dear sir :- my nomber is 0096566207965. I have problem acceded attemped hens i cant open my account pleanse help email is []thanks and regards.shahnawaz antule.
u have exceded allowd no atempts to registr your acount. Then goto. By system browsr only. You wil see to type your question. then type there any wrong word You will see no maches and now see at down of the page u'il look following line Ask your question by e-mail. now clik on mail icon after few second a form will open, fill form carefully and Type in massage following statement (Sir I have exceeded allowed number attempts to register my fring account My mobile number is ***.) And press submit In 8 days u'il reciv a mel by fring to inform u that u can rgistr now. Aftr reciv mel. u'ill go to yor mobil setting> aplication>manag application>fring. Then c**** on fring and clear data. press on stop. Now open fring and enter your number carefully and select continue. Now you will registered.