I beg to differ with you. There is a vast awakening taking place right now as the world is beginning to wake up from the dream state we have been placed in. The NWO can be stopped and are being stopped. See the movie, "They Live" and have hope.
I beg to differ with you. There is a vast awakening taking place right now as the world is beginning to wake up from the dream state we have been placed in. The NWO can be stopped and are being stopped. See the movie, "They Live" and have hope.
Take care
@GoldenLadyFun, funny that you should mention "They Live." In that movie, the hero didn't make it.
Certainly, we need to do what we can to help each other with compassion and love. The NWO will not make it despite their "power." They're using physical means and ego, both of which are vulnerable and temporary. Their actions are based upon selfishness (ego) and scarcity and that will be their undoing. That alone puts them behind the "8 ball," so to speak.
The world is awakening to what they're doing, but there is another awakening which is even more important. This is the awakening for which humanity and civilization were created. This is the awakening that this Apocalyptic Event and the first Apocalyptic Event (Noah's Flood) were allowed to manifest. We're not here to "have fun," build tall cities or launch star ships. These Homo sapiens bodies and the civilization they created are here to allow us to awaken spiritually. While we need to do everything to prevent the NWO from murdering hundreds of millions or even billions of us, our attention needs most to be on love and the oneness that is its intent. That includes forgiving the NWO psychotics, despite their crimes. They will pay for what they've done; we don't need to be concerned with that.
May the Source be with you, always.
Rod Martin, Jr. Writer, Scientist, Engineer, Artist
I know it cannot be stopped... But how to make it difficult for it to proceed any further ?
It kind of looks that way, doesn't it? But their power is based on physical things and that is temporary and vulnerable. There is a far greater power.
I agree with @GoldenLadyFun that there is an ongoing awakening to their crimes, but that is not the most important awakening. The spiritual awakening is, by far, the most important. The evils of the New World Order are helping to bring that to a head. The suffering is helping to shake us loose from physical bonds and attachments so we can find our spiritual consciousness and not be so dependent upon the physical one.
As for what we can do, there's plenty. And we need to do it. We need to show our compassion. That's part of the spiritual awakening.
We can inform other people so they, too, can wake up. We need to be loving and cordial, and never harsh and belligerent. We need to be a voice of loving reason and calm purpose. This storm shall pass, no matter how dark it seems to get. This is the chasm that we must cross and it is a very deep chasm.
Make yourself more knowledgeable so that you can answer the questions of those to whom you converse. For instance, if you talk about 9/11, know the facts, rather than hearsay. One prime resource is AE911Truth (dot) org. They have thousands of scientists, engineers and architects who don't have a vested interest in pleasing the corrupt American government. They have spoken out against the lies of the United States establishment and Corporate Party media. Here's an example:
Fact: World Trade Center 7 fell at perfect free fall for 8 floors (see NIST report and David Chandler YouTube video on WTC7 free fall).
Fact: Free fall means ZERO resistance to collapse. Anyone who has lived on a gravity planet for more than a few years will know this instinctively.
Fact: Solid steel never offers Zero resistance. Anyone who has ever touched solid steel will know its strength. If someone doesn't seem to get this, cordially invite them to attempt punching their fist through a solid steel beam. If they have an IQ above 80, they'll likely realize the futility of such an experiment right away.
Fact: WTC7 was built of solid steel beams. Therefore, WTC7 should not have collapsed at perfect free fall.
Fact: Only Controlled Demolition (CD) can remove all supporting steel beams instantaneously so that the building collapses at free fall as shown in the documenting videos of the event.
Fact: WTC7 was a highly secure building with many government agencies as tenants, including the CIA.
Conclusion: 9/11 was an inside job.
There is a great deal more evidence to support this, including tons of iron microspheres (recently molten and atomized, even when the jet fuel and office fires could not have melted steel or iron), and unspent nano-thermate incendiary-explosive material found in the 9/11 dust.
But there's also a great deal of corroborating evidence on the other side of the investigation -- means, motive and opportunity. Kevin Ryan's new book, "Another 19," reveals evidence about a much more likely group of terrorists who had far greater access to make 9/11 happen.
We also know that former federal prosecutor, Mayor Rudy Giuliani, committed felony destruction of crime scene evidence more than a year before the official investigation could be started. Why would he do that? It could not have been ignorance of the law.
We also know that the top military officers responsible for the massive security failures on 9/11 were given promotions instead of courts martial. Since when does the military reward incompetence?
It's easy to overwhelm someone who is new to the NWO and their crimes. We need to resist the temptation to dump everything in their lap. But be ready to answer any questions they have. And be ready to say, "I don't know," if you don't have the information or don't know it with accuracy.
So, my recommendation is to inform as many people as you can. Those who won't listen, merely leave them and move on to those who will.
Then, help people move beyond anger, confusion and depression. Help them to accept the state of things and give them the hope that there is a higher purpose to all this.
There is a pattern in the Bible and other religious texts which give us all the clues we need for the spiritual awakening -- the real purpose of all of this. It takes patience, humility and a deep hunger to find that pattern. But once you see it, you will understand how Noah's Flood and God allowing World War 3 are both acts of Love. That may be hard to grasp, at first. But this might help: Genesis 1:26 says that God created us in His image and likeness, but He is not Homo sapiens. So, who are we, really? Certainly more than carbon, @Carbon.
I hope this helps.
Rod Martin, Jr. Writer, Scientist, Engineer, Artist
Sadly, most of the "news" events which are paraded daily in front of the world is fake. After the 911 event we have to go back and take another look at all sorts of events that we thought were random and we see that they were all orchestrated, fabricated, twisted, false flagged and created. I am particularly thinking about the London 7/7 event, the boston event, many of the U.S. mass shootings, the Madrid train bombing, the recent high speed train derailment, the train derailment in Germany, katrina, Waco, Oklahoma City, the Red Bridgade kidnappings and many other porported terrorist events. It seems that they are all fake. Now we have to rething the occupying of the U.S. Embassy in Teheran, Kobar towers bombing, and on and on.
The truth is all of these history changing events were FAKE! For what purpose I do not know. Now it has come out that Michael Jackson was deliberately murdered along with hundreds of other musicians and film stars. The few black ops agents who have come forward have been silenced.
Also, I speculate that a few of the people who were supposed to be on those 911 aircraft are still alive such as Barbara Olsen on Flight 77.
I do not believe Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was ever shot in the head. As a person who has had a slight brain damage there is no way she could walk and speak and go home fully functioning. When you try to research her background it is as made up as the President's. When you see how she became a Congress Woman its weird. And the fact that she is married supposedly to an astronaut whose twin brother also is an astronaut (they look identical). This is more hollywood than believable. The only thing missing is a big cuddly dog named lassie.
I believe the real target of this psyop are the people of the world who are forced to look at the shocking pictures no matter what. My family will not have a TV in the house because of this. Yet even on the search engine "startpage" they had placed the news that the NSA is monitoring your email. Why is it so important that we get their "news". There is a reason. What would happen if we all just simply got rid of their TV's? What if we stopped watching. A researcher, Ole Dammegard has written that all of these events have a common thread going back hundreds of years. I think he is right.
A few years ago, the mindsets on display here were claiming vociferously that the Apollo moon landings were fake. Own up RodMartinJr and goldenladyfun - were you amongst them?
I think Sir you should learn to question what you think you know especially when they have proven in the past to be liars. It is not important who is right and who is wrong. Free men and women should question instead of just accepting at face value what they are told.
I agree with you up to a point, but it's just that I don't push the principle to quite the extent that you do. We in Britain have the example of Tony Blair and his claim that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction that could be mobilised against us in just 45 minutes. Evidently Blair's motive in making this false claim was to ensure that he received the necessary parliamentary support to attack Saddam's regime. He really did sense that Saddam was a military threat - a cunning strategist who must be opposed with vigour, so all he was guilty of in that instance was over-egging to get his way.
Occam's Razor applies to many problems, so we don't need to look at quite EVERYTHING with a jaundiced eye, as I sometimes feel that you are apt to do. Everything that happens does not have to have conspiracy as its source - most things are straightforward developments or events - problems that need to be coped with or solved.
On a train yesterday I was reading a few more pages of Ben Macintyre's book 'Double Cross', about the spies used by both sides in WW2, and the following extract reminded me of goldenladyfun's 22 Sep post:
"With the outbreak of war, Britain was gripped by what Liddell called a "Fifth Column Neurosis", the unshakeable and all but universal belief that the country was riddled with enemy spies, preparing to rise up if Hitler launched an invasion. This fear was stoked by spy novels, an excitable press and a peculiarly British urge to play amateur sleuth. 'There is a well-defined class of people prone to spy-mania.' wrote Winston Churchill, who had the mania himself. These imagined spies came disguised as nuns, butcher's boys, churchwardens and travelling salesmen. They appeared perfectly respectable. The head of Home Forces insisted that 'the gentlemen who are the best behaved and the most sleek are the stinkers who are doing the work and we cannot be too sure of anybody'. A spy might look like your bank manager. Indeed, he might BE your bank manager. Robert Baden-Powell, the original Scout master, insisted he could identify a German spy from the way he walked, but only from behind. Reports flooded in to MI5 detailing the nefarious activities of this hidden spy army; they were poisoning the ice cream, leaving marks on telegraph poles to guide the invading forces, drugging cigarettes and training the inmates of lunatic asylums as suicide squads. When six cows stampeded on the tiny island of Eilean Mor in the Scottish Hebrides, this was immediately adduced to secret enemy activity. That the spies were invisible was merely proof of how fiendishly clever they were at disguising themselves."
I am sorry to say that everything you read about, see on TV or at the movie theatre is censored and manipulated to create a false reality. The Tavistock Institue as well as many other organizations were created in order to create a false reality. Mass mind control is just one method of creating that reality. The manipulation of public awareness is the intention of all governments.
Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud as well as many others have come forward to disclose their own roles in shaping public opinion. Carroll Quigley, The Club of Rome, the U.S. government in the NSSM document from the Pentagon and countless others have written and spoken openly about how they are manipulating the world. Bill Gates, Ted Turner and many others are constibuting Billions towards managing the world. The Duke of Edinburgh has openly stated that he wants to be reincarnated as a deadly virus. Read the United Nations document concerning their future ambitions for the populations of the world. What do you think George Bush Sr. was talking about when he announced that there was a New World Order? What did Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung and Pol Pot do in order to bring about a change in society? Under whose direction were they? Recent documents from the CIA reveal that they were all funded and placed in positions of power by powerful groups from England and the U.S. What is the current American President doing to earn the Noble Peace Prize they awarded him with? Is he making peace?
I have personnally corresponded with Dr Richard Alan Miller, one of the founders of the U.S. Navy Seals. He confirms the use of microwaves to control thoughts. Read the book, "Silent Weapons for Silent Wars". That all you see in the public eye is contrived is not even a question. That is old news. The problem we face today is to make people aware that they have been lied to by their governments and that what is called news and information is really part of the same beast. The easiest people to enslave are people who do not know that themselves are the targets.
As Harriet Tubman said, "I freed alot of slaves, but I could have freed thousands more if they had known that they were slaves.
I play chess, and one of the maxims in that game is "A bad plan is better than no plan at all". Thus it is only right that a nation should follow a path decided by its intelligentsia for otherwise it would collapse internally with its disparate arguing internal groups. Therefore, what you are telling us might be described over here as "Telling us the bleeding obvious". In Britain we have a thing called the Privy Council, who I guess really set our standards and subtly set the climate of opinion - and by definition we are never privy to what they discuss (this will be why it is assumed that we are all enthusiasts for the multicultural society, for example). Ordinary people are very pliable, don't you find, and they need to be given guidance on how they should think. Religionists know this very well.
In Britain in 1955, commercial television began (oddly enough we have Churchill to thank for it, if thanks is the right word), and I recall as a schoolboy hearing about high-level discussions regarding what rules they must follow vis a vis presenting the news to the nation. So, even as a schoolboy I realised that we must be being manipulated. BUT I DIDN'T MIND, because I had the sense to see that it kept the nation in harness and made us act in unison.