hello everybody, i just wanna ask my left buttocks is so painful connecting to my right pelvic,the kind of pain is like something is shooting on that area.any body can give me an advice what i am going to do? thanks
Hi we can not give you advice here. We can give information. You must consult with a knowledgeable physician. But my guess is that there is a nerve that runs down the back of the leg. That nerve can become inflamed due to foods you are eating and a lack of nutrition.
Here are a few ideas: stop eating foods that contain sugar. Do not eat artificial sugar. Do not eat or drink manufactured or processed foods. Eat only natural organic foods like green vegetables. You also need Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's). This can be found in fish oil, krill oil, flax seed oil or hemp seed oil. Nuts unroasted are also very good. You need EFA's or Omega 3 Fatty Acids daily. Try Whey Protein without additives. No sodas, fast foods, pizza, bread, grains, wheat, barley, rye or oats, potatoes, rice, corn products, no cooking oils, no fried foods. You can use coconut oil by taking 1 tablespoon per day. Also try chia seeds.
Let us know if you have any digestive discomfort such as burping, gas, bloating, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, etc. You need to connect your symptoms to foods you have eaten within a few hours. Then eliminate those foods from your diet.
If you have digestive problems which I am sure you do, you need to correct them by increasing stomach acidity by taking apple cider vinegar daily, eating naturally fermented foods like Yogur, Kefir, Sauerkraut and Kimchi. You can by high grade multi strain probiotics. Take 80 Billion units per day. You may also need digestive enzymes such as lecithan, pancreatin, bile.
This would be a good place to start. If I were you.