I left a relationship of duration of 32months.In that time i funded alot of the renovations inside and spent 2years working solely on painting, papering landscaping.When it was nearly compleleted my partner decided he didnt want to continue the relationship and i had to leave his property with him solely now enjoying the gains of my hard work and money.I believe i can try legaly to only get back the actual money i can prove i put into the property but can all the TIME i put into the property be included as it would have cost alot to have it done.Can i claim for this also?
Yes you can claim for your work and depending on the personal relationship situation you can also claim and get your fair share portion of the property as a settlemet for being in a relationship for 32 months. This becomes a family court matter and you will win dosent matter about if you didnt purchased the property
If you are not financial go to your local comunity legal service for advice. If you have money and want a good result where you wont be ripped of that will bite your former partner and wont rip you off and you live in sydney call Trevor Hall of Strathfield. They are good honest solicitors that get honest results that are fair