formerlyPrinceBernhard(Britishroyal)docunningagainstIndonesia(in 1945)to"play"withthe kingdom ofthe Netherlands,so theDutchroyal armycouldgo to Indonesiaand tryto colonizeagain. now(in 2013)aswellpretendtoSusiloBambangYudhoyono(President of Indonesia)togive the title of"Knightof the Crusades", the British Governmentgavesupport to thePapuanSeparatist Movementandsupport the opening ofa representative office"Free Papua"..Once you'recrafty,youwill stillscheming/crafty,self-professednoblebutactually lowerthanpigs.
Your opening remark is mistaken, for Prince Bernhard was born in Germany and he was a prince in Holland, not Britain.
As regards your other remarks, the upheaval of WW2 was immense so it isn't surprising that many changes resulted from it. Also, nations act in their own interest - another unsurprising fact.