be consented to before they become law which mean we have to consent to them too because we are the same status as our queen and when they become law their incorporated into the common law as it was so we became the united kingdom Ltd and not great britain we are now a company thats controlled by statute law of today however because I dont signe the piece of paper the queen signs means I dont consent to statute law until I do consent but thanks for the birth certificate given to me when I was not able to talk let alone consent to this document under that document I was a fictous person a corporation a company owned by the government! No thats im me a person with a living sole with commonlaw rights I have consented to any laws or the bith cert
SoI stand under common law not statute law
This is to explain my answer to your question which is NO they have no right did you consent to that law
magna carta will tell you if you go to www.freeman.co.uk
Because this applies to American all under common law uf they threaten you with court action upto you toaccept thier invitation because its a business contract your agreeing to the minute you walk in them doors
But if you go tell the judge your defending this summons under common law and when he asks your name and details put your birth cert in front of him as thats the corporate person summons to court then ask him to identify himself? He cant because hes under oath of office he signed the statute oath and your soveriegn same level as our queen ! Hes an imposterca criminal trying to get money out of you and thinks hes someone if fact your claiming defence under common law and he accepted that before you entered the court room and he has to accept it that court belongs to u ! Get out of my chair u should say and if the police are called explain that hes an imposter he wont identify himself when you asked him too cos he knows he cant because hes got no common law oath of office which means hes in contempt of court an arrestable offence our group www.lawfullrebellion.co.uk arrested our judge who has never sat in that chair since
All this advice goes for Americans to so if they come on your private property tell them you charge 10,000 dollars a minute you can charge what you see fit under your own law they will soon scarper and dont signe any document cos ur consenting to them over you thats what they want you to do hope you look into these facts so chill regards . Reader
Brilliant explanation of Common Law. However, when you accept any benefit from that governent such as money, financial assistance, driver's licence, mailing address, emergency telephone service, state run medical care, etc. it is assumed that you wish to consent to their laws and you come under their jurisdiction. This process of consent actually begins when you are born and registered with the government.
My answer would be that the police can do whatever they want whether it is lawful or not.