Yes you can. Begin drinking bone soup. Take any kind of bone and let it boil for 5 hours making a broth and drink it. Here are a few other tips I gave to someone on something else.
High blood pressure is a stress response due to a problem in the circulatory system. High blood pressure is not a disease in and of itself. By taking blood pressure pills you are hiding the symptoms of a problem rather than dealing with the problem. It is like turning the warning light off in your car. You still have a worsening problem which will ultimately kill you. Not only that but all medications work by poisoning the bodily systems. Now your body has to deal with that poison as well as whatever is the original problem. Learn more here: .
Therefore, it is obvious that your blood pressure continues to climb because whatever is your health problem it is getting worse and pills will not make it better. You become ill because you are not getting enough nutrition. That usually is caused by a deficiency of vitamins or minerals. I can get into all of that here. But lets just say you have to supplement and avoid the bad foods.
Here are a couple of easy things you can do: 1. Breathe deeply from the belly through the nose; all the way in and the belly goes out and blow out through the nose and tne belly goes in. This will immediately lower the blood pressure as you take in more oxygen. Do not hold your breath. Do it slowly and relaxed. 2. Drink plenty of clean distilled water. You need about 8 glasses throughout the day. Here are few other things, avoid grains, cereals, wheat, barley, rye and oats. No sodas, no sugar, no pasta, no breads, no artificial sweeteners or any other additives. You must supplement your diet otherwise you will be ill.
Anonymous try doing exercise by moving your hand up &down. Add warm salt water on the affected area. do massage very light strocks with olive oil mixed with lavender & rosemary oil. Thank you.